Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

It is Rittenhouse that will file extensive civil cases. Remember when communist democrats fought so hard to be able to sue a sitting president. Yeah. Me too.
I agree there is no honest case against him. However, don't put it past the liberal Democrats to find some people and pay them to lie about what happened. They have no scruples and don't care about the truth.
It doesn't matter. There is just no civil case possible against Rittenhouse. Nor is federal prosecution possible. All that remains is his defamation case and he has plenty of defendants.
You are naive. Obviously, you are not aware of how many people lie under oath in court.
I don't care how they lie. There is no civil case possible against Kyle Rittenhouse. That must be why no one has filed one.
"...we can’t say with certainty that this isn’t another person who resembles the 17-year-old accused of shooting and killing two people at a protest."
That article has so many untruths and outright lies in it’s obviously a political hit piece. The “unidentified girl“ is Rittenhouse’s sister and the girl Rittenhouse hit was a bully attacking her. It’s pretty obvious Kyle did nothing wrong because despite pending murder charges, no charges were filed against him over the incident.
I don't care how they lie. There is no civil case possible against Kyle Rittenhouse. That must be why no one has filed one.
Before you file a lawsuit, there is usually months of preparation done. You need depositions of witnesses and actual research to locate the defendant and have him served with a summons. Preparation of the Summons and Complaint takes several days.
jillian You are correct, Kyle is very lucky there was indisputable video evidence of exactly what happened. Otherwise he certainly would have been railroaded into prison by the New Woke Order.
If the new left had any guts at all, they'd at least
hear his side of it, without jumping to conclusions based on what are now proven ( unapologetic) lies from most of the media.

Sure there is. Was his negligence the cause of the deaths of two people. It's not even a criminal issue, people are found negligent all the time.
You keep thinking negligence when there was no negligence. All three men were shot as intentional acts. No one has said that the shootings were accidental. What negligence can you see? He did not handle his weapon in such a careless manner as to be the proximate cause of the deaths of two men? The answer has to be no. Both men were shot and killed as the result of deliberative acts. This has been established.
You keep thinking negligence when there was no negligence. All three men were shot as intentional acts. No one has said that the shootings were accidental. What negligence can you see? He did not handle his weapon in such a careless manner as to be the proximate cause of the deaths of two men? The answer has to be no. Both men were shot and killed as the result of deliberative acts. This has been established.

Once again, OJ was found innocent of two murders but held liable in two deaths... this isn't rocket science, dummy.

His negligence would be in crossing state lines to participate in a riot with a weapon he wasn't trained or qualified to have. Compounding it will be that his co-defendent, the City of Kenosha, will almost certainly settle the case, admitting it was negligent in not running him off the street when he was in violation of curfew.
Um, slow down and pay attention to what you're writing.

He didn't get a quarter million from WaPo. He didn't even sue them for that. He sued them for $250 million, but there was a settlement. So, he didn't get $250 million from WaPo, either...

I bet he didn't even get $1 million. Wapo has much better lawyers than any some punk kid from a second rate religious school could possibly afford. They probably made a charitable contribution to the school to make them shut up.

The native American Viet Nam veteran that slimy little puke, that will never be a man in his punk ass life if somebody glued a set of testicles on him, insulted and defamed, is the one that has a law suit if anyone does, and Wapo, and the other media companies should hire the legal talent, to sue that school out of business by getting him a multi million settlement.

As far as Rittenhouse goes, there isn't one thing reported about him that isn't 100% true, and these media companies should play serious hardball with him. They should countersue him, and his mother, and the dark money donors for $10 billion for defaming their companies.

Lets see how just how far any attorneys he does have want to go when they get those counter suit papers served to them.
Once again, OJ was found innocent of two murders but held liable in two deaths... this isn't rocket science, dummy.

His negligence would be in crossing state lines to participate in a riot with a weapon he wasn't trained or qualified to have. Compounding it will be that his co-defendent, the City of Kenosha, will almost certainly settle the case, admitting it was negligent in not running him off the street when he was in violation of curfew.
Once again, OJ claimed he NEVER killed anyone. The state did not meet its burden in the criminal case. Kyle Rittenhouse never denied killing these men. He admitted that he intended to and did kill them. Rittenhouse did not negligently cross state lines. He intended to cross state lines that morning when he went to work. Kenosha will certainly not be a codefendant in your non existent case because it did not accidentally or negligently fail to enforce curfew laws. Since you know, the dead guys were in violation of the curfew also. There is simply no negligence anywhere in this tale of woe. Sorry. Try something else.

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