Know your place you shameless woman, Erdoan tells journalist


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I wonder if the Prime Minister of Turkey would ever refer to a man the way he did to this woman journalist.

Know your place you shameless woman, Erdoğan tells journalist

Taraf columnist and The Economist correspondent Amberin Zaman.

August 07, 2014

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has lashed out at a prominent journalist during a campaign rally in southern Turkey, calling her "shameless" and a "militant" for her earlier remarks the prime minister condemned as an "insult" to Muslims and his electorate.

Erdoğan's statement on Thursday when he was speaking before a crowd of supporters in southern Turkish province of Malatya was viewed by many in the social media as another attempt by the prime minister to publicly belittle and target a journalist.

Although the prime minister didn't mention her name, he was referring to Amberin Zaman, Taraf columnist and The Economist correspondent. While interviewing main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu on TV on Wednesday, Zaman questioned if a "Muslim society is able to question" the authorities. A smear campaign against Zaman was launched on social media by pro-government users minutes after she made the statement, condemning her for "insulting Islam and Muslims," as well as supporters of the government.

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Know your place you shameless woman, Erdo?an tells journalist
From: Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

Lest us return to the issue of equality.

The idea is unacceptable to Islam.

For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.

Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.

Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:

At the summit are free male Muslims

Next come Muslim male slaves

Then come free Muslim women

Next come Muslim slave women.

Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men

Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men

Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Each category has rights that must be respected.

The People of the Book have always been protected and relatively well-treated by Muslim rulers, but often in the context of a form of apartheid known as dhimmitude.

The status of the rest of humanity, those whose faiths are not recognised by Islam or who have no faith at all, has never been spelled out although wherever Muslim rulers faced such communities they often treated them with a certain measure of tolerance and respect ( As in the case of Hindus under the Muslim dynasties of India.)

Non-Muslims can, and have often been, treated with decency, but never as equals.

(There is a hierarchy even for animals and plants. Seven animals and seven plants will assuredly go to heaven while seven others of each will end up in Hell.)

Democracy means the rule of the demos, the common people, or what is now known as popular or national sovereignty.

In Islam, however, power belongs only to God: al-hukm l'illah. The man who exercises that power on earth is known as Khalifat al-Allah, the regent of God.

But even then the Khalifah or Caliph cannot act as legislator. The law has already been spelled out and fixed for ever by God.

The only task that remains is its discovery, interpretation and application.

That, of course, allows for a substantial space in which different styles of rule could develop.

But the bottom line is that no Islamic government can be democratic in the sense of allowing the common people equal shares in legislation.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
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