Klobuchar: "Israel a Beacon of Democracy" Really?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy
Klobuchar must have been heading to the temple for their quarterly shakedown when she made that statement. What else could it be? Everyone knows high level Democrats hate Jews.
Klobuchar must have been heading to the temple for their quarterly shakedown when she made that statement. What else could it be? Everyone knows high level Democrats hate Jews.
Klobuchar might have had Evangelical votes in mind when she brought up Israel; what actions have "high level Democrats" taken that makes you think they hate Jews?
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy
Israel is certainly a light in the darkness in that area.
Everything about Israel being our greatest ally in the ME and a light in the darkness is certainly true but the Democratic anti simitic rhetoric started with Sharpton and Jackson and continued right up to Obama, Talaib and Omar.
Everything about Israel being our greatest ally in the ME and a light in the darkness is certainly true but the Democratic anti simitic rhetoric started with Sharpton and Jackson and continued right up to Obama, Talaib and Omar.
What light did Israel bring to Palestine in 1948, the light of Zionism?

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic..., al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished."
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy
Israel is certainly a light in the darkness in that area.
Israel is certainly a light in the darkness in that area
Would you use the word "chosen"?

A light in the darkness | Chosen People Ministries

Do you believe the Jews of Israel have the right to steal the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine?
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy
Trump said he would stop stupid wars and he kept his word-think about that!
Everything about Israel being our greatest ally in the ME and a light in the darkness is certainly true but the Democratic anti simitic rhetoric started with Sharpton and Jackson and continued right up to Obama, Talaib and Omar.
What light did Israel bring to Palestine in 1948, the light of Zionism?

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic..., al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished."
In 1948 Blacks were segregated and still riding in the back of the bus and drinking from separate drinking fountains. The Klan was still hanging Blacks. Things that happened in 1948 shouldn't be used to judge people in 2019. We need to learn from them, that's all.
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy
Trump said he would stop stupid wars and he kept his word-think about that!
Trump said he would stop stupid wars and he kept his word-think about that!
Did he say that in Turkish?

Do the Kurds know Donald stopped the stupid war?
Everything about Israel being our greatest ally in the ME and a light in the darkness is certainly true but the Democratic anti simitic rhetoric started with Sharpton and Jackson and continued right up to Obama, Talaib and Omar.
What light did Israel bring to Palestine in 1948, the light of Zionism?

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic..., al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished."
In 1948 Blacks were segregated and still riding in the back of the bus and drinking from separate drinking fountains. The Klan was still hanging Blacks. Things that happened in 1948 shouldn't be used to judge people in 2019. We need to learn from them, that's all.
n 1948 Blacks were segregated and still riding in the back of the bus and drinking from separate drinking fountains. The Klan was still hanging Blacks. Things that happened in 1948 shouldn't be used to judge people in 2019. We need to learn from them, that's all.
The Jews are continuing to steal the land of non-Jews in Palestine as we speak:

Israel prepares to turn Bedouin citizens into refugees in their own country – Mondoweiss

"The decades-long struggle by tens of thousands of Israelis against being uprooted from their homes – some for the second or third time – should be proof enough that Israel is not the western-style liberal democracy it claims to be.

"Last week 36,000 Bedouin – all of them Israeli citizens – discovered that their state is about to make them refugees in their own country, driving them into holding camps. These Israelis, it seems, are the wrong kind."
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy

There are no "Palestinians", as there has never been a nation of "Palestine".
Three of the four Democratic debates saw no mention of Israel/Palestine, but Klobuchar raised the issue incidentally in regards Trump's betrayal of the Kurds:

Progressives reject Klobuchar’s salute to Israel as ‘beacon of democracy’ – Mondoweiss

"… Think about our other allies, Israel. How do they feel right now? Donald Trump is not true to his word when they are a beacon of democracy in the Mideast. Think about our allies in Europe when he pulls out of the Iranian agreement and [leaves] them holding the bag and gives the power to China and Russia."

Israel is not a beacon of democracy; it is a racist, apartheid state based on the logic of Zionism which is to simply replace Palestinians with Jews.

Millions of Palestinians currently live under Israeli control without any political rights. Democrats like Klobuchar and Pelosi are oblivious to the fact occupation and apartheid are not so consistent with democracy

There are no "Palestinians", as there has never been a nation of "Palestine".
The very term is an intentional fabrication. Jew hating Arabs invented the term on order to hoodwink people into seeing them as victims . before the middle part of the 20th century it was understood properly as a conflict between Arabs and Jews . once this fictitious newvsub group was crafted they succeeded in changing the dynamic of Arab might persecuting Jews to Israeli might SUPPOSEDLY persecuting "Palestinians"

It is all just a ruse to fool low IQ leftists.

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