“Laken Riley. A beautiful young woman who was killed . . . By an ILLEGAL.”

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Who sneered and said that?

Yes, it was Joe Biden.

So . . . The official term for people who unlawfully cross their border is “illegals.” All you Bidenistas? Make sure you’re using the correct terminology from now.

He followed it with “that’s right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by illegals?”

And say this was the state of the union, where he really did well? For that one part, yes, I would agree.
Who sneered and said that?

Yes, it was Joe Biden.

So . . . The official term for people who unlawfully cross their border is “illegals.” All you Bidenistas? Make sure you’re using the correct terminology from now.

He followed it with “that’s right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by illegals?”

And say this was the state of the union, where he really did well? For that one part, yes, I would agree.

Joe doesn't seem to grasp that the reason a young woman was brutally murdered was his open border allowed a criminal into the country. That's on you, Joe. Nobody else. That's on YOU!
Who sneered and said that?

Yes, it was Joe Biden.

So . . . The official term for people who unlawfully cross their border is “illegals.” All you Bidenistas? Make sure you’re using the correct terminology from now.

He followed it with “that’s right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by illegals?”

And say this was the state of the union, where he really did well? For that one part, yes, I would agree.

True, except for the sneer part, as there was not sneering, and he made it obvious, the trumpers want no change at the border for political reasons. I guess that is why you only heard one half-hearted heckle for the MTG crowd. There just wasn't anything to heckle about.
Who sneered and said that?

Yes, it was Joe Biden.

So . . . The official term for people who unlawfully cross their border is “illegals.” All you Bidenistas? Make sure you’re using the correct terminology from now.

He followed it with “that’s right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by illegals?”

And say this was the state of the union, where he really did well? For that one part, yes, I would agree.

He also excused the murders by illegals with all of the murders by legals.

That's the worst excuse possible.
True, except for the sneer part, as there was not sneering, and he made it obvious, the trumpers want no change at the border for political reasons. I guess that is why you only heard one half-hearted heckle for the MTG crowd. There just wasn't anything to heckle about.
The truth...which you seem quite willing to blissfully ignore, White...is that Joe Biden could have fixed the border at any time over the past three and a half years by using the same Executive Orders that he opened the border with. He doesn't need a single GOP vote to do that...he never has...which means he's SOLELY responsible for the crisis the country now finds itself in!
He followed it with “that’s right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by illegals?”
Marjorie Green forced the Screamer-In-Chief to say Laken's name. He of course butchered it calling her "Lincoln Riley". He then followed it up with his only candid accurate statement of the night "How many THOUSANDS of people have been killed by ILLEGALS?". Thank you Marjorie Green she forced the traitor out of his comfort zone and he blurted out the truth.
True, except for the sneer part, as there was not sneering, and he made it obvious, the trumpers want no change at the border for political reasons. I guess that is why you only heard one half-hearted heckle for the MTG crowd. There just wasn't anything to heckle about.
I've noticed Biden's sneer since 92' when he led the Clarence Thomas hearings.

He doesn't smile. He sneers.
He has a crooked smile.
He's a crooked man.
Always has been.
Any man that would fuck his daughter is a piece of shit. And the only reason they accused Trump of it is because everyone in the White House knew Biden did it to Ashley.

True, except for the sneer part, as there was not sneering, and he made it obvious, the trumpers want no change at the border for political reasons. I guess that is why you only heard one half-hearted heckle for the MTG crowd. There just wasn't anything to heckle about.
Republicans want change at the border. Just not the change democrats want. Did you hear fuckwad Biden? He wants more judges. He wants more agents for processing. He wants to accelerate the process. No. Republicans want none of it. Come up with meaningful change and mass deportations.
When someone shoots up a classroom full of children or a church, bowling alley grocery store, etc. they get a pass because the shooter is a legal resident. It`s almost funny seeing these degenerates pretend they care about a murder.
The truth...which you seem quite willing to blissfully ignore, White...is that Joe Biden could have fixed the border at any time over the past three and a half years by using the same Executive Orders that he opened the border with. He doesn't need a single GOP vote to do that...he never has...which means he's SOLELY responsible for the crisis the country now finds itself in!
Via 94 separate Executive Actions, Biden undid EVERYTHING that Trump had put in place to secure the border. Biden OWNS the border and illegal immigrant crisis, there is no spinning that will work.
Republicans want change at the border. Just not the change democrats want. Did you hear fuckwad Biden? He wants more judges. He wants more agents for processing. He wants to accelerate the process. No. Republicans want none of it. Come up with meaningful change and mass deportations.
Not just change AT the border but pressuring the leadership of the countries of origin which is what Trump did. We have to focus on at least slowing the inflow of migrants. Trump will do that again WHEN he takes his rightful place in the White House.
Republicans want change at the border. Just not the change democrats want. Did you hear fuckwad Biden? He wants more judges. He wants more agents for processing. He wants to accelerate the process. No. Republicans want none of it. Come up with meaningful change and mass deportations.
I get it. We do not need more border agents. We do not need more courts to cut down the many year hearing dates on asylum seekers. We do not need more tech to catch the bulk of Fentanyl coming across the boarder concealed in trucks (which is how the vast majority comes in). What we need is an issue for the election, like the border has always been.
When someone shoots up a classroom full of children or a church, bowling alley grocery store, etc. they get a pass because the shooter is a legal resident. It`s almost funny seeing these degenerates pretend they care about a murder.
What is your evidence that legal resident shooters “get a pass?.

The only thing I’ve seen shooters get a pass on is not having their left wing manifestos publicized or not being exposed as Transgenders. At least the Democrat media tries to hide those things,
I get it. We do not need more border agents. We do not need more courts to cut down the many year hearing dates on asylum seekers. We do not need more tech to catch the bulk of Fentanyl coming across the boarder concealed in trucks (which is how the vast majority comes in). What we need is an issue for the election, like the border has always been.
What we need is a militarized border with armed patrols and sniper towers. We need more razor wire and more barriers in the river.
Make your case or at least try. Calling people liars without saying what they are lying about is a 3rd grade kid's retort.
No thanks. It’s my belated new year resolution not to “debate” people whose “argument” consists of one lie on top of another.

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