Labor Unions

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Labor Unions used to be a good thing. Now they are hammers ready to drop on any company that doesn't capitulate to their demands.
The consequence to Hostess is a few union worker's blackmail attempt will be responsible for the loss of 18,000 jobs.
And the cost to us? Million of dollars in unemployment benefits and a loss of Twinkies.
Who are the winners in this hostage situation? Not the union. Not Hostess. Not us. Not common sense.

If I was interviewing someone for a job, the very first question I'd ask is if they belonged to a union. If the answer was yes, the only other question I would ask would be if they needed help finding the door.
Tell that to all the non-union workers who's greedy owners threw them to the curb to ship their jobs to China. The real pieces of shit are the greedy corporate owners like Willard's bain capitol.
why are rwer's so ignorant?

The company, founded in 1930, is fighting battles beyond labor costs, however. Competition is increasing in the snack market, while Americans are increasingly conscious about healthful eating. Hostess also makes Dolly Madison, Drake's and Nature's Pride snacks

The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union said the company stopped contributing to workers' pensions last year, and the union wants pension benefits restored.

Wedrick Hollingsworth, business agent for Local 372-B of the bakers union, said union members took wage and benefit concessions four years ago and are unwilling to accept further wage cuts and reductions in health and pension benefits sought by the company. "It's just too much for these employees to accept. We gave concessions four years ago."

Twinkie maker Hostess wants to liquidate
why are rwer's so ignorant?

The company, founded in 1930, is fighting battles beyond labor costs, however. Competition is increasing in the snack market, while Americans are increasingly conscious about healthful eating. Hostess also makes Dolly Madison, Drake's and Nature's Pride snacks

The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union said the company stopped contributing to workers' pensions last year, and the union wants pension benefits restored.

Wedrick Hollingsworth, business agent for Local 372-B of the bakers union, said union members took wage and benefit concessions four years ago and are unwilling to accept further wage cuts and reductions in health and pension benefits sought by the company. "It's just too much for these employees to accept. We gave concessions four years ago."

Twinkie maker Hostess wants to liquidate

So Hostess was supposed to operate at a reduced profit margin or at a loss just to keep people employed? Your reasons are an even bigger cause for Hostess to cut costs, and for the union to understand it was required to keep in business.

Now these people have no jobs. If the salary reduction was so great it was unbearable, the people could always look for other better paying jobs.

Unlike public sector unions, where the politicans can just keep raising taxes ad nauseum, businesses have to make money. If they dont, they go bye-bye.
Tell that to all the non-union workers who's greedy owners threw them to the curb to ship their jobs to China. The real pieces of shit are the greedy corporate owners like Willard's bain capitol.

If they didnt get shipped to China, they would have been closed down. At least soemone got a job from it. But disregard the companies they saved and kept here. Toysrus, hobby lobby, staples, dunkin donuts, the weather channel etc. Wonder how many they employ now?
Hedge funds milking a company dry=good.
Longtime workers not just meekly knuckling under=bad.

In July the CEO gave himself an obscene pay raise from $750,000 to $2,500,000 with the rest of the board pretty much doubling their salaries but the workers are terrible for complaining that their pension plan has been looted. Tell us again how capitalism is good for everyone.
Better to have a shitty, low paying job than none at all.

The right does not believe in compromise except when it comes to labor.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
why are rwer's so ignorant?

The company, founded in 1930, is fighting battles beyond labor costs, however. Competition is increasing in the snack market, while Americans are increasingly conscious about healthful eating. Hostess also makes Dolly Madison, Drake's and Nature's Pride snacks

Wedrick Hollingsworth, business agent for Local 372-B of the bakers union, said union members took wage and benefit concessions four years ago and are unwilling to accept further wage cuts and reductions in health and pension benefits sought by the company. "It's just too much for these employees to accept. We gave concessions four years ago."

Twinkie maker Hostess wants to liquidate

So Hostess was supposed to operate at a reduced profit margin or at a loss just to keep people employed? Your reasons are an even bigger cause for Hostess to cut costs, and for the union to understand it was required to keep in business.

Now these people have no jobs. If the salary reduction was so great it was unbearable, the people could always look for other better paying jobs.

Unlike public sector unions, where the politicans can just keep raising taxes ad nauseum, businesses have to make money. If they dont, they go bye-bye.

My reasons? I stated nothing personally about anything in relation to the union or Hostess.
There are people waiting to buy out Hostess and resrt production, don't be silly.Get real.
Hostess has been through bankruptcy even diring good times and the union took a cut.
Hedge funds milking a company dry=good.
Longtime workers not just meekly knuckling under=bad.

In July the CEO gave himself an obscene pay raise from $750,000 to $2,500,000 with the rest of the board pretty much doubling their salaries but the workers are terrible for complaining that their pension plan has been looted. Tell us again how capitalism is good for everyone.

the company didn't have to accept the hedge funds' financial help.....instead they could have gone under a long time ago.....

longtime workers thinking their company can remain competitive in today's world with defined benefits are plain stupid...

speaking of obscene CEOs did you know that DEMOCRAT Dick Gephart's son was on the Board and drew a pretty big salary.....? guess that capitalism was good enough for a DEMOCRAT....:lol:
Hedge funds milking a company dry=good.
Longtime workers not just meekly knuckling under=bad.

In July the CEO gave himself an obscene pay raise from $750,000 to $2,500,000 with the rest of the board pretty much doubling their salaries but the workers are terrible for complaining that their pension plan has been looted. Tell us again how capitalism is good for everyone.

the company didn't have to accept the hedge funds' financial help.....instead they could have gone under a long time ago.....

longtime workers thinking their company can remain competitive in today's world with defined benefits are plain stupid...

speaking of obscene CEOs did you know that DEMOCRAT Dick Gephart's son was on the Board and drew a pretty big salary.....? guess that capitalism was good enough for a DEMOCRAT....:lol:

all CEO's are not worth the millions paid to them.The company wasn't paying retirement pension for the last year.
Hedge funds milking a company dry=good.
Longtime workers not just meekly knuckling under=bad.

In July the CEO gave himself an obscene pay raise from $750,000 to $2,500,000 with the rest of the board pretty much doubling their salaries but the workers are terrible for complaining that their pension plan has been looted. Tell us again how capitalism is good for everyone.

the company didn't have to accept the hedge funds' financial help.....instead they could have gone under a long time ago.....

longtime workers thinking their company can remain competitive in today's world with defined benefits are plain stupid...

speaking of obscene CEOs did you know that DEMOCRAT Dick Gephart's son was on the Board and drew a pretty big salary.....? guess that capitalism was good enough for a DEMOCRAT....:lol:

all CEO's are not worth the millions paid to them.The company wasn't paying retirement pension for the last year.

Hostess went through 6 CEOs in the last 10 years....some of them highly'd think one of them would have succeeded if it were possible....
Hedge funds milking a company dry=good.
Longtime workers not just meekly knuckling under=bad.

In July the CEO gave himself an obscene pay raise from $750,000 to $2,500,000 with the rest of the board pretty much doubling their salaries but the workers are terrible for complaining that their pension plan has been looted. Tell us again how capitalism is good for everyone.

the company didn't have to accept the hedge funds' financial help.....instead they could have gone under a long time ago.....

longtime workers thinking their company can remain competitive in today's world with defined benefits are plain stupid...

speaking of obscene CEOs did you know that DEMOCRAT Dick Gephart's son was on the Board and drew a pretty big salary.....? guess that capitalism was good enough for a DEMOCRAT....:lol:

all CEO's are not worth the millions paid to them.The company wasn't paying retirement pension for the last year.

Yes, and they offered 25% equity in the company, along with 2 spots on the board of directors for the union. I would assume then if the company again became profitable the equity would go the pension plans of the union.
When these idiots lose their jobs, hopefully Hostess Twinkie worker is a red flag on their resume to any other company trying to hire the cock roach.
the company didn't have to accept the hedge funds' financial help.....instead they could have gone under a long time ago.....

longtime workers thinking their company can remain competitive in today's world with defined benefits are plain stupid...

speaking of obscene CEOs did you know that DEMOCRAT Dick Gephart's son was on the Board and drew a pretty big salary.....? guess that capitalism was good enough for a DEMOCRAT....:lol:

all CEO's are not worth the millions paid to them.The company wasn't paying retirement pension for the last year.

Yes, and they offered 25% equity in the company, along with 2 spots on the board of directors for the union. I would assume then if the company again became profitable the equity would go the pension plans of the union.

The company stopped paying on the pension plans a year ago.
all CEO's are not worth the millions paid to them.The company wasn't paying retirement pension for the last year.

Yes, and they offered 25% equity in the company, along with 2 spots on the board of directors for the union. I would assume then if the company again became profitable the equity would go the pension plans of the union.

The company stopped paying on the pension plans a year ago.

And this was thier offer to resume some sort of pension contribution. It would make the workers have a stake in the profitiablity of the company, and thier access to be board would give them votes on rutnning the company, as well as access to financial data that would prevent the other members from hiding or reallocating any profit.

The union turned it down.

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