Korean Broadcasting System: What happened to the Confederates?!

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
(Overdressed newscaster) Good evening, I'm here in central Alabama, on behalf of the Korean Broadcast System abroad, what happened to the Confederates?! This program will be followed by New Zealand nature shows.
You've heard Confederate Woodrow Wilson influences Presbyterians like Horace Underwood and Horace Allen's Jejoongwon medical mission to Korea, the "would have stopped the Japanese Confederates!" But, where are they today? Good question Tom (or whoever). Ahn Chang Ho, Star pupil of Horace Underwood's Yonsei University would go on to write the national anthem Aegukga and fight for liberation from the Japanese and be an activist in America. How come Ahn Chang Ho got to go to America but the King of Korea who wanted to leave, Didn't get a boat to America from Horace? That's embarrassing to everybody and probably not worth answering. OK then.
We start this story in a long ago ancient time, 100 years ago, when exactly every place in this world was a solidified racial group with boundaries and long histories. In this time, religions served as the bind of western nations. I want some of that Western, said the King and his scholars. No wait OK, said Presbyterians...?... That translated? OK.
The Articles of Confederation gave the states the ultimate status of power before a firm Federal Government was established and carried on believing in having little European Nation-States where, a Mississippi Man would never , ever marry a Louisiana Woman.
This sort of mindset was a major political outlook throughout America until The War of Yankee tyranny and military occupation. In the War of Yankee Military Aggression, the Yankees wanted military bases on our soil, to cheapen our women as prostitutes for America and others, and also, model Japanese values. Informative! Some called the War Between the States, or, Motherless Raiders Versus the Knightliest of all the Knightly races, yes that, war , oh ok.
So what have you learned after the Liberation Provisional Government timeperiod, obviously, Ahn Chang Ho died in Japanese prison, so they had to bring in a Methodist thug called SYngman Rhee to do the American's hidden agenda from the American People in Korea and never have an election for the next 50 years. Mostly with dictators, Oh ya?! I forgot! Cool!
So I spoke with the Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad who references the Presbyterian Church in the USA, what ever happened to them? Well obviously, President Eisenhower shut down that whole church branch as a Liberty-War measure. Really? Oh cool! So nothing left?
No they left a false church I got in contact with in its place afterward called PC(USA). I was reading up on anti-sexism and also equal wages legislation of Horace underwood, its good how they remember truly what the Confederate mission in the middle of a Japanese invasion of the native states people was all about, yes. I asked about them in regards to affiliate Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad said only "check them about the constitution". So as you can see, English language or Scottish language or English language or English heritage and the champions of those native lands, are completely fooling themselves illegal. Also, get back to the ideological fight Korea! yaaay.

I'm looking for more gags. I started writing and it had a lot of gags in it, most of them involving strangling newscasters. I don't know.

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