Kellog's funds wide range of far left causes - Capital hill outsider


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Kellogg's Funds Wide Range of Far-Left Causes - Capitol Hill Outsider

Breitbart — A new report reveals the shocking amount of money donated by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to left-wing, pro-socialist organizations in coordination with the Clintons and anti-American billionaire George Soros.


Kellogs has been on the wrong side for a long , long time. A lot of ppl stopped buying their bs products for many reasons.
just like the meme below and this was from 2015
I generally avoid brand names. Generic product companies don't throw lots of money at left-wing causes, plus their products cost less. Big companies are afraid to support conservative causes, so they don't support conservative causes. When Chick-Fil-A was found out to be supporting traditional marriage, they (and, their suppliers) faced a boycott with vicious harassment that broke Chick-Fil-A's will. (Yes, the chicken placed caved.)

Not only is the Republican Party worthless, most self-imagined conservatives are worthless to the conservative cause. And, so companies fear, and only fear, offending the Left.
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