Khashoggi murder suspect dies in suspicious car accident


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Khashoggi Murder Suspect Dies In "Suspicious Car Accident"
A 31-year-old lieutenant in the Saudi Royal Air Force said to have participated in the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi died in a "suspicious car accident" in Riyadh, according to Turkish media.

Oh but don't worry loons deep state doesn't exist in your world, that's why nothing ever seems real to you, Morons think alike , oh wait they don't think that's the whoel problem.
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Trumplicans can't make up their mind on which conspiracy they want to go with...

Saudi suspect in Khashoggi case ‘dies in car accident’: Report - World News

A Turkish newspaper reported on Oct. 18 that one of the suspects involved in the disappearance of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi died in a “suspicious car accident” in Riyadh.

Mashal Saad al-Bostani, a 31-year-old lieutenant of the Saudi Royal Air Forces, was among the 15 suspects who arrived and left Turkey on Oct. 2 after going to Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul consulate when Khashoggi visited there, according to daily Yeni Şafak.

Daily Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi claimed on Oct. 18 that Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul consul Mohammad al-Otaibi could be “the next execution” as Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman “would do anything to get rid of evidence.”

Turkish daily Yeni Şafak reported Oct. 17 that Al-Otaibi’s voice could be heard in one of the recordings, which Turkish authorities are believed to have, of Khashoggi’s “interrogation” at the consulate.

According to the report, after Al-Otaibi told the interrogators to “do it somewhere else outside or I will be in trouble,” he was told to “shut up if you want to live when you are back in Saudi Arabia.”

These Saudis are just like Republicans; turning on their own :206:

The reports imply that Turkish MIT had the Saudi Consulate wired for audio & video.

This also implies that Mike Pompeo is a LIAR.

Oh, that's right; Pompeo works for a LIAR :21:
The story could very well be true, because the people in Saudi Arabia drive like maniacs. Between the cities there isn't a speed limit. It's pedal to the medal. .... :cool:

I had a friend who went there for business and rented a car. One of the first intersections he came to had a STOP sign. So he stopped.

The vehicle right behind him was a police car with two Saudi policemen inside. They ran into back his car when he stopped. The two policemen jumped out of their patrol car screaming, "Why did you stop, why did you stop".

My friend told them that he stopped because there was a STOP sign.

The two policemen looked at him like he was an idiot and said, "Your not supposed to stop for those signs". ... :lol: :lol:
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And now that you let your women folk drive with the beekeeper suits and all, anything can happen.
Thankfully, the women still have to get permission from their husbands in order to drive. So I really don't expect to see many women driving on the Saudi roads. .... :cool:

Good God, what a fucked up society.

What is wrong with you people ?
Saudi suspect in Khashoggi case ‘dies in car accident’: Report - World News

A Turkish newspaper reported on Oct. 18 that one of the suspects involved in the disappearance of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi died in a “suspicious car accident” in Riyadh.

Mashal Saad al-Bostani, a 31-year-old lieutenant of the Saudi Royal Air Forces, was among the 15 suspects who arrived and left Turkey on Oct. 2 after going to Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul consulate when Khashoggi visited there, according to daily Yeni Şafak.

Daily Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi claimed on Oct. 18 that Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul consul Mohammad al-Otaibi could be “the next execution” as Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman “would do anything to get rid of evidence.”

Turkish daily Yeni Şafak reported Oct. 17 that Al-Otaibi’s voice could be heard in one of the recordings, which Turkish authorities are believed to have, of Khashoggi’s “interrogation” at the consulate.

According to the report, after Al-Otaibi told the interrogators to “do it somewhere else outside or I will be in trouble,” he was told to “shut up if you want to live when you are back in Saudi Arabia.”

These Saudis are just like Republicans; turning on their own :206:

The reports imply that Turkish MIT had the Saudi Consulate wired for audio & video.

This also implies that Mike Pompeo is a LIAR.

Oh, that's right; Pompeo works for a LIAR :21:
Sounds just like those who go up against the Clinton Crime Family.
Hey liberal morons, why don't you start a conspiracy theory that Trump had the guy killed?

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