Killing of 3 from US Consulate looks like hit squad's blunder


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico - Confused hit men may have gone to the wrong party, the FBI said Tuesday as it cast doubt on fears that the slaying of three people with ties to the U.S. Consulate shows that Mexican drug cartels have launched an offensive against U.S. government employees.


Bull! They knew exactly what they were doing - sending a message to Calderon AND the USA that the killings will continue in order to stop both countries from going after the drug cartels. STOP THE SPIN! If it shows that the Mexican drug cartels have launched an offensive against the USA, why then do they say this was a confused hit???? And of course the spanish media will spin this out of control to make sure that Mexico is absolved of ALL responsibility. After all, is it not the popular thing to say that the violence in Mexico is due to the consumption of drugs in the 'evil' USA??? Give me a break.
You, super patriotic american clown, who blame Mexico's poverty for the presence of illegal mexicans in the US should also blame America's insatiable appetite for narcotics for most of the drug related violence in Mexico!!!!

Stop being a patriotic Bozo NOW and try to be fair to both countries at least once in your clownish life!!!!
BTW Jose, I could say the exact same thing about you - why don't YOU stop being so biased when it comes to YOUR defense of Mexico. Why does patriotism make you so angry? Are you one of those foreigners who come here to enjoy the perks while 'hating' the USA? It sure seems like it. So you blame the 'insatiable' appetite of the drug users in the USA for Mexico's violence not realizing that there are many people coming to the USA from other countries with an already 'insatiable' appetite intact for drugs. You want me to be fair to Mexico just as YOU are fair to the USA??? Don't make me laugh. You are so damn blind when it comes to other countries as opposed to the USA that it boggles the mind. Most of your time is spent trying to convince how evil the USA is. You call me a patriotic 'bozo' assuming it's an insult - well sorry bud, I wear that label proudly!

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