Lack of Job Growth


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Small businesses have not created jobs due to Obamcare, Taxes and the suffocating Rules and Regulations of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. These same issues have had the same effect on Medium and Large Companies.

This is reflected by the Labor Force Participation Rate. The current rate has not been this low since 1977.
Small businesses have not created jobs due to Obamcare, Taxes and the suffocating Rules and Regulations of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. These same issues have had the same effect on Medium and Large Companies.

This is reflected by the Labor Force Participation Rate. The current rate has not been this low since 1977.

Make your case.
Economics and politics are hard to mix because a lot of people who approach economics from politics think that the government action they don't like is really important. Government action is certainly important but it is rarely the thing being talked about.

If you want to talk about labor start with the trade deficit. Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit. Obamacare was a half measure.
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

100% stupid and liberal of course. THe USA is the richest country on earth with 80% of all recent medical patents. This is because we have freedom not your libnazisism
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

yes America is obviously where you want to be if you have real health care problems, but we should be honest and say it does well in spite of huge libsoviet interference because of the surrounding Republican capitalist system. If folks here were shopping with their own money, prices were published, and providers were competing on basis of price and quality the cost would be 20% of what it is now and life expectancy would be 10-20 years longer.
Universal healthcare would actually help our trade deficit.

universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

The US spends a lot more than Canada per person and the US has a lot more people than Canada. There are also Americans that go to Canada or other nations for care. There are many in the US that simply go without.

Your understanding of the issue is clearly limited. The US has very good high end care. We spend way more money than other nations to get it but at the same time we fail to produce results for everyone. This leads to a healthcare system that produces worse results overall for the population while at the same time costing significantly more per person.

IF you have a certain type of cancer you may or may not be better off in the US depending on your ability to pay for that care.

BTW in some nations with UHC there are actually better markets set up for choosing care options. So if you actually care about market economics UHC may be the better option.
universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

yes America is obviously where you want to be if you have real health care problems, but we should be honest and say it does well in spite of huge libsoviet interference because of the surrounding Republican capitalist system. If folks here were shopping with their own money, prices were published, and providers were competing on basis of price and quality the cost would be 20% of what it is now and life expectancy would be 10-20 years longer.

Obviously what were doing now isnt working,in fact what we had before as bad as it was worked better.
Prices are skyrocketing and it's only going to get worse.
Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

yes America is obviously where you want to be if you have real health care problems, but we should be honest and say it does well in spite of huge libsoviet interference because of the surrounding Republican capitalist system. If folks here were shopping with their own money, prices were published, and providers were competing on basis of price and quality the cost would be 20% of what it is now and life expectancy would be 10-20 years longer.

Obviously what were doing now isnt working,in fact what we had before as bad as it was worked better.
Prices are skyrocketing and it's only going to get worse.

Yes all obamacare does is add another layer of spaghetti mess on top of what was already a huge spaghetti soviet mess.

Izeuki Emanuel, the guy who helped most to design Obamacare is a communist who admitted last week that costs are sky rocketing. His plan is that more libsoviet regulation will be necessary to fix it.
Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

yes America is obviously where you want to be if you have real health care problems, but we should be honest and say it does well in spite of huge libsoviet interference because of the surrounding Republican capitalist system. If folks here were shopping with their own money, prices were published, and providers were competing on basis of price and quality the cost would be 20% of what it is now and life expectancy would be 10-20 years longer.

Obviously what were doing now isnt working,in fact what we had before as bad as it was worked better.
Prices are skyrocketing and it's only going to get worse.
The ACA helped with inflation actually.
universal libNazi health care would cost about 10 times what free market care would cost so on balance would do a great deal to further impoverish Americans

Based on the experience of every country with UHC this is not true. So on one hand we have facts and on the other we have your understanding of reality. I will go with the facts.

LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

The US spends a lot more than Canada per person and the US has a lot more people than Canada. There are also Americans that go to Canada or other nations for care. There are many in the US that simply go without.

Your understanding of the issue is clearly limited. The US has very good high end care. We spend way more money than other nations to get it but at the same time we fail to produce results for everyone. This leads to a healthcare system that produces worse results overall for the population while at the same time costing significantly more per person.

IF you have a certain type of cancer you may or may not be better off in the US depending on your ability to pay for that care.

BTW in some nations with UHC there are actually better markets set up for choosing care options. So if you actually care about market economics UHC may be the better option.

Not everyone is going to get Cadillac care,thats just the way it is.
And to deny those who could afford it so others can get care is bullshit.
I pay out the ass for my medical insurance because I want the best available healthcare because I've had cancer and I expect it's going to come back.
What right do you or anyone else have to drive the cost of my insurance out of my reach because some lazy asshole refuses to get a job?
No thanks...let em go to a clinic and hope for the best.
LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

yes America is obviously where you want to be if you have real health care problems, but we should be honest and say it does well in spite of huge libsoviet interference because of the surrounding Republican capitalist system. If folks here were shopping with their own money, prices were published, and providers were competing on basis of price and quality the cost would be 20% of what it is now and life expectancy would be 10-20 years longer.

Obviously what were doing now isnt working,in fact what we had before as bad as it was worked better.
Prices are skyrocketing and it's only going to get worse.
The ACA helped with inflation actually.

dear inflation comes from the FEd
Econ 101.
LOL...Countries using UHC are going broke trying to keep them running.
And the quality of healthcare is suffering because of it.

Their quality is comparable and in some ways superior while their costs are significantly lower.

The US pays way more than any other country so we should have better results here and there like we do. That doesn't mean our system isn't horribly inefficient.

So explain to me why canadians come to the U.S. for critical care?
I've seen first hand how the canadian and european healthcare system doesnt.

yes America is obviously where you want to be if you have real health care problems, but we should be honest and say it does well in spite of huge libsoviet interference because of the surrounding Republican capitalist system. If folks here were shopping with their own money, prices were published, and providers were competing on basis of price and quality the cost would be 20% of what it is now and life expectancy would be 10-20 years longer.

Obviously what were doing now isnt working,in fact what we had before as bad as it was worked better.
Prices are skyrocketing and it's only going to get worse.
The ACA helped with inflation actually.

Prove it.
We're going to see a 20 to 50% increase next year and thats a fact.
85% of the ten million newly insured are subsidized,how in the world can you think that that isnt going to cause a huge spike in premium costs?
BTW in some nations with UHC there are actually better markets set up for choosing care options. So if you actually care about market economics UHC may be the better option.

and lets never forget that liberals are communists. UHC is just one of 1000 soviet interventions that they seek.

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Prove it.
We're going to see a 20 to 50% increase next year and thats a fact.
85% of the ten million newly insured are subsidized,how in the world can you think that that isnt going to cause a huge spike in premium costs?

Izeuki Emanuel, the guy who helped most to design Obamacare is a communist who admitted last week in a WSJ editorial that costs are sky rocketing. His plan is that more libsoviet regulation will be necessary and is forthcoming to fix it. A soviet always sees more regulation as the solution to failed regulation.

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