Keystone.....Who needs it?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

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Just wait till oil prices jump back up over a hundred dollars again and the answer will still be Canada.
Oil prices are still way down and the market to jump on the Keystone Pipeline has pretty well dried up

That is a lot of money to invest in a "maybe we will need it later" project
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It


Right now they don't want it because of the supply glut. But once prices go back up it becomes far more economically viable.

Don't you progs whine about planning infrastructure for 10 years from now, not right now?
Oil prices are still way down and the market to jump on the Keystone Pipeline has pretty well dried up

That is a lot of money to invest in a "maybe we will need it later" project

There is no "maybe". Prices will go up eventually.
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It


But, but, the thousands of jobs?

No energy independence?
They probably need the pipeline but there also needs to be environmental and property rights considerations dealt with in an up and up basis first. If they hadn't acted like such bullies it more than likely would have gotten through a lot sooner.
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.
Oil prices are still way down and the market to jump on the Keystone Pipeline has pretty well dried up

That is a lot of money to invest in a "maybe we will need it later" project

There is no "maybe". Prices will go up eventually.

Been stable for four years
In the mean time, investors have their money tied up in an under utilized pipeline
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.

People who live near it ...hate it
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.
A lot of people from other states that were bullied got involved because their property rights were trashed by energy companies. Others got involved because they are dealing with the pollution residues of pipelines throughout the country that were already past date and sold to companies that didn't upgrade them but stuffed their pockets instead.

Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.

People who live near it ...hate it
Yes some do, but not for the reasons you think they do. What is the main problem people have with it running through this area? By the way I live right near where it's going through.
Oil prices are still way down and the market to jump on the Keystone Pipeline has pretty well dried up

That is a lot of money to invest in a "maybe we will need it later" project

There is no "maybe". Prices will go up eventually.

Been stable for four years
In the mean time, investors have their money tied up in an under utilized pipeline

As Napoleon implied, if you want Trees to shade your marching soldiers 30 years from now, they have to be planted now.
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.
A lot of people from other states that were bullied got involved because their property rights were trashed by energy companies. Others got involved because they are dealing with the pollution residues of pipelines throughout the country that were already past date and sold to companies that didn't upgrade them but stuffed their pockets instead.

True, property rights is the biggest problem… The dumbass tree hugging media would have you think different.
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.
A lot of people from other states that were bullied got involved because their property rights were trashed by energy companies. Others got involved because they are dealing with the pollution residues of pipelines throughout the country that were already past date and sold to companies that didn't upgrade them but stuffed their pockets instead.

True, property rights is the biggest problem… The dumbass tree hugging media would have you think different.

They made up fake deeds here to get the pipelines through.
Did anyone even take the time to read the article? The issue is the number of companies who are already committed to rail because of the delays. But rail costs far more than a pipeline contract.
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.

People who live near it ...hate it

How many lies can you tell?
Oh and TransCanada isn't hurting at all.

" TransCanada is betting the demand that spurred the project still exists. Analysts project that over the long term the Gulf Coast's demand for Canadian crude will rise as oil imports from Venezuela and Mexico fall.

The company's U.S.-denominated shares have risen by almost 50% since President Barack Obama blocked Keystone XL in November 2015, signaling the market's belief that the company can afford to move on.

Investors warmed to TransCanada after the company bought Columbia Pipeline Group Inc. for about $10 billion in 2016, a deal which offers the opportunity to expand its natural-gas operations in the U.S. Northeast. Revenue from TransCanada's power operations has continued to grow, as has its natural-gas pipeline business, which expanded into Mexico. "

After $3 Billion Spent, Keystone XL Can't Get Oil Companies to Sign On | 4-Traders
Looks like Obama was right

Delayed for nearly a decade by protests and regulatory roadblocks, Keystone XL got the green light from President Donald Trump in March. But the pipeline’s operator, TransCanada Corp., is struggling to line up customers to ship crude from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, say people familiar with the matter.

TransCanada has spent $3 billion to date on Keystone XL, much of it on steel pipe, land rights and lobbying. Completed, the pipeline would travel 1,700 miles from Alberta to Steele City, Neb., where it would link up with existing pipelines that run to the Gulf Coast.

The lack of interest has put the pipeline’s fate in jeopardy. The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, has said it wants enough customers to fill 90% of Keystone’s capacity before it proceeds. It started to aggressively court potential customers earlier this year as it seeks to meet that target, according to people familiar with the situation.

A New Problem for Keystone XL: Oil Companies Don't Want It

It should be up to the people that live in the area of the pipeline, those that don't even live here need to shut the fuck up on the subject.
A lot of people from other states that were bullied got involved because their property rights were trashed by energy companies. Others got involved because they are dealing with the pollution residues of pipelines throughout the country that were already past date and sold to companies that didn't upgrade them but stuffed their pockets instead.

Pipelines are far safer compared to rail let alone rail to barges to ship by water.

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