KKK wears masks and assaults innocent people...so does ANTIFA...they are the same

Progs are allowed to cause riots...it's considered free speech.

Cons aren't allowed the same considerations.

It's Prog logic...you wouldn't understand.
Progs, if you find yourself justifying bad behavior on your side, just to vilify the same behavior from the other side, you have to consider what you really stand for.

Like, literally, what is the end game?

If it is only to ever hear opinions that are the same as yours, you should probably move to a totalitarian country...there are plenty to choose from.
Progs can rail on Trump all day long...they can explain why they,disagree with his politics and advocate for their Congressional representation to block anything he tries to accomplish...but when they break simple property and personal assault laws, they should be arrested and forced to face justice.

How can that be disputed?
Progs can rail on Trump all day long...they can explain why they,disagree with his politics and advocate for their Congressional representation to block anything he tries to accomplish...but when they break simple property and personal assault laws, they should be arrested and forced to face justice.

How can that be disputed?

Is this freedom? It is to Progs.

Here is Prog freedom on display for everyone to see


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