Kick Gwen Berry Out of the Olympics

America hater Gwen Berry turned her back from the American flag and the national anthem, at the US Olympic trials, where she came in 3rd to qualify for the Olympics. When asked what Joe Biden had to say about this, not surprisingly, Biden's Press Secretary Jen Psaki said (my emphasis in red) "I haven't spoken to the president, specifically about this, but I know he is incredibly proud to be an American......(FALSE! he is a pure GLOBALIST, with zero allegiance to the USA)...."and has great respect for the anthem"....(FALSE he couldn't care less for the anthem)...."and all that it represents, especially for our men & women serving in uniform all around the world"....FALSE!

Here comes the more sincere part >> Psaki went on to say >> "He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country....(FALSE! Biden does not HAVE a country. He is a GLOBALIST),...."means that there are moments when, we as a country, haven't lived up to our highest ideals. And that means respecting the right of people, granted to them in the Constitution, to peacefully protest."

As Next News host Elijah Schaffer said in the video, this is not just peaceful protest, this is representing America on a world stage. This highly spotlighted insult is consistent with Biden's inappropriate stance, defending Gwen Berry and other mudslingers, allowing America to be insulted in front of the world, which Biden, considers himself to be a citizen of, just like Obama, who, in a speech in Germany declared "I am a citizen of the world".

Here we have yet another example of Biden's unfittness for the the job of president of the United States. If Biden cared about the USA, and respected it, he would keep American controversies & debates internal, and not insultingly allow them to be displayed to the world.

If Biden really was a President of the United States he would call for Gwen Berry to be ejected from the US Olympic team. Haven't we had enough of these black power blabbermouths turning the Olympics and other sports into political debates ? Keep politics out of sports.

If Gwen Berry, LeBron James, or Colin Kapernick want to protest about something, they can do it out in a USA street, like every other political protestor does, they don't have to mix it with a sporting event, to people who went there for the sporting event, and that alone,

Gwen Berry and Joe Biden seem to have something in common. Both are America haters, who act for THEMSELVES, not for America,.. Maybe Gwen Berry, with her new fame, thinks she will come up with big bucks from TV advertising, like that of former olympic stars Mary Lou Retton and Kristi Yamaguchi. Or maybe she might be looking for the really big payoff of 1.5 Billion $$$ like the Bidens got from China.

Maybe you can replace her on the team?

Dudes can be identify as women. Like you do.
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America hater Gwen Berry turned her back from the American flag and the national anthem, at the US Olympic trials, where she came in 3rd to qualify for the Olympics. When asked what Joe Biden had to say about this, not surprisingly, Biden's Press Secretary Jen Psaki said (my emphasis in red) "I haven't spoken to the president, specifically about this, but I know he is incredibly proud to be an American......(FALSE! he is a pure GLOBALIST, with zero allegiance to the USA)...."and has great respect for the anthem"....(FALSE he couldn't care less for the anthem)...."and all that it represents, especially for our men & women serving in uniform all around the world"....FALSE!

Here comes the more sincere part >> Psaki went on to say >> "He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country....(FALSE! Biden does not HAVE a country. He is a GLOBALIST),...."means that there are moments when, we as a country, haven't lived up to our highest ideals. And that means respecting the right of people, granted to them in the Constitution, to peacefully protest."

As Next News host Elijah Schaffer said in the video, this is not just peaceful protest, this is representing America on a world stage. This highly spotlighted insult is consistent with Biden's inappropriate stance, defending Gwen Berry and other mudslingers, allowing America to be insulted in front of the world, which Biden, considers himself to be a citizen of, just like Obama, who, in a speech in Germany declared "I am a citizen of the world".

Here we have yet another example of Biden's unfittness for the the job of president of the United States. If Biden cared about the USA, and respected it, he would keep American controversies & debates internal, and not insultingly allow them to be displayed to the world.

If Biden really was a President of the United States he would call for Gwen Berry to be ejected from the US Olympic team. Haven't we had enough of these black power blabbermouths turning the Olympics and other sports into political debates ? Keep politics out of sports.

If Gwen Berry, LeBron James, or Colin Kapernick want to protest about something, they can do it out in a USA street, like every other political protestor does, they don't have to mix it with a sporting event, to people who went there for the sporting event, and that alone,

Gwen Berry and Joe Biden seem to have something in common. Both are America haters, who act for THEMSELVES, not for America,.. Maybe Gwen Berry, with her new fame, thinks she will come up with big bucks from TV advertising, like that of former olympic stars Mary Lou Retton and Kristi Yamaguchi. Or maybe she might be looking for the really big payoff of 1.5 Billion $$$ like the Bidens got from China.

Maybe you can replace her on the team?

I am bright eyed and bushy tailed in the 1968 Olympics when a couple of African American men make a statement. Following Jesus. Now it is tiresome.. And old.....And excuses. Back then it was the New Testament of the Bible...In 2021 We have transmorphed into the Biblical Old Testament now. God the father gets pissed when we go to far.
America hater Gwen Berry turned her back from the American flag and the national anthem, at the US Olympic trials, where she came in 3rd to qualify for the Olympics. When asked what Joe Biden had to say about this, not surprisingly, Biden's Press Secretary Jen Psaki said (my emphasis in red) "I haven't spoken to the president, specifically about this, but I know he is incredibly proud to be an American......(FALSE! he is a pure GLOBALIST, with zero allegiance to the USA)...."and has great respect for the anthem"....(FALSE he couldn't care less for the anthem)...."and all that it represents, especially for our men & women serving in uniform all around the world"....FALSE!

Here comes the more sincere part >> Psaki went on to say >> "He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country....(FALSE! Biden does not HAVE a country. He is a GLOBALIST),...."means that there are moments when, we as a country, haven't lived up to our highest ideals. And that means respecting the right of people, granted to them in the Constitution, to peacefully protest."

As Next News host Elijah Schaffer said in the video, this is not just peaceful protest, this is representing America on a world stage. This highly spotlighted insult is consistent with Biden's inappropriate stance, defending Gwen Berry and other mudslingers, allowing America to be insulted in front of the world, which Biden, considers himself to be a citizen of, just like Obama, who, in a speech in Germany declared "I am a citizen of the world".

Here we have yet another example of Biden's unfittness for the the job of president of the United States. If Biden cared about the USA, and respected it, he would keep American controversies & debates internal, and not insultingly allow them to be displayed to the world.

If Biden really was a President of the United States he would call for Gwen Berry to be ejected from the US Olympic team. Haven't we had enough of these black power blabbermouths turning the Olympics and other sports into political debates ? Keep politics out of sports.

If Gwen Berry, LeBron James, or Colin Kapernick want to protest about something, they can do it out in a USA street, like every other political protestor does, they don't have to mix it with a sporting event, to people who went there for the sporting event, and that alone,

Gwen Berry and Joe Biden seem to have something in common. Both are America haters, who act for THEMSELVES, not for America,.. Maybe Gwen Berry, with her new fame, thinks she will come up with big bucks from TV advertising, like that of former olympic stars Mary Lou Retton and Kristi Yamaguchi. Or maybe she might be looking for the really big payoff of 1.5 Billion $$$ like the Bidens got from China.

View attachment 508657

THC is a performance enhancing drug and the Olympics is squeaky clean. Get Biden off his ass and legalize THC across the board.
You characters are always dragging your politics into sport. Why dont you STFU and leave talented kids to pursue their dreams ?

She dragged poltics into this, obviously.

President of the Ultra-Daft Club chimes in again. Lol.
Why should she kiss your arse for doing a sport she enjoys ? You right wingers share traits with the soviets.

Nobody is asking this race baiting twat to kiss anyone's ass.

Don't be a cvnt =/= Kiss my ass

If she hates this country, why suck on the tit to go the olympics. All she is is a hypocritical tick on the ass of the host.

And, of course, like a good little weasel, you've shifted your point. She dragged politics into this.
Now for a look at how it SHOULD be, and is CORRECTLY done.

Watch the whole video, or scroll to the national anthem podium part (2:39 on the time bar)

America hater Gwen Berry turned her back from the American flag and the national anthem, at the US Olympic trials, where she came in 3rd to qualify for the Olympics. When asked what Joe Biden had to say about this, not surprisingly, Biden's Press Secretary Jen Psaki said (my emphasis in red) "I haven't spoken to the president, specifically about this, but I know he is incredibly proud to be an American......(FALSE! he is a pure GLOBALIST, with zero allegiance to the USA)...."and has great respect for the anthem"....(FALSE he couldn't care less for the anthem)...."and all that it represents, especially for our men & women serving in uniform all around the world"....FALSE!

Here comes the more sincere part >> Psaki went on to say >> "He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country....(FALSE! Biden does not HAVE a country. He is a GLOBALIST),...."means that there are moments when, we as a country, haven't lived up to our highest ideals. And that means respecting the right of people, granted to them in the Constitution, to peacefully protest."

As Next News host Elijah Schaffer said in the video, this is not just peaceful protest, this is representing America on a world stage. This highly spotlighted insult is consistent with Biden's inappropriate stance, defending Gwen Berry and other mudslingers, allowing America to be insulted in front of the world, which Biden, considers himself to be a citizen of, just like Obama, who, in a speech in Germany declared "I am a citizen of the world".

Here we have yet another example of Biden's unfittness for the the job of president of the United States. If Biden cared about the USA, and respected it, he would keep American controversies & debates internal, and not insultingly allow them to be displayed to the world.

If Biden really was a President of the United States he would call for Gwen Berry to be ejected from the US Olympic team. Haven't we had enough of these black power blabbermouths turning the Olympics and other sports into political debates ? Keep politics out of sports.

If Gwen Berry, LeBron James, or Colin Kapernick want to protest about something, they can do it out in a USA street, like every other political protestor does, they don't have to mix it with a sporting event, to people who went there for the sporting event, and that alone,

Gwen Berry and Joe Biden seem to have something in common. Both are America haters, who act for THEMSELVES, not for America,.. Maybe Gwen Berry, with her new fame, thinks she will come up with big bucks from TV advertising, like that of former olympic stars Mary Lou Retton and Kristi Yamaguchi. Or maybe she might be looking for the really big payoff of 1.5 Billion $$$ like the Bidens got from China.

She's been permanently booted from the Olympics for THC in her blood.

Wrong girl.

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