Kid Records His Diversity Training Teacher

I would love to be in this class

This is SUBSTITUTE TEACHER. Not a real teacher. In some states they don't require substitute teachers to have teaching degrees or even teaching certificates, they just hire anyone with a college degree--no teacher training. This woman does not know how to behave or how to manage a classroom or a difficult student.

Don't blame the teaching profession for the behavior of someone who most likely is not a teacher. Blame the system that hires subs who are not trained to be teachers. They do it because they have a shortage of real teachers, something which on another thread people are saying is a lie, that there is no shortage of teachers. Obviously there is or schools would not hire non-teachers to be subs.
So let me get this right, a student called her a bitch and she took offence, correct?
American schools are a fiasco. They still don't teach criminal law, or how to deal with police. That's because they're run by clueless liberals.
So the kid apparently called the teacher a bitch?
If so, the kid deserved to be dressed down like he/she was.

Sorry, but I don't see a problem here, other than the fact it was hard to understand her.
Under some circumstances, "Bitch" is a term of endearment. Or a substitute for "woman."

It is disheartening the extreme that this substitute teacher survived a selection process that couldn't even weed out people who cannot speak understandable English. Although she certainly holds a B.A. degree from some fine institution.

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