Key facts on keysont xl


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Key Facts on Keystone XL

Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign OilKeystone XL will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil, but transport Canadian oil to American refineries for export to overseas markets.

Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers

Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated.

Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 2 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate.

Climate Change: Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.

Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action
These facts brought to you by a university source heavily funded by solar and wind research. This same oil could further increase our exports in oil which have been ACTUAL exports in 2011. How can gas which we never had increase our gas prices? The Canadians are just going to work with the Chinese directly now. Pretty much makes the above arguments a total fail.
Key Facts on Keystone XL

Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign OilKeystone XL will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil, but transport Canadian oil to American refineries for export to overseas markets.

Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers

Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated.

Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 2 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate.

Climate Change: Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.

Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action

What?? ok how will gas prices go because of this pipeline.

Jobs over inflated by how much? and so what,its not over inflated for the people that it will employ,and its a huge project,it will employ many for a long time.

As far as a spill,these piplelines a not at all like a hole in the ground,that you can't shut off,there is layer after layer of safety backups try again

Climate change?? still opinions the sky hasn't fallen yet.

If all the no we can't people were let to run things we would still be living in caves and chewing raw meat.
Sorry, we can't have you eating raw meat chikenwing...

Has that cave been inspected and is it in an earthquake zone?
Key Facts on Keystone XL

Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign OilKeystone XL will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil, but transport Canadian oil to American refineries for export to overseas markets.

Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers

Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated.

Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 2 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate.

Climate Change: Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.

Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action

Ma'am - either continue adding to your many already existing threads about the pipeline, or put a cork in it. Why are you so fixated on stifling commerce in this country?

Farmers hurt by alleged increases in fuel prices? Not with $7 corn and $12 beans.
They are the true bandits in this country- and the true polluters.

Farmers export millions of metric tons of grains annually, while our grocery costs go through the roof. And they make so goddamn much ethanol that THEY EXPORT 20% OF IT.

I've already commented numerous times in your other threads about the pipeline, with no reply from you.

Exporting refined products brings hard dollars into this country, contributes to the GDP, creates jobs, and reduces the trade deficit.

You are a petrophobe and a sadly misinformed one at that. So get off your high horse and start making sense.

Denying the U.S. any exportation of refined crude, regardless of its source, is anti-business and socialistic economics.

RIGZONE - API: Proposed Oil Export Curbs Reek of N. Korean Economics

"Any effort to restrict market forces on commodities like oil and natural gas is a North Korean style model of economics and has no place here in America," said API Chief Economist John Felmy. "Having the flexibility to export more should there be an occasional surplus of supply would go a long way to help reduce our trade deficit. We don't think that American farmers would appreciate Mr. Markey calling on them to restrict their products, and it makes no sense for an elected official to suggest this backward approach with energy."
Why, for decades, has there been a different set of rules in this country regarding oil and natural gas?

It's a business. Very similar to farming. It's the farming of energy. Energy that fuels every other conceivable industry in our nation. Oil and gas fuels, powers, and empowers the economic engines that drive commerce on so many levels.

And yet, it is continually derided as a pariah upon society.

Obama doesn't want an oil company to be able to deduct ordinary costs incurred in the conduct of exploring for or producing oil and natural gas, but it's okay for Wal Mart to deduct the costs of procuring inventory from the value of its gross sales of goods.

It's that simple. Yet people are that stupid to belive the nonsensical rhetoric that is bantied about regarding "subsidies" and "profits" of oil and gas businesses in this country.

If the oil and gas business is so profitable, why aren't there more people involved in this line of work?

Why don't each and every one of you go out and drill a hole in the ground for your share of these guaranteed profits?

You stupid misinformed ignorant pieces of shit.
Key Facts on Keystone XL

Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign OilKeystone XL will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil, but transport Canadian oil to American refineries for export to overseas markets.

Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers

Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated.

Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 2 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate.

Climate Change: Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.

Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action

Oh give it up and get some new fucking material will you?

If you don't want a friendly source of energy from a country that has no desire to declare jihad on you I couldn't give a rats ass for your moronic state of mind.

As it is we're already your #1 supplier.

Two Keystone phases of the pipeline have already been built. One to Illinois and one to Oklahoma.This was just to be an extension you fool.
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White House issues veto threat for House transportation bill over Keystone XL provision...
White House issues veto threat for House transportation bill
2/14/12 - The White House on Tuesday threatened to veto a wide-ranging transportation package from House Republicans.
The administration raised concerns about a provision to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, and argued the legislation’s funding for roads and bridges is inadequate. “The Administration has serious concerns with provisions in the bill that would make America’s roads, rails, and transit systems less safe, reduce the transportation options available to America’s traveling public, short circuit local decision-making, and turn back the clock on environmental and labor protections,” the White House said in a formal statement of administration policy. The House will begin debate on the $260 billion transportation package this week. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said earlier Tuesday that lawmakers will debate three separate bills that make up the massive 979-page legislation.

In the statement, the White House said the president’s senior advisers would recommend that he veto the transportation package because “this bill jeopardizes safety, weakens environmental and labor protections, and fails to make the investments needed to strengthen the Nation’s roads, bridges, rail, and transit systems.” The White House took aim at energy provisions in the package that would help fund transportation and infrastructure programs with revenues from expanded offshore oil-and-gas leasing and opening Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. “[T]he bill includes pay-fors that open up pristine natural habitats not suitable for resource extraction and undermine prudent development of the Nation’s oil and natural gas resources,” the White House stated, noting that the administration is supportive of “safe and responsible domestic oil and gas production.” In addition, the White House criticized the bill for a provision aimed at approving the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry oil sands crude from Alberta, Canada, to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Obama rejected the pipeline last month, arguing that a 60-day deadline imposed in a two-month extension of the payroll-tax cut didn’t give the administration enough time to adequately review the project. “[T[his bill seeks to circumvent a longstanding process for determining whether cross-border pipelines are in the national interest by mandating the permitting of the Keystone XL pipeline project despite the fact that the pipeline route has yet to be identified and there is no complete assessment of its potential impacts, including impacts on health and safety, the economy, foreign policy, energy security, and the environment,” the White House stated.

Key Facts on Keystone XL

Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign OilKeystone XL will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil, but transport Canadian oil to American refineries for export to overseas markets.

Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers

Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated.

Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 2 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate.

Climate Change: Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.

Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action

Oh give it up and get some new fucking material will you?

If you don't want a friendly source of energy from a country that has no desire to declare jihad on you I couldn't give a rats ass for your moronic state of mind.

As it is we're already your #1 supplier.

Two Keystone phases of the pipeline have already been built. One to Illinois and one to Oklahoma.This was just to be an extension you fool.

Only dumbasses like you think that pollution and oil spills are good things
“[T[his bill seeks to circumvent a longstanding process for determining whether cross-border pipelines are in the national interest by mandating the permitting of the Keystone XL pipeline project...


"...whether cross-border pipelines are in the national interest..."


THIS- is from the Department of State website regarding the 2009 approval of the Alberta Clipper pipeline...

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

U.S. Department of State

The Obama administration just gets curiouser and curiouser.... :lol:
In typical liberalcentric thought, if we don't build it here, they won't build it.
Key Facts on Keystone XL

Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign OilKeystone XL will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil, but transport Canadian oil to American refineries for export to overseas markets.

Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers

Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated.

Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 2 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate.

Climate Change: Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.

Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action
"Tar Sands Action" = Naomi Klein and her lickspittles.

Kindly stop spamming the forum with this bullshit propaganda, woman.
So wait. . . even though the added oil source will somehow magically drive -up- gasoline prices without any significant gain to our economy, our usage will still ramp up so dramatically as to create a "game over" scenario for our climate? Do you read the things you post? Like, not just one at a time, but as a whole?

Despite stagnating wages and increased cost, the average American will become giddy with excitement over the fact that there's a new fuel source and begin searching for any method they can think of to convert more and more of this new found fuel to CO2. Parties wherein intoxicated college teenagers pitch in on barrels of crude and gasoline that they can set ablaze will become rampant as the pipeline's insidious desensitization takes effect. Entire low income demographics will begin to engage in unprecedented economic self destruction, allocating unconscionable portions of their meager incomes toward petroleum products. Women will sell their bodies in the streets and men will resort to theft and even murder (and selling their bodies in the streets) to fund driving newly purchased Suburbans aimlessly in circles around their neighborhoods. Domestic auto companies will strive to turn out vehicles of increasing fuel-inefficiency in celebration of all the new oil.

Does this shit read as stupid as it sounds in my head as I type it?

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