Know that ditch Obama said "After they drove the car into the ditch"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Well Obama wants to own all the ditches in the USA and force GOP NOT to drive into them!

You think I'm joking???

“The Obama administration is doing everything in its power to increase costs and regulatory burdens for American businesses, farmers and individual property owners,” Mica said in a statement to Human Events.

Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Water Act (CWA) and control land alongside ditches, gullies and other ephemeral spots by claiming the sources are part of navigable waterways.

These temporary water sources are often created by rain or snowmelt, and would make it harder for private property owners to build in their own backyards, grow crops, raise livestock and conduct other activities on their own land, lawmakers say.

EPA power grab to regulate ditches, gullies on private property
So Obama's EPA doesn't have enough to do.. they know want to manage like the GSA has managed govt. property ditches!

So any of us that end up in the ditch ... don't call AAA call the EPA!

OH now I know where Obama wants to employ 1 million govt. workers!
Clean ditches... ! Yup a clue from the Roosevelt WPA!!!
"...the sources are part of navigable waterways."

Why yes, I saw a guy cruising a ditch in his Chris-Craft just last week...
This is what we pay our Politicians to do? Dream up stupid crap...

I hope those ditches stay full of water so the shit from washington can float away

Hey .w... wait.. I know why ...
Obama agrees with Reagan... a rising tide raises all boats.. so Obama wants ALL the navigable waters i.e. ditches to be managed by EPA employees again rising tide of red ink will raise all boats!!!
Losing 770,000 jobs a month
Dow Jones losing 7000 points
Housing market collapsing
Auto industry collapsing
Financial sector collapsing
Negative GDP

Yes....that was quite a ditch
When obama is out of office, a real president can start reining in the EPA if not dismantle it completely.
GOP ditch...

Americans starting unprovoked wars
Americans engaging in torture
Slashing taxes to pay for wars
GOP ditch...

Americans starting unprovoked wars
Americans engaging in torture
Slashing taxes to pay for wars

"Slashing taxes to pay for wars"????
OK let me get this straight...
GW Bush in 1991 whispered into Saddam's ear.."Hey invade Kuwait"!
Then as part of the Bohemian Club plans.. his Dad sent troops to protect oil right?
US troops beat the crap but his Dad said "don't chase Saddam.. he's a buddy!"
But then part of the Grand Plan.. GWB and cheney planted bombs in their spare time
in WTC bldgs.
THEN with GWB holding Osama's hand they sent the planes ordered them to hit the WTC!
My goodness for a "dummy" a "puppet" GWB was really busy!
Then GWB that crook criminal SHORTED all the stocks... GWB caused the bust right.. costing $5 trillion.. Engineered WTC.. OH and by the way
he caused all those hurricanes to come and destroy $1 trillion put millions of work..
ALL because Barney Frank thought it wasn't fair that EVERYONE can't buy a home..
So Freddie/Fannie under BUSH engineered the collapse ALL to the end that GWB would become the first TRILLIONAIRE... YOU know he is don't you??
Made trillions shorting, selling short WTC, selling short businesses...
Yes... GWB was certainly a busy boy for being dumber then Obama!
GOP ditch...

Americans starting unprovoked wars
Americans engaging in torture
Slashing taxes to pay for wars

"Slashing taxes to pay for wars"????
OK let me get this straight...
GW Bush in 1991 whispered into Saddam's ear.."Hey invade Kuwait"!
Then as part of the Bohemian Club plans.. his Dad sent troops to protect oil right?
US troops beat the crap but his Dad said "don't chase Saddam.. he's a buddy!"
But then part of the Grand Plan.. GWB and cheney planted bombs in their spare time
in WTC bldgs.
THEN with GWB holding Osama's hand they sent the planes ordered them to hit the WTC!
My goodness for a "dummy" a "puppet" GWB was really busy!
Then GWB that crook criminal SHORTED all the stocks... GWB caused the bust right.. costing $5 trillion.. Engineered WTC.. OH and by the way
he caused all those hurricanes to come and destroy $1 trillion put millions of work..
ALL because Barney Frank thought it wasn't fair that EVERYONE can't buy a home..
So Freddie/Fannie under BUSH engineered the collapse ALL to the end that GWB would become the first TRILLIONAIRE... YOU know he is don't you??
Made trillions shorting, selling short WTC, selling short businesses...
Yes... GWB was certainly a busy boy for being dumber then Obama!

Daddy Bush knew he had neutered Saddam and that invading Iraq would open up a hornets nest. Baby Bush invaded anyway and had 5000 Americans killed in the process

Yep......another GOP ditch
GOP ditch...

Americans starting unprovoked wars
Americans engaging in torture
Slashing taxes to pay for wars

"Slashing taxes to pay for wars"????
OK let me get this straight...
GW Bush in 1991 whispered into Saddam's ear.."Hey invade Kuwait"!
Then as part of the Bohemian Club plans.. his Dad sent troops to protect oil right?
US troops beat the crap but his Dad said "don't chase Saddam.. he's a buddy!"
But then part of the Grand Plan.. GWB and cheney planted bombs in their spare time
in WTC bldgs.
THEN with GWB holding Osama's hand they sent the planes ordered them to hit the WTC!
My goodness for a "dummy" a "puppet" GWB was really busy!
Then GWB that crook criminal SHORTED all the stocks... GWB caused the bust right.. costing $5 trillion.. Engineered WTC.. OH and by the way
he caused all those hurricanes to come and destroy $1 trillion put millions of work..
ALL because Barney Frank thought it wasn't fair that EVERYONE can't buy a home..
So Freddie/Fannie under BUSH engineered the collapse ALL to the end that GWB would become the first TRILLIONAIRE... YOU know he is don't you??
Made trillions shorting, selling short WTC, selling short businesses...
Yes... GWB was certainly a busy boy for being dumber then Obama!

Daddy Bush knew he had neutered Saddam and that invading Iraq would open up a hornets nest. Baby Bush invaded anyway and had 5000 Americans killed in the process

Yep......another GOP ditch

My goodness where was your 20/20,, Monday morning HINDSIGHT at the time?
Geez.. your brillance and knowledge would have KEPT these aholes from making statements that actually prolonged a conflict that was OVER in 6 weeks!
It would have kept 3,000+ troops from being killed because these traitors like YOU would have KNOWN so much that YOU and these traitors WOULD NEVER say these recruiting words that got more terrorists agitated and ready to kill more US TROOPS!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D)
"The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "
Great for our troops moral and especially the terrorists!!!)

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Kerry called our troops "TERRORISTS"...
I wouldn't be surprised if Bin Laden had said:
"brothers .. even an evil American Senator calls his OWN soldiers "terrorists"!
Allah be praised!
This evil Senator is so right!
Your killing US-baby-killing-troops is justified by Kerry!"

BUT YOU AGREED with the above traitors!
YOU were glad for every US troop that died because that proved Bush wrong!
Go... d... you and these traitors are some real candidates for the 7th circle in HELL!!
Republican Ditch...

TWO major wars
Losing 770,000 jobs a month
Auto Industry in collapse
Housing market trashed
Financial market collapse
Bin Laden laughing at us

Why would ANYONE want to give Republicans control again?
GOP ditch...

Americans starting unprovoked wars
Americans engaging in torture
Slashing taxes to pay for wars

"Slashing taxes to pay for wars"????
OK let me get this straight...
GW Bush in 1991 whispered into Saddam's ear.."Hey invade Kuwait"!
Then as part of the Bohemian Club plans.. his Dad sent troops to protect oil right?
US troops beat the crap but his Dad said "don't chase Saddam.. he's a buddy!"
But then part of the Grand Plan.. GWB and cheney planted bombs in their spare time
in WTC bldgs.
THEN with GWB holding Osama's hand they sent the planes ordered them to hit the WTC!
My goodness for a "dummy" a "puppet" GWB was really busy!
Then GWB that crook criminal SHORTED all the stocks... GWB caused the bust right.. costing $5 trillion.. Engineered WTC.. OH and by the way
he caused all those hurricanes to come and destroy $1 trillion put millions of work..
ALL because Barney Frank thought it wasn't fair that EVERYONE can't buy a home..
So Freddie/Fannie under BUSH engineered the collapse ALL to the end that GWB would become the first TRILLIONAIRE... YOU know he is don't you??
Made trillions shorting, selling short WTC, selling short businesses...
Yes... GWB was certainly a busy boy for being dumber then Obama!

Daddy Bush knew he had neutered Saddam and that invading Iraq would open up a hornets nest. Baby Bush invaded anyway and had 5000 Americans killed in the process

Yep......another GOP ditch

Who got us into Vietnam and Korea ? Democrats

It is always OK when a Lib does something, but never OK when a Conservative does it ....hmmmmmm

"Slashing taxes to pay for wars"????
OK let me get this straight...
GW Bush in 1991 whispered into Saddam's ear.."Hey invade Kuwait"!
Then as part of the Bohemian Club plans.. his Dad sent troops to protect oil right?
US troops beat the crap but his Dad said "don't chase Saddam.. he's a buddy!"
But then part of the Grand Plan.. GWB and cheney planted bombs in their spare time
in WTC bldgs.
THEN with GWB holding Osama's hand they sent the planes ordered them to hit the WTC!
My goodness for a "dummy" a "puppet" GWB was really busy!
Then GWB that crook criminal SHORTED all the stocks... GWB caused the bust right.. costing $5 trillion.. Engineered WTC.. OH and by the way
he caused all those hurricanes to come and destroy $1 trillion put millions of work..
ALL because Barney Frank thought it wasn't fair that EVERYONE can't buy a home..
So Freddie/Fannie under BUSH engineered the collapse ALL to the end that GWB would become the first TRILLIONAIRE... YOU know he is don't you??
Made trillions shorting, selling short WTC, selling short businesses...
Yes... GWB was certainly a busy boy for being dumber then Obama!

Daddy Bush knew he had neutered Saddam and that invading Iraq would open up a hornets nest. Baby Bush invaded anyway and had 5000 Americans killed in the process

Yep......another GOP ditch

Who got us into Vietnam and Korea ? Democrats

It is always OK when a Lib does something, but never OK when a Conservative does it ....hmmmmmm


You are, of course correct

Democrats fucked up when they got us into Korea and Viet Nam
Republicans fucked up when they got us into Iraq

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