Kerry over Hillary?

You want Hillary to run our health care system?!?!? I guess that whole flu vaccine shortage didn't really matter to you...
Gem said:
You want Hillary to run our health care system?!?!? I guess that whole flu vaccine shortage didn't really matter to you...

Gem you have to remember that most people are simply unaware of what Hillary's vaccination plan in the early days of the Clinton administration did to the companies to cause the vaccine shortages.
In Democratic circles here in DC, it has been said that both Bill and Hillary will be buried next to a former President when they die......

If she runs in 08, I have a feeling the RNC will tap former US Congressman from Oklahoma, JC Watts......that will turn a lot of heads in the black community, and perhaps have Condoleeza Rice as VP nominee.....what a strong ticket that would be!!!! (the rainbow coalition would sh!t a brick over what to do!!!!!)
sagegirl said:
I suspect that some people are not so much supporting their candidate as they are opposing the other candidate.
I am supporting President Bush. I did in 2000 and he's done nothing but the best for this country since. I fully supported President Bush before Kerry was named the runner for the Democrats and I support him fully today. So you see, Kerry had nothing to do with my decision to vote for Bush, but he is the reason I Pray nightly that Bush will win!
Maybe we should just elect a president and have him or her be our PR person, sort of like royalty, except that we can elect them.
Sorry, I'm a little tired, so I really don't understand this. I've read it like 5 times now and all I can do is laugh, not sure why. Sorry.
We could have real people, elected or appointed, do the decision making in their own best fields of expertise. We could have people in our government with diverse ideas and personalities.
Don't we have these people already? Now, I'll admit I'm not too smart about the forms of government (Congress, Senate, House of Representives, etc.) but I know there's alot of people in Washington, and several people in all the States, Towns, and Cities that are making alot of decisions. I'm pretty sure they're even elected or appointed. Not sure, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
We wouldnt have to settle for a "Package Deal " president. I wouldnt expect anybody with the qualities we expect our President to have, to lower themselves to the level of the absolute sham, or should I say scam, we call a campaign.
I am ashamed of how the campaigning is going, too. I'm sick of how the Democrats have insulted President Bush and his administration! I'm sick of how the Republicans were just supposed to "take the high road"! And I'm sick of when a Republican finally does strike back, the world is going to come to an end! You damn right I'm ashamed!!
Regarding Hillary, .......... I think she is really intelligent, well most of these politicians are...... way smarter, or at least better educated, than the average voter.
I would hope she'd be smarter and better educated than the average voter. She's a Senator for God's sake. Let's Pray she has a little common sense, at least more than the ones that voted her in. ;)
I think it would be great if we had Hil head a real health care forum....and it wouldnt matter a bit to me if she cared if gay couples could be married or not....dont need that to solve the health care problems. Leave that to our PR President :banana:
I have no clue what you're even trying to say here so I can't respond.
My sincere hope is for W in '04, then I think Bill Frist & Condaleeza Rice would make an unstoppable ticket in '08
USA Pride....I appreciated your response. Some of what I said was tongue in cheek, but the overall concern that I have is that the candidates are trying to please everybody. Consider this, lots of $$$$ are now being spent on campaign ads, which are directed at an estimated small percentage of voters. These voters havent yet been able to decide on a candidate, which makes me wonder if they have been listening for the past 6 months. The candidates are trying to sway these undecided voters with special interest concerns. ( I hope this election isnt decided on the sexual preferences of the VPs daughter. ) There are lots of things that divide us unfortunately and there are other things that unite us. I do believe that people on both sides love their country, want security and well being, and hopfully we can work together to accomplish this. I see alot of name calling and disrepect between the two (well the obvious two) sides on these issues, and it just adds to the polarization. I want a strong leader who listens and unites us. I think Bush has failed to do this, like he said in the debate we were divided in the last election and we still are. A successful leader does unite people. So on that issue I disagree with you about Bush. I do believe he will win because he is a known, a given, at a time when a lot of people feel fear and doubt. Kerry is an unknown, and he hasnt done much to prove himself, either as a matter of where he stands on issues ( I agree he is Mr. Tell em what they want to hear) or as a leader in his attempts to persuade the American people to vote for him. I have decided who I am going to vote for but I really wish I could say I was more convinced than I am that things are going to be better. If all the promises made to us by the people we have elected so far had been kept, all our problems would already be solved. Again, tongue in cheek, maybe its a conspiracy, if they resolved all the problems we wouldnt need them anymore.
sagegirl said:
USA Pride....I appreciated your response. Some of what I said was tongue in cheek, but the overall concern that I have is that the candidates are trying to please everybody. Consider this, lots of $$$$ are now being spent on campaign ads, which are directed at an estimated small percentage of voters. These voters havent yet been able to decide on a candidate, which makes me wonder if they have been listening for the past 6 months. The candidates are trying to sway these undecided voters with special interest concerns. ( I hope this election isnt decided on the sexual preferences of the VPs daughter. ) There are lots of things that divide us unfortunately and there are other things that unite us. I do believe that people on both sides love their country, want security and well being, and hopfully we can work together to accomplish this. I see alot of name calling and disrepect between the two (well the obvious two) sides on these issues, and it just adds to the polarization. I want a strong leader who listens and unites us. I think Bush has failed to do this, like he said in the debate we were divided in the last election and we still are. A successful leader does unite people. So on that issue I disagree with you about Bush. I do believe he will win because he is a known, a given, at a time when a lot of people feel fear and doubt. Kerry is an unknown, and he hasnt done much to prove himself, either as a matter of where he stands on issues ( I agree he is Mr. Tell em what they want to hear) or as a leader in his attempts to persuade the American people to vote for him. I have decided who I am going to vote for but I really wish I could say I was more convinced than I am that things are going to be better. If all the promises made to us by the people we have elected so far had been kept, all our problems would already be solved. Again, tongue in cheek, maybe its a conspiracy, if they resolved all the problems we wouldnt need them anymore.

I'll agree that our methods of selecting a president have turned into an expensive beauty contest between two parties, but I think this is exactly what has caused the great divide. When one party begins to campaign on a platform like "ANYBODY but the other guy", you have created a perty of hate (not one of solutions)
I don't know how long it will take for a new party to arise or even if the parties now in control would allow it but right now there are only two viable choices. The one of action and committment and the one simply interested in destoying the other by any means possible (legal or illegal). If one were able to set their inflamed emotions aside long enough to just look at facts, the choice is incredibly clear.
sagegirl said:
USA Pride....I appreciated your response.
These voters havent yet been able to decide on a candidate, which makes me wonder if they have been listening for the past 6 months.
:beer: again, LOL!!
I want a strong leader who listens and unites us. I think Bush has failed to do this, like he said in the debate we were divided in the last election and we still are. A successful leader does unite people. So on that issue I disagree with you about Bush.
What exactly has Bush done to divide this Nation? The war? No one likes war, but sometimes it's necessary. And this war was necessary. People trying to make Bush out to be a liar and trying to make everything he says and does into a controversary is what's dividing this Nation! Ban on Partial Birth Abortion? Well thank you President Bush!! Against gay marriage? Well, would this really have been an issue if the homosexual community didn't come out in bus loads trying to get married illegally? So really, what has Bush done to divide this Nation? Besides being the one that beat Al Gore in 2000?
How many times has Bush reached across party lines? Good Lord, Ted Kennedy writing a bill and Bush support him? And then the Democrats bitch about that. You see where I'm coming from here?
If all the promises made to us by the people we have elected so far had been kept, all our problems would already be solved. Again, tongue in cheek, maybe its a conspiracy, if they resolved all the problems we wouldnt need them anymore.
The problem with promises by one person is that the one person alone can't keep those promises without everyone else that has to vote on them. You know?! :D
To answer the original post of the thread, I think the Democrats are so rabid with hatred for President Bush, and even more so from their lack of political power, that they wouldnt mind having Kerry as a President if it meant they had some sort of relevency in politics. They are very eager to win this election because if they dont their control over the Judicial branch will be lost for a generation. That way they cant get their liberal agenda past without going through the legislature which they do not control.

We need to pray and work hard that President Bush is reelected. I have always been a strong supporter of the President. but not lately ive see what John Kerry is and quite frankly he scares the crap out of me. He betrayed us for political power before. I dont see how he can be trusted in such an honored position. Not to mention i think anyone who thinks giving nuclear fuel to Iran is a good idea is either stupid or pure evil. We cannot allow Kerry to be President.
Avatar4321 said:
He betrayed us for political power before. I dont see how he can be trusted in such an honored position.
To think there's a possibility that our soldiers will have to salute this man makes my heart break! That's the truth! :(
You ask what has Pres. Bush done to divide this nation? First of all I dont think it is his intent to divide.....I know that he believes what he is doing is right. I just wish he could articulate it better. When he repeats over and over again that the world is a safer place without Sadam, we get it. But we still have problems, with the middle east, with s korea, with our standing in the world. I dont think we should make our decisions on what other countries think of us, but I would sure like it if our leader was able to convince them that our actions were well thought out, that our intelligence was substantiated, and that we wanted their support. We are ,whether we like it or not in this time, a world community and we need to find some ground to cooperate on. So I think by failing to unite a coalition we stand apart, divided as a nation and in the world . Partial birth abortion.....doesnt the pres have enough on his agenda?????, He sure is entitled to his own personal beliefs and the problem I have with anyone who speaks against issues of birth control or abortion is that I think these are personal issues and each person is entitled to their own opinion. Face it, as a woman, I am offended that anyone else would think their stand on abortion should be forced on me. I cant force my opinions on them......its really a non issue but its been so exploited as to be obscene. Im not a religious person, but I would like those who are, to let me, when the time comes that I meet my maker, to plead my case then and there. If my soul goes to hell, you will know I will suffer forever for my mistakes. I dont believe it is your duty to try to save me. So please leave me alone on this one. I do support almost every program to eliminate unwanted pregnancies, and stds, but sex is fun and not everybody takes responsibily for their actions. I believe after the fact that parents have to held accountable for their kids, and our welfare program has to get on the stick here and make the people making babies pay for them. Lastly gay marriage...marriage is a legally binding civil contract. Any person can enter into a civil contract and list provisions as they see fit. I do believe that if two people have agreed to a legal contract, then health care benefits, and other privledges should be extended to them. It doesnt take anything from me to offer them that, and divides us a little less, dontcha think. The issue seems more to me that some people dont like the term marriage applied to these contracts, but face it they will call it what they want. I dont really care and either should the pres.
janeeng said:
UsaPride - I think I remember another thread talking about Hillary and how you and I agreed how much we despise her. Just the looks on her is enough to want to hate her!!!! I can't even believe that wench is a Senator, let alone run for President. I might be female, but I don't agree with the "have a female for President thing" There are just some jobs to me, better left to a man.


You know, if you painted a little mustache on the woman, she would bear a frightening resemblance to Adolf.

But allow me to differ in regard to your statement "There are just some jobs to me, better left to a man." Perhaps that's true when it comes to lifting heavy objects or playing pro football. But in regard to tasks which require judgement and intelligence I have to disagree rather intensely.

First, history does not support your statement. Margaret Thatcher apparently managed to hold England's highest office without destroying the country. Do you think that men have done such a wonderful job of running the world that we should not jepoardize that track record by electing a woman? Hardly. Compare George Bush to his wife Laura. Personally, if Laura were running against GW, I'd vote for her.

I think that a woman is at least as capable as any man to hold the office of President and I think that day will be upon us much sooner than you think.

But please - Hillary??????? Gives me the creepy-crawlies.

Want to think about something that will make you puke up your toenails? Picture Theresa as President. :eek: :shocked: :puke3:
sagegirl said:
When he repeats over and over again that the world is a safer place without Sadam, we get it.
Some do, some still don't.
I dont think we should make our decisions on what other countries think of us, but I would sure like it if our leader was able to convince them that our actions were well thought out, that our intelligence was substantiated, and that we wanted their support.
He did try to get support of other countries. He did get support of other countries. The countries that wouldn't support us, well, we now know why.
We are ,whether we like it or not in this time, a world community and we need to find some ground to cooperate on. So I think by failing to unite a coalition we stand apart, divided as a nation and in the world .
France and Germany are not the "world". We do have a coalition. We have allies. Why do they not exist to some people?
Face it, as a woman, I am offended that anyone else would think their stand on abortion should be forced on me.
Really, what does being a woman have to do with it? "My body, my right"? We're talking about a baby here. A baby who has a father whose rights are obviously less important than a womans body. As a woman, I am offended by people using an excuse such as "my body, my right" for such an important issue.
I said Partial birth abortions, not all abortions. I have seen nothing that says that a Partial birth abortion is necessary for anything except for last minute decisions to have an abortion.
Lastly gay marriage...marriage is a legally binding civil contract. Any person can enter into a civil contract and list provisions as they see fit. I do believe that if two people have agreed to a legal contract, then health care benefits, and other privledges should be extended to them. It doesnt take anything from me to offer them that, and divides us a little less, dontcha think. The issue seems more to me that some people dont like the term marriage applied to these contracts, but face it they will call it what they want. I dont really care and either should the pres.
Let them call it what they want, it's not a marriage. Fine, have a civil union. But when they say they want the same rights, such as visiting at the hospital (which I think is fair), isn't that the hospitals rules, not the Presidents? Why not go protest the hospitals instead of blaming the President?
Merlin1047 said:
But allow me to differ in regard to your statement "There are just some jobs to me, better left to a man." Perhaps that's true when it comes to lifting heavy objects or playing pro football.
What are you trying to say, women can't lift heavy objects or play football? :tng:

Do you think that men have done such a wonderful job of running the world that we should not jepoardize that track record by electing a woman?
Not what I meant at all. I just don't think our country is ready for a female president. Especially with everything that's going on, I just wouldn't feel safe. Call me old fashion, I need to know there's a man looking out for me, I guess, LOL!

I think that a woman is at least as capable as any man to hold the office of President and I think that day will be upon us much sooner than you think.
I'm sure you're right. I just Pray it's the right woman!!
sagegirl said:
You ask what has Pres. Bush done to divide this nation? First of all I dont think it is his intent to divide.....I know that he believes what he is doing is right. I just wish he could articulate it better. When he repeats over and over again that the world is a safer place without Sadam, we get it. But we still have problems, with the middle east, with s korea, with our standing in the world. I dont think we should make our decisions on what other countries think of us, but I would sure like it if our leader was able to convince them that our actions were well thought out, that our intelligence was substantiated, and that we wanted their support. We are ,whether we like it or not in this time, a world community and we need to find some ground to cooperate on. So I think by failing to unite a coalition we stand apart, divided as a nation and in the world.

Um Sagegirl, we have a coalition! How the heck is Kerry supposed to build a great coalition if he pisses off the 30 nations that are already with us by refusing to acknowledge their assistance. Poland's President is already ticked with him. Kerry tried to undermine Prime Minister Howard's reelection in Austrailia. And he offends Prime Minister Allawi of Iraq when he comes over to thank us. How the heck is that going to help Kerry build a coalition? Im tired of hearing people complain about how Bush has failed to build an alliance when we already have a pretty darn big one.

If you are concerned about the ability of our intelligence community join the club. I just dont see how electing someone who has purposed and voted for the slashing of those intelligence agencies is possibly going to make them strongere. Yeah youve destroyed our intelligence community and dont show up for a cast majority of your meetings on the intelligence committee, but we have weak intelligence so lets give you a raise. that makes no sense whatsoever.

Im tired of the President being blamed as a divider when he has repeatedly reached out accross the isle only to get slapped down by Democrats who care more about their own political power than the good of this nation. He lets the Democrats help right the education bill and the Democrats arent happy. Ted Kennedy who sponsored the bill goes out and starts critisizing the President on it. The President delivers on the Medicare bill Democrats have been promising for the last twenty years and are Democrats happy? heck no, they do nothing but critisize the President. And rather than rally around the nation in war time do the Democrats care? heck no they try to undermine the war effort. And somehow President Bush has failed as a uniter because of it. How convienient.

Partial birth abortion.....doesnt the pres have enough on his agenda?????, He sure is entitled to his own personal beliefs and the problem I have with anyone who speaks against issues of birth control or abortion is that I think these are personal issues and each person is entitled to their own opinion. Face it, as a woman, I am offended that anyone else would think their stand on abortion should be forced on me. I cant force my opinions on them......its really a non issue but its been so exploited as to be obscene. Im not a religious person, but I would like those who are, to let me, when the time comes that I meet my maker, to plead my case then and there. If my soul goes to hell, you will know I will suffer forever for my mistakes. I dont believe it is your duty to try to save me. So please leave me alone on this one.

Im sorry you dont want to hear it. But thankfully we have a right to free speech and its not up to you to tell us what our duty is. and just fyi. Abortion can never be a personal issue. Because a personal issue involves only 1 person. Abortion involves atleast 3. a woman, a man, and atleast one innocent child. You can be entitled to your own opinion all you want but that doesnt give you the right to take away the right of the father who you consented to be intimate with or the right of the child to live simply because your so damn selfish that life doesnt matter you. So no i dont think ill leave anyone alone on this issue. The fact that we have the practice of abortion, legalized infanticide, is even worse than the practice of slavery. Atleast the slaves had some sort of possibility to be freed or taken care of well. They had hope. These children dont.

I do support almost every program to eliminate unwanted pregnancies, and stds, but sex is fun and not everybody takes responsibily for their actions. I believe after the fact that parents have to held accountable for their kids, and our welfare program has to get on the stick here and make the people making babies pay for them.

I agree that the welfare program has to stop rewarding people for being irresponsible. But the fact that there are "unwanted" children is sickening. If you dont want to be responsible for a child then dont act in a way that will create one. But if you have a child or get pregnant. Get over yourself and think about someone else for a change. And if you get a woman pregnant get over yourself and take responsibility for your actions.

There is only one way to eliminate unwanted pregnancies and stds. Chastity before marriage and fidelity after.

Lastly gay marriage...marriage is a legally binding civil contract. Any person can enter into a civil contract and list provisions as they see fit. I do believe that if two people have agreed to a legal contract, then health care benefits, and other privledges should be extended to them. It doesnt take anything from me to offer them that, and divides us a little less, dontcha think. The issue seems more to me that some people dont like the term marriage applied to these contracts, but face it they will call it what they want. I dont really care and either should the pres

While it is true that civil contracts can be entered into by anyone, that isnt the issue. the issue is whether the government has an obligation to recognize said contracts and whether they should be called marriage. Marriage between a man and a woman benefits society. Its the institution through which the future citizens of this nation are born and raised. It raises the standard of living among the citizens, increases the economic output of the citizens. These are a few among many reasons why marriages are recognized. Gay unions do not produce the same benefits for society. in fact, I could argue that homosexuality has inherenet negative influences on society. The government does not have to recognize any civil contract that doesnt benefit society, common law dictates that they have a moral obligation not to recognize contracts that hurt society. (as you can see atleast some of contract law is sticking with me)

As for the issue of health care benefits, even if Gay marriage were permitted and recognized, that does not mean they will recieve health care benefits. I know this is a foriegn concept to liberals but health care prices are dictated by the market, not the government. Homosexuality cost the health care industry far more than Hetrosexuality and thus prices for homosexuals are going to be higher than the average person. I see no reason why I as a healthy low risk person should pay the same for health care as someone who puts themselves at a higher risk of sickness and disease. If Congress ever did legislate that health benefits be the same, the aritificial controls on the health care industry would cause even more problems in it then we have now.
Just to clarify a couple of things....Partial birth abortion is probably not a last minute change of heart.....I would hope that a woman knows before it gets to that stage that she does not want a child. (Hopefully she decides this before she has unprotected sex. whatever) The problem is that we get on that slippery slope and start making so many excuses to follow laws or to not follow them. I guess at some point you have to allow a person to make a mistake if they want to, this is a free country. You mention fathers, and unfortunately so many opt out of the responsibility of parenting that they have given the lot a bad reputation. I say to a man that doesnt want to get a woman pregnant to wear a condom. Yeah and I know you care about the child, so what do we do, force a woman to raise a child she didnt want in the first place. I saw a bumper sticker once that I have to agree with...."If you cant trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child" You surely arent advocating taking the children away from mothers who considered having a abortion are you??? Leave it a personal choice, consider it an opportunity to limit big government.
sagegirl said:
Just to clarify a couple of things....Partial birth abortion is probably not a last minute change of heart.....I would hope that a woman knows before it gets to that stage that she does not want a child. (Hopefully she decides this before she has unprotected sex. whatever)
If it's not a last minute change of heart, then what is it? To suck a baby's brain out while it's half out of the mothers body, Good Lord, what good does it do? I don't get that!
The problem is that we get on that slippery slope and start making so many excuses to follow laws or to not follow them. I guess at some point you have to allow a person to make a mistake if they want to, this is a free country.
Slippery slope? Mistake? We're talking about Partial Birth Abortion. I'm not talking first trimester abortion, I'm talking Partial BIRTH Abortion.
You mention fathers, and unfortunately so many opt out of the responsibility of parenting that they have given the lot a bad reputation.
And alot of fathers don't opt out of the responsibility of parenting, why should they not be recognized but the dead beat dads should?
I say to a man that doesnt want to get a woman pregnant to wear a condom.
Same goes for a woman that doesn't want to get pregnant, use protection or close your damn legs!!!
Yeah and I know you care about the child, so what do we do, force a woman to raise a child she didnt want in the first place.
If she doesn't want a child in the first place, have the abortion in the first trimester. I've said I'm not talking about all abortions, although I have strong feelings there too, I'm just talking about Partial Birth Abortions. If she didn't want the child then you'd think she'd relize that before the baby is actually being born.
You surely arent advocating taking the children away from mothers who considered having a abortion are you???
I'm sure this is another "tongue in cheek" comment.
Sorry, I assumed that partial birth abortion is a clinically necessary procedure to save the life of the mother.....I totally agree with you that it is not a procedure for a change of heart or mind. I agree that the women bears a huge responsibility, if she is not ready to be pregnant, better use reliable birth control, and to always know her partner, and for using protection from stds. But we know that isnt the case. I dont give dead beat dads any credit, and I have great respect for all parents who are putting their childrens needs first. I know lots of men paying child support and barely having anything left to live it goes. How we value our children is a direct reflection on a society. I hope every child is given endless opportunities to dream and grow. We are all diminished by the failures. Each life is valuable and I dont know that the two sides of this will ever find a workable solution. But yeah, I concede, partial birth abortion should not be an option. Id be interested to know what your opinion is on taking a life as per capital punishment.....with no prejudice. As to the health care issues of gays, I suppose it could be said that their health care could be more costly if they get aids, but aids can be spread by heterosexual activity as well so anyone engaging in casual(?????) sex can get it. There are those who say if people ate better foods and exercised more and smoked less ,on and on,
they would be healthier, this sort of cuts down your arguement of leading a healthy lifestyle or an unhealthy lifestyle should make you eligible or not for insurance. So I stand my ground on unions should get the benefits . I dont like labels but I do agree with the idea of slippery slopes and most issues arent black and white, but a whole lot of shades of grey.
sagegirl said:
Just to clarify a couple of things....Partial birth abortion is probably not a last minute change of heart.....I would hope that a woman knows before it gets to that stage that she does not want a child. (Hopefully she decides this before she has unprotected sex. whatever)

Sage, I would like a yes or no answer to this question:

Assume that a woman has just given birth. Do you believe that a woman has the right to kill the infant if she decides that she no longer wants it?

Just yes or no. No equivocation, no tap dancing. All I'm asking for is a straight answer.
sagegirl said:
Sorry, I assumed that partial birth abortion is a clinically necessary procedure to save the life of the mother
Okay, seriously, I keep hearing this as an arguement but have yet to be explained how Partial Birth Abortion is used to save the life of a mother?
I know when I gave birth to my twins, the first one was vaginal, when she was half out of me, at that point she's got to continue to come out, how is killing her right then going to save my life? As a matter of fact, I almost died giving birth to my children. The second didn't want to come out and I was losing blood fast. After an hour and a half (still pissed about that) they finally did a C-Section. I just don't understand why a C-section can't be used.
And if you have a good explantion on this one, I would love to read it! It may even change my mind. How often were Partial Birth Abortions used to save a mother's life and could there have been any other ways? That's what I want to know.
I know lots of men paying child support and barely having anything left to live it goes.
I do too and not one of them ever complain about having to pay for their kids. They charish their children. Now what if they weren't given a choice to be a dad? So sad for them.
Each life is valuable and I dont know that the two sides of this will ever find a workable solution.
You said it right there, "each life is valuable".
But yeah, I concede, partial birth abortion should not be an option.
Id be interested to know what your opinion is on taking a life as per capital punishment.....with no prejudice.
Why, are any of the opponents running on this issue? If not, let's save that for another thread. :)
As to the health care issues of gays,
I never said anything about health care issues of gays, so I'm assuming you wrote this responding to someone elses threads. :)

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