Kimberly Guilfoyle was paid $60k to introduce Trump before Capitol riot, Jan 6 committee member claims

A COMMITTEE member said this. I certainly hope they testified under oath. No need for actual witnesses.
You are deflecting from trumps grifting.
No. I’m pointing out that for whatever reason you seem to be ok with all the other grift thats been/is happening and are only concerned with one person. Why is that? If Trump is guilty of what you say then he should he held to account. So long as we hold all the other crooks accountable as well
If you sent money to Trump I guess it's up to you to decide whether this was a good use of your money or not.

Thats a huge sum of money for 2 minutes work. I would expect Oprah or similar for that kind of cash.
This does indeed look like a grift. A money laundering operation for the $250m that trump stole from the public.
KImberley is a DIL after Trumps heart. As big a crook as anyone in the trump family.
Hillary got a lot more than that for her speaking engagements and besides, Kimberly is kind of a hottie.
That is nothing compared to the $1.5 billion that Hunter Biden got to sell out his country to the Chinese and kickback 10% to The Big Guy.
• The granular details of many of the allegations about Hunter Biden’s dealings in China are supported by documentation, but larger conclusions resurrected at the end of the 2020 campaign are unsubstantiated.

• Foreign policy experts say these allegations do not add up to a picture of Joe Biden being corrupt or pursuing policies contrary to the national interest. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so.

• Critics say that the Trump family’s financial entanglements are at least as problematic, if not more so, than the Bidens’.
• The granular details of many of the allegations about Hunter Biden’s dealings in China are supported by documentation, but larger conclusions resurrected at the end of the 2020 campaign are unsubstantiated.

• Foreign policy experts say these allegations do not add up to a picture of Joe Biden being corrupt or pursuing policies contrary to the national interest. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so.

• Critics say that the Trump family’s financial entanglements are at least as problematic, if not more so, than the Bidens’.
Stop with your miserable Moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like a fucking asshole.

Trump left the Presidency with less money than when he was elected.

Meanwhile Slick Willy, Crooked Hillary, The Worthless Negro and Potatohead have all got filthy rich selling out their country to foreign and special interest.

We even have a record of Potatohead getting a cut of Hunter's corruption money from China on the Cokehead's computer that the dumbass was so stupid as to leave in a shop.

Thats a huge sum of money for 2 minutes work. I would expect Oprah or similar for that kind of cash.
This does indeed look like a grift. A money laundering operation for the $250m that trump stole from the public.
KImberley is a DIL after Trumps heart. As big a crook as anyone in the trump family.
You are a god damn fool if you think youre getting Oprah to just say hello for less than a million dollars. That asshole is greedy.

Thats a huge sum of money for 2 minutes work. I would expect Oprah or similar for that kind of cash.
This does indeed look like a grift. A money laundering operation for the $250m that trump stole from the public.
KImberley is a DIL after Trumps heart. As big a crook as anyone in the trump family.
So fucking what?
No Big Deal, the DOJ might think different. Oh, you hate this.
What a gal! That job was worth at least $120,000.
A whore does not deserve that much money.
KG, what a fucking WHORE.
That is nothing compared to the $1.5 billion that Hunter Biden got to sell out his country to the Chinese and kickback 10% to The Big Guy.
Thought Hunter was claimed to get way less.
Why do you hate Capitalism?
You good with KG getting 60,000 for 2 minutes, from A STOLEN fund?
No Big Deal, the DOJ might think different. Oh, you hate this.

A whore does not deserve that much money.
KG, what a fucking WHORE.

Thought Hunter was claimed to get way less.
Why do you hate Capitalism?
You good with KG getting 60,000 for 2 minutes, from A STOLEN fund?
Are those knuckles bloody yet from all the pearl twisting?
No. I’m pointing out that for whatever reason you seem to be ok with all the other grift thats been/is happening and are only concerned with one person. Why is that? If Trump is guilty of what you say then he should he held to account. So long as we hold all the other crooks accountable as well
Well there is a hlo debate around money in American politics and from here it looks to be hopelessly corrupt. But this is about a particular scam wherby money was raised to fight appeals. the actual fund did not exist and instead the cash was laundered to various entities linked to Trump.

If I had donated I would wonder why. If I beleived in the steal scam I might ponder on the failure to prove the steal and if it was linked to the funding being used for other purposes.

That is not an unreasonable position.

Why wasnt the money used to fight the "theft" of an election ? It seems obvious that Trump knew there was no theft and it would be a waste of

I absolutely 100% condemn politicians feathering their nests whilst in office. Both sides do it.. But this case is so egregious it beggars belief.

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