‘Kill all white people’ killer now charged in six murders


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Hopefully he's stopped for good now.

For a year, the walking and biking trails snaking through south Kansas City, Mo., were plagued with bloodshed.

Beginning in August 2016 and continuing deep into the next year, the bodies of hikers and dog walkers were found dead along the city’s Indian Creek trail or on nearby roadways. They were all shot. They were all middle-aged. They were all white.

The killing stopped after the August arrest of Fredrick Demond Scott, a 22-year-old Burger King employee. As The Washington Post reported in September, Scott, who is African American, had allegedly threatened to shoot up his high school and “kill all white people.”

Yes. It is a mental illness to hate the people who have brought the world all of humankinds modern inventions.
Dylan Roof and Nikolas Cruz were both staunch conservatives
Well I doubt that is true but lets say it is for the sake of argument.....what is that 2-155 or so? weak very very weak Asclepias......
You can doubt until youre blue in the face.
Dylan Roof was inspired by the council of conservative citizens.
Cruz wore a MAGA hat on one of his instagram photos.
#3: the Chinese invention of gunpowder was one forged from resentment. 'Nature is not opposed to invention, invention being part of Nature itself. Nature is opposed to myth.'(Deleuze)

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