Keith Halloran (D) Wishes Palin was on Stevens' plane!!!!

Doubtful he even said it. A non story.

Even if it was an imposter that said it. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!. The point is that it was said in the first place. It should not be defended, excused or written off.

tasteless jokes are now crimes? what do you suggest -- stoning or gas chamber? :lol:

gawd, the right is always defending talk show hosts and news creeps, but attacking tasteless jokes by nobodys or comedians.

Who the fuck said anything about a crime? :lol:

You're loosing it man. :lol:
Even if it was an imposter that said it. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!. The point is that it was said in the first place. It should not be defended, excused or written off.

tasteless jokes are now crimes? what do you suggest -- stoning or gas chamber? :lol:

gawd, the right is always defending talk show hosts and news creeps, but attacking tasteless jokes by nobodys or comedians.

Who the fuck said anything about a crime? :lol:

You're loosing it man. :lol:

You do have a flair for the dramatic. I almost responded to your previous post but I thought you'd get even more upset.
tasteless jokes are now crimes? what do you suggest -- stoning or gas chamber? :lol:

gawd, the right is always defending talk show hosts and news creeps, but attacking tasteless jokes by nobodys or comedians.

Who the fuck said anything about a crime? :lol:

You're loosing it man. :lol:

You do have a flair for the dramatic. I almost responded to your previous post but I thought you'd get even more upset.

I do. It's a good album. But I'm not angry.
I'm not surprised by this at all. Most Leftists are hateful,whiny,snotty douchebags. Even fellow Leftists in this White House are figuring this out. Check out what their propaganda spokesman Robert Gibbs said about them recently. The Left sucks. Now even this White House knows this. Palin's a good person. She doesn't deserve this kind of hate. Shame on the Left.

You know, if you read Lib's posts as if they're being said in an affected bitchy drama queen gay guy tone of voice, they're really quite entertaining.
Even if it was an imposter that said it. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!. The point is that it was said in the first place. It should not be defended, excused or written off.

tasteless jokes are now crimes? what do you suggest -- stoning or gas chamber? :lol:

gawd, the right is always defending talk show hosts and news creeps, but attacking tasteless jokes by nobodys or comedians.

Who the fuck said anything about a crime? :lol:

You're loosing it man. :lol:

well the level of outrage from the Christian Taliban suggests a crime-like issue. :lol:

you don't get it. the feigned outrage of the right has been used so often it has lost all power to persuade. it's a joke to even the most loyal followers.:lol:
I'm not surprised by this at all. Most Leftists are hateful,whiny,snotty douchebags. Even fellow Leftists in this White House are figuring this out. Check out what their propaganda spokesman Robert Gibbs said about them recently. The Left sucks. Now even this White House knows this. Palin's a good person. She doesn't deserve this kind of hate. Shame on the Left.

You know, if you read Lib's posts as if they're being said in an affected bitchy drama queen gay guy tone of voice, they're really quite entertaining.

Thank goodness Palin wasn't on the plane.

Now she's officially the most corrupt living Alaskan politician.

I agree. That and I can't wait to see how stupid she is going to be in her next race or half race or whatever..
Doesn't surprise me,Letterman went after Palin's underage daughter and joked about her getting raped by Yankee Star Alex Rodriguez and the audience laughed their asses of.The next few days no one from the left said a word...
Doesn't surprise me,Letterman went after Palin's underage daughter and joked about her getting raped by Yankee Star Alex Rodriguez and the audience laughed their asses of.The next few days no one from the left said a word...
Actually, the joke was about consensual sex with her oldest daughter...tasteless, true...but the only ones that brought up rape with a thirteen year old were Mr & Mrs P. Shows where their minds are. :lol:
still smoking your turds a month after you swallowed your baggie?
Doesn't surprise me,Letterman went after Palin's underage daughter and joked about her getting raped by Yankee Star Alex Rodriguez and the audience laughed their asses of.The next few days no one from the left said a word...
Actually, the joke was about consensual sex with her oldest daughter...tasteless, true...but the only ones that brought up rape with a thirteen year old were Mr & Mrs P. Shows where their minds are. :lol:

Actually in my part of the world and in most parts of the world sex with a 13 year old is
RAPE unless your in the deep South or you're in Iran and the goat is underage.:doubt:
And Sarah Palin brought her youngest underage daughter to the game and that is who the joke was about....
If you don't have any problem with what Letterman did let me know and I will give you an earful about some really
funny things i might want to say about Obama's girls.
We are just joking around here right? Having a good old time.
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Halloran wouldn't confirm he wrote the message. In a message sent to The Associated Press through Facebook he said, "It's just a tempest in their Tea Pot."
A comment thru facebook?

Curiouser and curiouser. I will gladly admit I am wrong if I am, but wtf? How do journalists get off publishing such unconfirmed nonsense?

And Rozpuss...the joke was about Bristol no matter how you drool for it otherwise.

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