Kerry's Front Man from 2004 Stripped of Silver Star


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Remember that long campaign where everyone from the Kerry camp was trying to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans?

Well Kerry's front man ( the one who actually introduced Kerry at the Democrat Convention) has had his Silver Star revoked.

And it's not because he's serving a 37 month sentence for posession of child pornography.


Here's the quote from Winter Soldier.

July 25, 2011 -- John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action.

During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry's lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is currently in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star.

The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction.

A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."

John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

It appears only a few outlets have published this. American Thinker, Politico, Boston Globe and Fox.

I hope it starts getting around on the net. The Swift Boat Vets were called a lot of names and were treated viciously in 2004. Divine justice that the main attack dog for Kerry is sitting in jail for child porn AND having his Silver Star revoked.

Here's the link to Winter Soldier. - <p>What's New?
Remember that long campaign where everyone from the Kerry camp was trying to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans?

Well Kerry's front man ( the one who actually introduced Kerry at the Democrat Convention) has had his Silver Star revoked.

And it's not because he's serving a 37 month sentence for posession of child pornography.


Here's the quote from Winter Soldier.

July 25, 2011 -- John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action.

During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry's lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is currently in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star.

The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction.

A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."

John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

It appears only a few outlets have published this. American Thinker, Politico, Boston Globe and Fox.

I hope it starts getting around on the net. The Swift Boat Vets were called a lot of names and were treated viciously in 2004. Divine justice that the main attack dog for Kerry is sitting in jail for child porn AND having his Silver Star revoked.

Here's the link to Winter Soldier. - <p>What's New?

Kerry is just as big a phoney. Somehow someway his discharge was redone in the 80s.
What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?
What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?

By swiftboating, you, of course, mean telling the truth about John Kerry.

Since when is that a bad thing?

And it has everything to do with the credibility of John Kerry that his spokesperson on the matter is completely uncredible, much like himself.

Granted, since the 2004 election is over and Senator Kerry isnt President, I don't care that much about ths issue. It's good to see errors being corrected though.
What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?

By swiftboating, you, of course, mean telling the truth about John Kerry.

Since when is that a bad thing?

And it has everything to do with the credibility of John Kerry that his spokesperson on the matter is completely uncredible, much like himself.

Granted, since the 2004 election is over and Senator Kerry isnt President, I don't care that much about ths issue. It's good to see errors being corrected though.

The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told
What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?

By swiftboating, you, of course, mean telling the truth about John Kerry.

Since when is that a bad thing?

And it has everything to do with the credibility of John Kerry that his spokesperson on the matter is completely uncredible, much like himself.

Granted, since the 2004 election is over and Senator Kerry isnt President, I don't care that much about ths issue. It's good to see errors being corrected though.

The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

Im fairly confident that Swift Boat veterans would dispute your claim that they were lying or that they avoided combat.

I am also fairly confident, that when they have one story, and Kerry changed his story every few hours, that Kerry is the one lying through his teeth.
Mabus revokes imprisoned veteran's Silver Star
By Gidget Fuentes
[email protected]
(from July 18 Navy Times)

San Diego- In a highly unusual move, the Navy secretary has stripped a Silver Star awarded to a retired captain and Vietnam swift boat veteran who is serving a federal prison sentence after admitting to child pornography.

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus revoked the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest valor award, which was awarded nearly 20 years ago to retired Capt. Wade Sanders of San Diego.

A spokeswoman for Mabus confirmed the secretary's decision, which he made in August 2010 following a review and recommendation by the Navy Department Board of Medals and Decorations. "Mabus signed a memorandum in which he revoked the previously awarded Silver Star," said Capt. Pamela Kunze.

"Had the subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself been known to the Secretary of the Navy in 1992, those facts would have prevented the award of the Silver Star," Kunze said.

Sanders, a former deputy assistant Navy secretary rose to prominence seven years ago as a swift boat veteran who supported the 2004 presidential candidacy of Sen. John Kerry, D.Mass.

Sanders in 2008 pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography after an FBI investigation led to his San Diego home and the discovery of pornographic videos on his computers. He received a 37-month sentence as part of a plea deal; he has maintained he isn't a pedophile and was researching the subject for a book he planned to write.

It's not clear whether Sanders conviction played a role in him losing his Silver Star.

The Navy declined to release a copy of the memo, which Mabus addressed to the chief of naval personnel, who in turn would be responsible for the administrative actions to pull the award from official naval records.

Kunze would not say who or what prompted the review of Sanders Silver Star, nor would she say what new information had surfaced about the Silver Star.

"Additional information was brought to light after 1992," she said. "Those facts could have prevented the award of the Silver Star at that time."

She gave no specific reasons as to how Mabus or the board came to their conclusion.

The sole authority for revoking a medal rests with the service secretary, according to Chapter 2 of the Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual.

Yea I'm sure Child Porn had nothing to do with it.
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By swiftboating, you, of course, mean telling the truth about John Kerry.

Since when is that a bad thing?

And it has everything to do with the credibility of John Kerry that his spokesperson on the matter is completely uncredible, much like himself.

Granted, since the 2004 election is over and Senator Kerry isnt President, I don't care that much about ths issue. It's good to see errors being corrected though.

The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

Im fairly confident that Swift Boat veterans would dispute your claim that they were lying or that they avoided combat.

I am also fairly confident, that when they have one story, and Kerry changed his story every few hours, that Kerry is the one lying through his teeth.

You mean Bush and Dick 'Deferment" Cheney served (Because you do know that's what he meant, right.

Those swiftboaters out to get Kerry were proven liars...
According to Wiki the "Star" was awarded in 1992 when Clinton was president during a democrat majority in congress long after the alleged incident.
What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?

Kerry "gamed" Viet Nam. He could be seen in many photos with his arms wrapped around enlisted men, he an officer. It's called "fraternization" and there's a good reason that it is forbidden. Kerry and his purported record, is a good example of why.
One only has to take a look at the massive amount of CURRENT veterans padding on and taking full advantage of lenient disability rules to know that stretching the truth about war time acts is as old as the revolutionary war. WWII was rampant with borderline medals and purple hearts.
I am no Kerry fan but his fanny WAS THERE unlike the chicken shit likes of Bum Knee Saxby Chambliss here and every other Republican in politics.
As a life long Republican it pisses me off. Dad was a decorated Marine Colonel from WWII and Korea and a life long Democrat.
This story has about nothing to do with Kerry. He is not responsible for others.
Try again.

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