Kim Davis is the result of judicial activism

Honest question...So each one here says different things. Maybe I havent read enough to take it all in each issue a personal decision?
I could have easily issued a license and stayed a Christian. It was her job...I had issue when someone wanted those bakers to actually write a statement of support
...that type of thing I would fight against.

If shes willing to go through it all...more power to her. I just dont think I would have done that.

I applaud her conviction and I think she has a valid right to do what she did. No one is obligated to bow to authority when the authority is wrong. Nothing requires any of us to be obedient to authority when it contradicts our principles and convictions, especially our religious ones.

If the people of Kentucky don't like what she did, they can vote her out... it's not like she has a lifetime appointment. Her oath of office was to her State, not some rogue activist Court Upon High!
A lot of conservatives seem to want to disband the supreme court these days. Scary stuff.

I want them to stop legislating liberal activism from the bench.
You mean you want them to only rule in favor of things you agree with. :rolleyes:

No... I want them to stop legislating liberal activism from the bench.
You mean you want the constitution to be violated, as long as it's in a way you agree with?
You mean you want the constitution to be violated, as long as it's in a way you agree with?

No... I want the Constitution upheld as it was originally intended and not perverted and rewritten by a liberal activist Supreme Court that is out of control and usurping their authority to legislate liberal activism from the bench.
I know it's the "politically correct" thing to throw this woman under the bus because she was a government official and refused to issue a same sex marriage license, in defiance of the glorious SCOTUS. Even some Republicans are saying... law of the land, we must move on... court has ruled, we must accept it...

I say bullshit!

Plessy v Ferguson

Dred Scott v Sandford

Korematsu v United States

NUMEROUS times in our history, the Supreme Court has gotten it totally WRONG!

There is nothing IN our Constitution which indicates we are a nation ruled by a Supreme Oligarchy of FIVE justices appointed for life.

The ruling Davis is in conflict with was the result of Anthony Kennedy's unfounded opinion which magically found a right to same sex marriage in the 14th Amendment. Pure judicial activism which was not the fault of Ms. Davis, she merely got caught up in this by virtue of exercising HER Constitutional rights to freedom of religion.

Again, NOTHING in our Constitution forbids people from practicing their religious beliefs if they work for government. She has every Constitutional right in the world to say, I can't put my name on this because it goes against my personal religious beliefs... I conscientiously object. That is precisely what Davis did.

Others have done this in the past as well, whenever the SCOTUS is wrong! Fredrick Douglass, Abe Lincoln, Dr. King... they did not sit down and shut up, accepting that the grande SCOTUS had ruled and it was law of the land now... nothing we can do! Move on! Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman didn't accept that the great Court has ruled and there is nothing we can do about it! ...Just accept it and move along!

All throughout our history, brave men and women have challenged the wrong findings of the SCOTUS and ultimately prevailed. Davis was elected BEFORE the SCOTUS magically found a right to same sex marriage in the Constitution, she didn't create this problem, Anthony Kennedy did! Maybe he should be impeached and thrown in jail for violating HER rights? on a Constitutional Amendment making marriage only between a man and a woman. That will supercede the SCOTUS. Hop to it.
You mean you want the constitution to be violated, as long as it's in a way you agree with?

No... I want the Constitution upheld as it was originally intended and not perverted and rewritten by a liberal activist Supreme Court that is out of control and usurping their authority to legislate liberal activism from the bench.
The Constitution has not been rewritten by the Supreme Court.
"Kim Davis is the result of judicial activism"


She is in jail of her own free will – she could be home by next week.

As an officer of the state she is required by Article VI of the Constitution to obey the rulings of Federal courts and follow the rule of law.

She refused to do this, and made the decision to be jailed as a consequence.
So if a Quaker works for the government, they can refuse to issue concealed carry permits?

If a Sikh works for the government, they can refuse to license a barber shop?

If a Jew works for the government, they can refuse to license a pig farm?

If a Mormon works for the government, can they refuse to license tobacco sales?

Heck, let's just go with the Christians ...

If a Christian works for the government, they can refuse to allow divorces?

Can a Christian refuse to issue birth certificates for babies born to single mothers?

Can a Christian refuse to license a business that will be open on Sunday?

The point? You're allowing a special religious exemption solely in this case, which shows your whole "I'm for freedom of religion!" claim is a dishonest crock.

Also, Ms. Davis has admitted that her "religious rights" are not the issue.

Ky. clerk's office will issue marriage licenses Friday — without the clerk
“And if I left, resigned or chose to retire, I would have no voice for God’s word," calling herself a vessel that the Lord has chosen for this time and place.

She's not oppressed. She just wants to preach, and she thinks that the taxpayers should be forced to sponsor her preaching.
She wants Christian Sharia to be the law. I feel sorry for her clerks. They must have been going thru hell with her....and her nepotism. Talk about a toxic work environment.
Her rights were clearly violated. The Roman Catholic judge (described as devout) was clearly wrong. Will he repent? If he doesn't he will be in hell. There is no salvation in Catholicism. The majority of judges on the Supreme Court are all Catholic. This is also part of the problem. They ruled to legalize homosexual marriage because they are lost. All of them. They are followers of a false religion. This is what happens when you have such people seated in the highest offices of the land - Judges, Supreme Court, Politicians, House Speakers, etc. Very serious, the Christians in America had better wake up.
You can't be serious.

This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and delusional, particularly given the fact that Catholics are Christians.
I do not approve of foul language used to express one's outrage and passion on the subject but the fact remains that Kim Davis was unjustly accused and put in jail. The Roman Catholic judge who incarcerated her and charged her with contempt of court was clearly wrong. The laws in Kentucky clearly state that marriage is between a man and a woman. She enforced the laws. If the law had been same sex marriage she still would have been within her rights as a Christian to refuse to participate by issuing a license to them.

You are in error!

1. Did Ms. Davis work in the Clerks office when her mother was the Clerk and know the totality of the Clerks obligations and responsibilities? YES!
2. Was Ms. Davis ELECTED to office and thereupon take an OATH to God to faithfully discharge her duties of office & the Constitutions of Kentucky and the United States? YES!
3. Did SCOTUS render a recent decision that same sex marriage was a Constitutional right? YES!
4. Upon receiving that SCOTUS decision, did same sex marriage become a lawfully protected right and the Law of the Land? YES!
5. Does the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution enable Federal law supremacy over conflicting State laws as read in Article VI, Clause 2? YES!
6. Did Ms. Davis abide by her OATH of office before God to faithfully execute her responsibilities then refuse to follow new law established through judicial review? YES!
7. Did Ms. Davis enforce the law of the land according the to her OATH of office? NO!
8. Does the religion of the Federal Judge before whom Ms. Davis appeared have anything to do with any of the germane facts in the case? NO!
9. When ordered by the Judge to obey the Law of the Land did she comply? NO!
10. When a Christian take a solemn OATH to God to execute her job according to the law, is she then allowed to break that OATH? NO!!!!

She could have done her job or resigned. There would have been no broken OATH or no charge of contempt. She was wrong and so are you!
So if a Quaker works for the government, they can refuse to issue concealed carry permits?

If a Sikh works for the government, they can refuse to license a barber shop?

If a Jew works for the government, they can refuse to license a pig farm?

If a Mormon works for the government, can they refuse to license tobacco sales?

Heck, let's just go with the Christians ...

If a Christian works for the government, they can refuse to allow divorces?

Can a Christian refuse to issue birth certificates for babies born to single mothers?

Can a Christian refuse to license a business that will be open on Sunday?

The point? You're allowing a special religious exemption solely in this case, which shows your whole "I'm for freedom of religion!" claim is a dishonest crock.

Also, Ms. Davis has admitted that her "religious rights" are not the issue.

Ky. clerk's office will issue marriage licenses Friday — without the clerk
“And if I left, resigned or chose to retire, I would have no voice for God’s word," calling herself a vessel that the Lord has chosen for this time and place.

She's not oppressed. She just wants to preach, and she thinks that the taxpayers should be forced to sponsor her preaching.
She wants Christian Sharia to be the law. I feel sorry for her clerks. They must have been going thru hell with her....and her nepotism. Talk about a toxic work environment.

She's paid $80K a year and refuses to do her job.

Equality is winning, the Constitution is winning and sharia law is losing.

That's as it should be.
Next they will be putting Pastors behind bars for refusing to marry Sodomites to one another. That is where this is going. The Christians in America had better wake up!
Yeah....just like they've been throwing ministers and priests in jail for refusing to marry previously divorced people or else inter-faith, wait.
I do not approve of foul language used to express one's outrage and passion on the subject but the fact remains that Kim Davis was unjustly accused and put in jail. The Roman Catholic judge who incarcerated her and charged her with contempt of court was clearly wrong. The laws in Kentucky clearly state that marriage is between a man and a woman. She enforced the laws. If the law had been same sex marriage she still would have been within her rights as a Christian to refuse to participate by issuing a license to them.
More ignorant nonsense.

Again, Davis can go home as early as next week.

This isn't a criminal proceeding, Davis isn't being 'punished,' that same-sex couples are eligible to marry in all 50 states is the law of the land – Davis violated that law, she was given a choice by the court to obey the law or go to jail, Davis made the decision to go to jail, she has only herself to blame.
So if a Quaker works for the government, they can refuse to issue concealed carry permits?

If a Sikh works for the government, they can refuse to license a barber shop?

If a Jew works for the government, they can refuse to license a pig farm?

If a Mormon works for the government, can they refuse to license tobacco sales?

Heck, let's just go with the Christians ...

If a Christian works for the government, they can refuse to allow divorces?

Can a Christian refuse to issue birth certificates for babies born to single mothers?

Can a Christian refuse to license a business that will be open on Sunday?

The point? You're allowing a special religious exemption solely in this case, which shows your whole "I'm for freedom of religion!" claim is a dishonest crock.

Also, Ms. Davis has admitted that her "religious rights" are not the issue.

Ky. clerk's office will issue marriage licenses Friday — without the clerk
“And if I left, resigned or chose to retire, I would have no voice for God’s word," calling herself a vessel that the Lord has chosen for this time and place.

She's not oppressed. She just wants to preach, and she thinks that the taxpayers should be forced to sponsor her preaching.
If the Davis supporters have their way about nullifying the courts ability to impose civil contempt charges the drunk driver who slams into the back of your car and cripples you may spend some time in jail for his crime, but the court may never be able to force him into paying financial restitution. Even if he is a rich man. Rich or poor, he can hide his money and make it not accessible to the court and you will never collect a dime of the financial judgement made against him.
Next they will be putting Pastors behind bars for refusing to marry Sodomites to one another. That is where this is going. The Christians in America had better wake up!
Yeah....just like they've been throwing ministers and priests in jail for refusing to marry previously divorced people or else inter-faith, wait.

Not to mention that this holier than thou bible thumper had a bastard child, had a child by one man while married to another and her four marriages have made a joke of the "sanctity of marriage" nonsense.

She's not a "martyr" or a "political prisoner". She's just a petty, narrow minded clerk who refused to abide by the law.
A lot of conservatives seem to want to disband the supreme court these days. Scary stuff.

I want them to stop legislating liberal activism from the bench.
And who's to say it's "liberal activism"? You know that ALL SCOTUS decisions have to be based on the Constitution and its Amendments and they have to show that in their decisions. Have you read the entire decision with the explanations why?
A lot of conservatives seem to want to disband the supreme court these days. Scary stuff.

I want them to stop legislating liberal activism from the bench.
And who's to say it's "liberal activism"? You know that ALL SCOTUS decisions have to be based on the Constitution and its Amendments and they have to show that in their decisions. Have you read the entire decision with the explanations why?
This person is still arguing about the 14th Amendment. Why would his reading court decisions make a difference?

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