Kerry loses 6 points to Bush in 24 hours

Jobs and economy only poll high because right now there has been no terrroist attack in ameerica for almost three years. But don't think for a momnent that people still don't think about it. It's there and they know it. When pressed to the issue of National security over economy 9 times out of ten a sane person will vote in the basis of National security. I would point out the election of 2002. A president's party has rarley won seats in a midterm election. Therepo's gained seats and they all ran on one thing National Security. The Dems ran on the ecomonomy. Just wait the dem's will flop this issue and turn it in to National secruity once people start to think about it in terms of Bush or Kerry.
Though I like the results of these polls, I still don't think it means a thing this early. When the Dems decide on a candidate, I'll start paying more than fleeting attention to the polls.

BTW, RUN, NADER, RUN!!!!! :clap: :clap: :D :thup:
Is't that the way it always is? The Dem's hold the NE and the West while the rest of america is smart enough(and not so debendent on social programs, i.e hudge urban areas) to see past the promise of this great big left Utopia(greek for NO-Where)

Bush leads in the red states; Kerry in the blue.
I'll wait to take stock in any polls once the Dems pick a candidate and stick to it (and take back the white house, YARRRRGHHHH).

Poll results right now are biased because GWB hasnt even begun to campaign. Right now, when turning on MSNBC, CNN, Fox, etc., all you're seeing/hearing is Democratic spew. Once the Republicans begin to campaign, the polls will reflect a little bit more realistically.
Did you read those poll questions? Talk about loaded! What if they mentioned in the one about judicial nominations that Republicans did the EXACT same thing to Bill Clinton for the last 6 years of his presidency? The other two were loaded too.


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