Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) skipped the White House meeting because he didn't have the time to sit around and listen to Obama lecture him, especially after he has proven to be a failure and outright lied that he has lifted the ban on drilling.

I think this would be my natural reaction to Obama if I was in his position. This is what they all should be doing.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama

By Daniel Strauss - 06/01/11 11:11 AM ET

A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama .

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Landry is skipping a White House meeting with the entire GOP House caucus. Obama will meet with House Democrats on Thursday.

Landry said he would not sit down with Obama to negotiate on a deficit reduction compromise until Obama produces his own budget plan.

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power, and yet all they can do is work to make Obama fail. One has to wonder if it would be better to crash the entire economy, stop support the old paid for SS and Medicare, and let corporations and wall street create another great depression. Well to do Americans are odd creatures that only work together when disaster strikes all. Sad bunch these greedy republicans. Big money has corrupted our nation's values in a way that is hard to fathom.

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Democracy after Citizens United | MIT World ]
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Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.
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"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.


They all walked out of the meeting and trashed everything he said. Cantor and Boehner are idiots, they didn't even comprehend anything that was said, guaranteed. Obama is so far beyond their grasp of anything that requires cognitive skills, it isn't even funny anymore.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.


They all walked out of the meeting and trashed everything he said. Cantor and Boehner are idiots, they didn't even comprehend anything that was said, guaranteed. Obama is so far beyond their grasp of anything that requires cognitive skills, it isn't even funny anymore.

Your worship of Obama borders on frightening at times, G. He's not the Messiah really - you do know that,right?

The longer we (as Americans) go on with this ridiculous bullshit, the longer our politicians have to bleed the nation dry. Is that what you want? If it is, that's fine but be honest about it. Don't pretend that you care about the country - as the founders intended it to be.

What I liked about Landry was that he doesn't kowtow to the POTUS. We need more politicians who focus on those who elected them and not some guy in the Oval Office. The President works for us, he doesn't own the country, he's an employee.
A small minded person sure to appeal to other small minded people.

It's small minded to put your constituents over your President? Really? Damn, I thought 'We, the People' were the important ones, not some guy in the Oval Office.
Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.


They all walked out of the meeting and trashed everything he said. Cantor and Boehner are idiots, they didn't even comprehend anything that was said, guaranteed. Obama is so far beyond their grasp of anything that requires cognitive skills, it isn't even funny anymore.

Your worship of Obama borders on frightening at times, G. He's not the Messiah really - you do know that,right?

The longer we (as Americans) go on with this ridiculous bullshit, the longer our politicians have to bleed the nation dry. Is that what you want? If it is, that's fine but be honest about it. Don't pretend that you care about the country - as the founders intended it to be.

What I liked about Landry was that he doesn't kowtow to the POTUS. We need more politicians who focus on those who elected them and not some guy in the Oval Office. The President works for us, he doesn't own the country, he's an employee.

The ridiculous bullshit remains on your side of the political spectrum.
They all walked out of the meeting and trashed everything he said. Cantor and Boehner are idiots, they didn't even comprehend anything that was said, guaranteed. Obama is so far beyond their grasp of anything that requires cognitive skills, it isn't even funny anymore.

Your worship of Obama borders on frightening at times, G. He's not the Messiah really - you do know that,right?

The longer we (as Americans) go on with this ridiculous bullshit, the longer our politicians have to bleed the nation dry. Is that what you want? If it is, that's fine but be honest about it. Don't pretend that you care about the country - as the founders intended it to be.

What I liked about Landry was that he doesn't kowtow to the POTUS. We need more politicians who focus on those who elected them and not some guy in the Oval Office. The President works for us, he doesn't own the country, he's an employee.

The ridiculous bullshit remains on your side of the political spectrum.


Blame, blame, blame. Let's stick with that and blindly trust a bunch of proven incompetent and corrupt fools to dig us out of this shit. Roger that. One of these days, your grandchildren will say the same thing to you. You may not be concerned about the debt you are passing on to them, but some of us are. You have no right to ruin the future generation's opportunities.
Your worship of Obama borders on frightening at times, G. He's not the Messiah really - you do know that,right?

The longer we (as Americans) go on with this ridiculous bullshit, the longer our politicians have to bleed the nation dry. Is that what you want? If it is, that's fine but be honest about it. Don't pretend that you care about the country - as the founders intended it to be.

What I liked about Landry was that he doesn't kowtow to the POTUS. We need more politicians who focus on those who elected them and not some guy in the Oval Office. The President works for us, he doesn't own the country, he's an employee.

The ridiculous bullshit remains on your side of the political spectrum.


Blame, blame, blame. Let's stick with that and blindly trust a bunch of proven incompetent and corrupt fools to dig us out of this shit. Roger that. One of these days, your grandchildren will say the same thing to you. You may not be concerned about the debt you are passing on to them, but some of us are. You have no right to ruin the future generation's opportunities.

The truth hurts, I know. The fact remains it is Obama who continues to reach out to these disasters in the House and they continue to make complete fools of themselves by rejecting any attempt to work together.

I reject your attempt to paint me with that blind follower brush, I have followed politics all of my adult life.

You need an intervention, CG. You are becoming the talking point queen around here.
The ridiculous bullshit remains on your side of the political spectrum.


Blame, blame, blame. Let's stick with that and blindly trust a bunch of proven incompetent and corrupt fools to dig us out of this shit. Roger that. One of these days, your grandchildren will say the same thing to you. You may not be concerned about the debt you are passing on to them, but some of us are. You have no right to ruin the future generation's opportunities.

The truth hurts, I know. The fact remains it is Obama who continues to reach out to these disasters in the House and they continue to make complete fools of themselves by rejecting any attempt to work together.

I reject your attempt to paint me with that blind follower brush, I have followed politics all of my adult life.

You need an intervention, CG. You are becoming the talking point queen around here.

The truth doesn't hurt me, Sarah. It clearly bothers you though. I see no difference between democrats and republicans. They're both shit, as far as I am concerned. It is you who continues to 'blame' the other guys and refuse to recognize your own side's complicity in this mess. That is pure, utter ignorance. It is always the other guys who did it. When you hold the democrats accountable for their part, I'll take you seriously. Because I can... I can hold the republicans responsible... despite your assertion that the GOP is 'my side'. They aren't. I'm a conservative, not a Republican.

That's what pisses you off. You find it hard to deal with someone who won't play the game the way it's supposed to be played. We're supposed to have a side. I don't.

Blame, blame, blame. Let's stick with that and blindly trust a bunch of proven incompetent and corrupt fools to dig us out of this shit. Roger that. One of these days, your grandchildren will say the same thing to you. You may not be concerned about the debt you are passing on to them, but some of us are. You have no right to ruin the future generation's opportunities.

The truth hurts, I know. The fact remains it is Obama who continues to reach out to these disasters in the House and they continue to make complete fools of themselves by rejecting any attempt to work together.

I reject your attempt to paint me with that blind follower brush, I have followed politics all of my adult life.

You need an intervention, CG. You are becoming the talking point queen around here.

The truth doesn't hurt me, Sarah. It clearly bothers you though. I see no difference between democrats and republicans. They're both shit, as far as I am concerned. It is you who continues to 'blame' the other guys and refuse to recognize your own side's complicity in this mess. That is pure, utter ignorance. It is always the other guys who did it. When you hold the democrats accountable for their part, I'll take you seriously. Because I can... I can hold the republicans responsible... despite your assertion that the GOP is 'my side'. They aren't. I'm a conservative, not a Republican.

That's what pisses you off. You find it hard to deal with someone who won't play the game the way it's supposed to be played. We're supposed to have a side. I don't.

Please. I'm really not in the mood for your "I don't have a side" stories today.
The truth hurts, I know. The fact remains it is Obama who continues to reach out to these disasters in the House and they continue to make complete fools of themselves by rejecting any attempt to work together.

I reject your attempt to paint me with that blind follower brush, I have followed politics all of my adult life.

You need an intervention, CG. You are becoming the talking point queen around here.

The truth doesn't hurt me, Sarah. It clearly bothers you though. I see no difference between democrats and republicans. They're both shit, as far as I am concerned. It is you who continues to 'blame' the other guys and refuse to recognize your own side's complicity in this mess. That is pure, utter ignorance. It is always the other guys who did it. When you hold the democrats accountable for their part, I'll take you seriously. Because I can... I can hold the republicans responsible... despite your assertion that the GOP is 'my side'. They aren't. I'm a conservative, not a Republican.

That's what pisses you off. You find it hard to deal with someone who won't play the game the way it's supposed to be played. We're supposed to have a side. I don't.

Please. I'm really not in the mood for your "I don't have a side" stories today.

So what? You're not in the mood and that's my problem? How very liberal of you. I got news for ya, Sarah..... it's not my problem. You don't want to engage with me, that's cool. Don't respond. But don't make it my problem. That's ridiculous.
I'm sure the president was waiting and wishing for this big important congress critter to show up..

You illustrate Obama's arrogance very well. Congratulations.

Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

Like last year during the 'Healthcare Summit' where he told McCain blatently: "...I Won..." And he told Republicans they could come along for the ride but they had to sit in the back?


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