Lady on MSNBC Show Hardball with Chris Mathews Just Said...

I don't understand how anyone can watch MSNBC, NBC, CNN, PBS, CBS, ABC, etc. Just the same Progressive, Democrat promoting dreck.

Families that respect each other and freedom and liberty don't criticize someone for how they vote. However, none of them would vote for Democrats anyway as the are anti American as shown by their policy positions which only favor Illegal Aliens, and minorities.

Hey how about sticking to the topic? I don't understand how someone can watch Fox News all day when 75%+ of the time they are either still talking about Hillary or AOC when AOC is one of like 300+ Democrats in Congress. News flash, Hillary isn't President, will never be President, and is not even in politics or a part of the federal government in any way. Why waste time talking about her when there are so many issues out there?
A guest on Chris Mathews' show on MSNBC "Hardball" just said the people who say they didn't vote for Trump but the rest of their family did, is responsible with educating them on Trump and getting them not to vote for him again. :71::71::71::71::71:

RIGHTTTTTTTTT! Good luck with that. You'll never be invited to Thanksgiving or Christmas again. She obviously doesn't have this issue and is delusional.

I had to break out laughing that she said that with a straight face and she couldn't believe it when Chris Mathews told her that he would NEVER tell another family member who they should vote for, and said that he was sure the other guests would agree.

LMAO did the guest gasp in horror?

Yes she looked really surprised and offended others didn't agree with her.

I mean her entire plan to keep Trump from being re-elected got shot down. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Racist Donny grifter will do that himself.
A guest on Chris Mathews' show on MSNBC "Hardball" just said the people who say they didn't vote for Trump but the rest of their family did, is responsible with educating them on Trump and getting them not to vote for him again. :71::71::71::71::71:

RIGHTTTTTTTTT! Good luck with that. You'll never be invited to Thanksgiving or Christmas again. She obviously doesn't have this issue and is delusional.

I had to break out laughing that she said that with a straight face and she couldn't believe it when Chris Mathews told her that he would NEVER tell another family member who they should vote for, and said that he was sure the other guests would agree.
I see chris is still getting all the best guests [what was her name?] and tackling all the hottest topics...did the rest of the guests agree? or is that going to be another show?

I've already said the other guest didn't agree. She was the Black sheep (If people think that was the racist then she was the off man out, but then that is a sexiest remark since she was a woman... so the ugly duckling? Hell there isn't a saying out there that is PC friendly to say anymore.) on the topic.

Why in the fuck do so many people in this thread have to make this thread about saying partisan hack shit about the other party? The Conservatives are not any better than the Liberals right now. It's the pot calling the kettle black. I watch pretty much all news channels, but I watch MSNBC the most because they are closest to middle of the road. There are a few people I can watch on Fox like Shep Smith, but so many get people on there than the White House could literally be on fire and they would bring guest on and do nothing but talk about Socialism and AOC and Omar for the full hour. That shit is old and it is like they are trying to brainwash a cult. CNN has some of the same issues at times. MSNBC however, has a blend of people with 50% or so of the guests that are Republicans or former Republicans that despite their dislike of Trump still follow a lot of Republican principles. They've got people that used to work for ex-Republican Presidents as hosts and guests. They try to have a blend of people, and even have some guy that sounds like Hannity on there sometimes that has to be pushed to stay on topic, and even have one of Trump's communication directors, and Ali Velshi who is a big economy guy would have one of Trump's economics advisers on the show but he quit last week.
Was that post addressing me? or was it just a post in general?
My family and extended family would still invite any crazy grifter voter to family events, but laugh our collective asses off at them.
I didn't vote for Trump, but I live in a very red state. I probably would had voted for Trump over Clinton had I lived in a swing state.
I love how I post a thread about how to deal with politics and family members... only for it to turn into an attack thread of the other party....

Which the thread has NOTHING to do with.

You're dealing with very immature and ignorant far right radical extremists.

What else do you expect?
I've already said the other guest didn't agree.
Don't see it in the thread I quoted

"she couldn't believe it when Chris Mathews told her that he would NEVER tell another family member who they should vote for, and said that he was sure the other guests would agree."

It's right there in my opening post.

No the second part of my post was not about you but the thread as a whole.
A guest on Chris Mathews' show on MSNBC "Hardball" just said the people who say they didn't vote for Trump but the rest of their family did, is responsible with educating them on Trump and getting them not to vote for him again. :71::71::71::71::71:

RIGHTTTTTTTTT! Good luck with that. You'll never be invited to Thanksgiving or Christmas again. She obviously doesn't have this issue and is delusional.

I had to break out laughing that she said that with a straight face and she couldn't believe it when Chris Mathews told her that he would NEVER tell another family member who they should vote for, and said that he was sure the other guests would agree.

LMAO did the guest gasp in horror?

Yes she looked really surprised and offended others didn't agree with her.

I mean her entire plan to keep Trump from being re-elected got shot down. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Racist Donny grifter will do that himself.

Yes yes you are a Trump hater we got that 4 posts ago. :icon_rolleyes:
"she couldn't believe it when Chris Mathews told her that he would NEVER tell another family member who they should vote for, and said that he was sure the other guests would agree."
Yeah ok, I saw that, but that claims chris was sure the other guests would agree, I wanted to know if they actually did say they agreed?, but it was not really important as it was tongue in cheek on my part
I love how I post a thread about how to deal with politics and family members... only for it to turn into an attack thread of the other party....

Which the thread has NOTHING to do with.
Maybe you need to think through what you post before posting.

Yes, I should think through whether the topic I post will have Trump supporters going off topic. Yes, yes you are totally right. :rolleyes:
A guest on Chris Mathews' show on MSNBC "Hardball" just said the people who say they didn't vote for Trump but the rest of their family did, is responsible with educating them on Trump and getting them not to vote for him again. :71::71::71::71::71:

RIGHTTTTTTTTT! Good luck with that. You'll never be invited to Thanksgiving or Christmas again. She obviously doesn't have this issue and is delusional.

I had to break out laughing that she said that with a straight face and she couldn't believe it when Chris Mathews told her that he would NEVER tell another family member who they should vote for, and said that he was sure the other guests would agree.

I don't have that problem.

No one in my family voted for trump.

That you know of.
Wait what, Mathews won't tell family members who to vote for but basically does just that on his show.

Correct, on his show. When he's with his family, however, he doesn't, and that's the way it should be. As much as I disagree with the leg tingler, he's right on this one.
Hey how about sticking to the topic? I don't understand how someone can watch Fox News all day when 75%+ of the time they are either still talking about Hillary or AOC when AOC is one of like 300+ Democrats in Congress. News flash, Hillary isn't President, will never be President, and is not even in politics or a part of the federal government in any way. Why waste time talking about her when there are so many issues out there?
How much Fox News did you watch to become such an expert on what they present all day?

Ok... Let me guess....

You either watched very little or none at all, right? You got your expertise from some other source, right?
We have a couple of people in the extended family that are dumbass Democrats. We feel sorry for them and we think they are idiots but family love is more important than politics so we don't push it.
We have a couple of people in the extended family that are dumbass Democrats. We feel sorry for them and we think they are idiots but family love is more important than politics so we don't push it.
I've got some friends and family members that are full-bore Democrat.. Some are less so now than others...
Hey how about sticking to the topic? I don't understand how someone can watch Fox News all day when 75%+ of the time they are either still talking about Hillary or AOC when AOC is one of like 300+ Democrats in Congress. News flash, Hillary isn't President, will never be President, and is not even in politics or a part of the federal government in any way. Why waste time talking about her when there are so many issues out there?
How much Fox News did you watch to become such an expert on what they present all day?

Ok... Let me guess....

You either watched very little or none at all, right? You got your expertise from some other source, right?

I'm a former Republican and I still turn it on Fox News from time to time, but as soon as I see they are going off the rails I change the tv. I don't need to listen to an hour of brainwashing by them repeating the same stuff over and over. Fox and Friends in the Morning is about as bad as Hannity. Some of the shit they say that is their opinion and not news is off the wall crazy.

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