KKK Plans Pro-Confederate Flag Rally In Columbia, South Carolina On July 18


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Members of the Ku Klux Klan have announced plans to rally next month in South Carolina in support of the Confederate flag.

State officials confirmed to The Washington Post that the Loyal White Knightschapter of the KKK got permission to meet at the statehouse in Columbia on July 18. The group's website says it is the largest Klan in America.

James Spears, whose title is "great titan" of the Pelham, North Carolina, group, told Politico the rally would center around the organization's opposition to the Confederate flag being removed from outside the statehouse, which Spears told the publication was done "for all the wrong reasons."

"It's part of white people's culture," he said.

The rally is set to take place just a month after 21-year-old Dylann Roof allegedlyopened fire in a black church in Charleston, killing nine people. While the community continues to heal, and some family members of the victims have forgiven Roof, Spears told Politico he feels "sorry for the boy."

"I think he picked the wrong target," Spears said. "A better target for him would have been these gang-bangers, running around rapping, raping and stealing."

Robert Jones, a "grand dragon" for the chapter, told Charleston-area newspaper The Post and Courier that Roof is a "young warrior."

A representative for the Loyal White Knights did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

More: KKK Plans Pro-Confederate Flag Rally In South Carolina

Racist white supremacists just won't give up.
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I wonder if it would be illegal to throw dog shit on them as they march down the street?

If you want to come down to their level,

enjoy yourself.

Personally, you couldn't pay me to attend one of their marches

Members of the Ku Klux Klan have announced plans to rally next month in South Carolina in support of the Confederate flag.

State officials confirmed to The Washington Post that the Loyal White Knightschapter of the KKK got permission to meet at the statehouse in Columbia on July 18. The group's website says it is the largest Klan in America.

James Spears, whose title is "great titan" of the Pelham, North Carolina, group, told Politico the rally would center around the organization's opposition to the Confederate flag being removed from outside the statehouse, which Spears told the publication was done "for all the wrong reasons."

"It's part of white people's culture," he said.

The rally is set to take place just a month after 21-year-old Dylann Roof allegedlyopened fire in a black church in Charleston, killing nine people. While the community continues to heal, and some family members of the victims have forgiven Roof, Spears told Politico he feels "sorry for the boy."

"I think he picked the wrong target," Spears said. "A better target for him would have been these gang-bangers, running around rapping, raping and stealing."

Robert Jones, a "grand dragon" for the chapter, told Charleston-area newspaper The Post and Courier that Roof is a "young warrior."

A representative for the Loyal White Knights did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

More: KKK Plans Pro-Confederate Flag Rally In South Carolina

Racist white supremacists just won't give up.

The inbreds are restless , It may be their last stand

Members of the Ku Klux Klan have announced plans to rally next month in South Carolina in support of the Confederate flag.

State officials confirmed to The Washington Post that the Loyal White Knightschapter of the KKK got permission to meet at the statehouse in Columbia on July 18. The group's website says it is the largest Klan in America.

James Spears, whose title is "great titan" of the Pelham, North Carolina, group, told Politico the rally would center around the organization's opposition to the Confederate flag being removed from outside the statehouse, which Spears told the publication was done "for all the wrong reasons."

"It's part of white people's culture," he said.

The rally is set to take place just a month after 21-year-old Dylann Roof allegedlyopened fire in a black church in Charleston, killing nine people. While the community continues to heal, and some family members of the victims have forgiven Roof, Spears told Politico he feels "sorry for the boy."

"I think he picked the wrong target," Spears said. "A better target for him would have been these gang-bangers, running around rapping, raping and stealing."

Robert Jones, a "grand dragon" for the chapter, told Charleston-area newspaper The Post and Courier that Roof is a "young warrior."

A representative for the Loyal White Knights did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

More: KKK Plans Pro-Confederate Flag Rally In South Carolina

Racist white supremacists just won't give up.

And all the fine whitey t christians will come out and support them
The Klan has literally been the biggest obstacle to pro-White movements entering the mainstream. They need to get rid of those dumb costumes and follow the examples being demonstrated in Europe on how to capture the public's attention. It's not going to be achieved with stigmatised fancy dress.
The Klan has literally been the biggest obstacle to pro-White movements entering the mainstream. They need to get rid of those dumb costumes and follow the examples being demonstrated in Europe on how to capture the public's attention. It's not going to be achieved with stigmatised fancy dress.
The Klan are a bunch of klowns in bedsheets that are to afraid of revealing their true identity. I say throw dogshit on them as they walk down the street.....if its legal.
The right to march and protest also applies for those you don't like and disagree with sorry if that upsets some. If they march peacefully and don't riot, loot, or burn down buildings fine if they don't I hope the law enforcement lowers the boom on them.
I wonder if it would be illegal to throw dog shit on them as they march down the street?

I wonder if you'll be one of the morons marching?

If there is a grotesquely obese Klan-Klown with horrendous body odor, we'll know you crawled out of your mom's basement for the day, Asslips.

Making your plan to avoid detection early eh? Now we know the fat tub of lard will be you. Thanks for giving yourself away.
The Black Commentator - Senator Hillary Clinton Must Explain The Praising of a Group of KKK Supporters

Now Senator Hillary Clinton (D, NY) has some explaining to do.

BlackCommentator.com has learned that Bill Clinton, while president, repeatedly praised the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). This is an organization that many, including some whites and a former U.S. senator from Illinois, have called racist.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, the UDC is a neo-Confederate organization which is affiliated with such white supremacist groups as the Council of Conservative Citizens and the League of the South. Formed in 1894, the UDC limits its membership to women who are related to Confederate veterans of the “War Between the States.”

In 2000, the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote that "[a]lthough the UDC promotes an image of genteel Southern ladies…its publications” tell a different story, adding that recently the “UDC’s president, Mrs. William Wells, shared the podium with…white supremacist lawyer Kirk Lyons.”

In a 1989 UDC Magazine article, Walter W. Lee argued that “purchasers of the slaves” were actually victims of slavery, while “the worst suffering group among those engaged in the trade” were “the crews of slave ships.” Lee also made light of the horrific and deadly Middle Passage, claiming that "the sixteen inches of deck space allotted each slave is not all that much smaller that (sic) the eighteen inches that the Royal Navy allowed for each sailor's hammock and the slaves rapidly had more room due to the much higher death rate."

In her quest for the presidency, the U.S. Senator from New York has presented herself as a qualified expert on civil rights and a participant in the civil rights movement.

Senator Clinton has also put forth her belief that all candidates for the office should be thoroughly scrutinized, that no one should be immune, and all of the presidential candidates should be required to justify their stance on the issues before the voters and explain any contradictions that might arise.

Senator Clinton frequently speaks of her eight years experience “in the White House”. During that time Bill Clinton lavished praise on the United Daughters of the Confederacy. BlackCommentator.com has seen the following documents and presents copies of them here.

  • June 21, 1994 Letter from President Bill Clinton to the United Daughters of the Confederacy printed in the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine, September 1994, Vol. 57 No. 8, page 9. This was a special centennial anniversary edition of the magazine and has an outer cover and a standard magazine cover.
In the letter to the UDC President Clinton wrote:

The White House


June 21, 1994

I am delighted to honor the United Daughters of the Confederacy as you celebrate your 100th anniversary.

One of the most rewarding of human experiences is the coming together of people to share common experiences and interests. For 100 years, the United Daughters of the Confederacy has maintained and built upon the wonderful legacy of your founders. The strength of your organization today is a testament of the vision of your founders and to your commitment to your shared goals.

I congratulate you on your achievement, and I extend best wishes for many years of continuing success.

Bill Clinton

(Note: these are relatively large scanned images and may take a moment to load depending on your connection speed – please be patient)

Click on any of the links below to view the images.

June 21_1994 President Clinton UDC Praise Letter

UDC Magazine Contents Page

UDC Standard Magazine Cover

UDC Outer Cover

  • A letter of September, 1994 from Bill Clinton with the same wording as the one above to the United Daughters of the Confederacy was printed on the inside of the front cover of the February 1995 issue of United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine. This letter praised the Georgia Division of the UDC.

    Sept 8 1994 President Clinton UDC Praise Letter
  • A letter of August 9, 1995 from Bill Clinton to the United Daughters of the Confederacy was printed on the inside of the front cover of the Sept. 1995 issue of United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine. This letter read as follows:

    Greetings to everyone gathered in our nation's capital for the 1995 National Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Congratulations on beginning of the second century of your organization -- your long history is a tribute to your dedication to and respect for the ideals of your founders.This week marks a special time for the members of your organization to share memories, traditions, and goals. I hope that your visit to Washington is an enjoyable one and that you will take advantage of its unique beauty and many historical sites. Best wishes to all for an enjoyable convention. Bill Clinton
Aug 9 1995 President Clinton UDC Praise Letter

Lest anyone think this organization is nothing more than a group of women in fancy dress who gather for tea and cookies the facts show otherwise.

  • Former Illinois senator Carol Moseley Braun condemned the UDC on the floor of the Senate in 1993. Adam Clymer in the July 23, 1993, New York Times wrote:

    The Senate’s only black member, Carol Moseley Braun, made the chamber listen today as freshmen seldom do. Her oratory of impassioned tears and shouts, stopped Jesse Helms in his tracks as he defended the Confederate flag.

    Senator Helms, the 20-year North Carolina Republican, had sought -- and seemed to be finding -- a roundabout way to preserve the design patent held by United Daughters of the Confederacy on a symbol that includes the flag.

    He proposed language to that effect as an amendment to the national service bill, which would provide educational grants in return for various forms of service. With many senators unaware of what they were voting on, he won a test vote, 52 to 48.

    Then Senator Moseley Braun, a freshman from Illinois, took the floor in outrage at the defense of a symbol of slavery. She told the Senate:

    "On this issue there can be no consensus. It is an outrage. It is an insult.

    "It is absolutely unacceptable to me and to millions of Americans, black or white, that we would put the imprimatur of the United States Senate on a symbol of this kind of idea."
Less than one year after this event, Bill Clinton wrote his first letter of praise to the UDC.

  • As recently as Nov. 2007, the UDC Magazine printed an article titled, “Confederate Classics,” as part of a regular column, “Confederate Notes,” by Retta D. Tindal which made the following reading recommendations:

    “Some books are classics that never go out of style. As we approach the gift-giving season, there are four books that I treasure and use over and over, whether for research or reference or just to refresh my memory of the special heritage I have.”

    Tindall recommended the white supremacist racist text, “Southern By the Grace of God,” by Michael Andrew Grissom, a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, which in turn recommends “The Clansman” by Thomas Dixon, which later was made into the notorious movie “Birth of a Nation”.

    UDC Magazine Column of Nov 2007

  • The United Daughters of the Confederacy have consistently defended the Ku Klux Klan. For example a postcard showing a Grand Cyclops of the KKK could at least at one time be found in the UDC Chapter Room at Florence, Alabama.
Grand Cyclops of the KKK Postcard

According to Time Magazine, Bill Clinton sent a wreath to the Confederate Monument in Arlington Cemetery while president each year.

If Senator Hillary Clinton is going to be viewed as ready on "day one" partially because of her eight years at 16-hundred Pennsylvania Avenue it would be reasonable to find out if elected President will she continue the tradition of support and praise of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

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