Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
Read the article. Not much else will work talking to such an incompetent fool as you.Oh and if it was christian sharia law we would be tossing faggots off roofs like ISIS which sounds just fine to me!
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Bryan Fischer of The American Family Associations agrees with Davis!? Startling development. I wonder whom The Human Rights Campaign supports? lol
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.
Nope...if she were muslim she would be trying to institute muslim sharia law....and be shut down appropriately. Because she was christian, it was christian sharia law...and she was shut down appropriately. Hurray for America! :clap:
Bryan Fischer of The American Family Associations agrees with Davis!? Startling development. I wonder whom The Human Rights Campaign supports? lol
The HRC only thinks protected classes of the government are allowed human rights so big shocker who they would support.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.
Thats correct. She went to jail for her rights much like a muslim pulling the same stunt would have went to jail.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
Read the article. Not much else will work talking to such an incompetent fool as you.Oh and if it was christian sharia law we would be tossing faggots off roofs like ISIS which sounds just fine to me!
Yes...we envy ISIS. Why don't you go join them? Wait, that would actually require you leave Mommy's basement. Nevermind.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.
Nope...if she were muslim she would be trying to institute muslim sharia law....and be shut down appropriately. Because she was christian, it was christian sharia law...and she was shut down appropriately. Hurray for America! :clap:

Each time you open your mouth the stupid gets better and better....keep going please.
Okay, that's pretty much the most absurd thing I've seen all day.

No to mention insulting to a few million American Blacks.
Do you think Odium cares about what American Blacks think?
I don't care what ANYONE thinks. I am right 100% of the time. Period. I just care less what certain races and people think. ******* would be at absolute bottom.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
By the way for all you anti liberty bastards that are glad Kim Davis is in jail there is something you dingalings need to know.

She has an elected position.

Only she can sign marriage licenses. Her assistants don't have the authority unless she assigns them that authority. She refuses to do that.

Any of the marriage license for the queers that are issued under duress of the court by the assistant clerks are not legally valid.

Of course when has the law ever stopped the filthy ass Libtards from doing the wrong thing?

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