Keep This in Mind Concerning the Mueller Report

Don't know about Mueller but the majority of his investigators were Trump hating Dems.

I'm sure they did all they could to shield Trump. LOL

Barr did enough shielding all by himself.

Only a stupid partisan hack would ever make the claim that the investigation showed there was no collusion.

At best, they can say they found no collusion.

You really are a Trump hating biased asshole.

Because Mueller's report cleared Trump you now say the report was a rigged. That Barr and Mueller are shielding Trump??

What a block headed idiot you are.

Innocent people get off in court all the time.

Are you really so fucking stupid not to get that?
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.
Last edited:
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending with hunt by the commies.

Mueller report reveals President Trump's efforts to thwart Russia investigation

"Public at last, special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed to a waiting nation Thursday that President Donald Trump tried to seize control of the Russia probe and force Mueller's removal to stop him from investigating potential obstruction of justice by the president.

"Trump was largely thwarted by those around him who refused to go along.

"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."

"In one particularly dramatic moment, Mueller reported that Trump was so agitated at the special counsel's appointment on May 17, 2017, that he slumped back in his chair and declared: 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f---ed.'"

The miserable bigot got that last part right.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when he dies in prison?
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending with hunt by the commies.

Mueller report reveals President Trump's efforts to thwart Russia investigation

"Public at last, special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed to a waiting nation Thursday that President Donald Trump tried to seize control of the Russia probe and force Mueller's removal to stop him from investigating potential obstruction of justice by the president.

"Trump was largely thwarted by those around him who refused to go along.

"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."

"In one particularly dramatic moment, Mueller reported that Trump was so agitated at the special counsel's appointment on May 17, 2017, that he slumped back in his chair and declared: 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f---ed.'"

The miserable bigot got that last part right.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when he dies in prison?
"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."
I find this hilarious, Trump is always complaining about the Deep Blue State but he can't even get his own, hand-picked people to carry out his orders. And he is too lazy, uncaring, or incompetent to follow through. Who's running this country? Is Trump just a figurehead, and the White House is just another building he put he name on?
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
You mean like Barr's "summary"? :71:

Checkmate in one move. Nice.
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending with hunt by the commies.

Mueller report reveals President Trump's efforts to thwart Russia investigation

"Public at last, special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed to a waiting nation Thursday that President Donald Trump tried to seize control of the Russia probe and force Mueller's removal to stop him from investigating potential obstruction of justice by the president.

"Trump was largely thwarted by those around him who refused to go along.

"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."

"In one particularly dramatic moment, Mueller reported that Trump was so agitated at the special counsel's appointment on May 17, 2017, that he slumped back in his chair and declared: 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f---ed.'"

The miserable bigot got that last part right.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when he dies in prison?

Old news s0n.....nobody cares anymore. Now its Barr's turn to bring the hammer in the form if indictments of Obama officials.:2up:
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.

S o, you think it is OK for a President to act like Trump did?
"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."
I find this hilarious, Trump is always complaining about the Deep Blue State but he can't even get his own, hand-picked people to carry out his orders. And he is too lazy, uncaring, or incompetent to follow through. Who's running this country? Is Trump just a figurehead, and the White House is just another building he put he name on?
I find this hilarious, Trump is always complaining about the Deep Blue State but he can't even get his own, hand-picked people to carry out his orders. And he is too lazy, uncaring, or incompetent to follow through. Who's running this country? Is Trump just a figurehead, and the White House is just another building he put he name on?
Trump has the attention span of a hummingbird unless the subject is making more money for himself and his crime family. If it's true Mueller was prevented from crossing Trump's "red line" about his personal finances, any conclusions his investigation reveals are limited in their scope.

Luckily others are not so timid:
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending with hunt by the commies.

Mueller report reveals President Trump's efforts to thwart Russia investigation

"Public at last, special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed to a waiting nation Thursday that President Donald Trump tried to seize control of the Russia probe and force Mueller's removal to stop him from investigating potential obstruction of justice by the president.

"Trump was largely thwarted by those around him who refused to go along.

"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."

"In one particularly dramatic moment, Mueller reported that Trump was so agitated at the special counsel's appointment on May 17, 2017, that he slumped back in his chair and declared: 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f---ed.'"

The miserable bigot got that last part right.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when he dies in prison?
After he watches his children go to prison

"Criminal intent means the intent to do something wrong or forbidden by law.

"Intent refers to the state of mind accompanying an act especially a forbidden act. It is the outline of the mental pattern which is necessary to do the crime."

Criminal Intent Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Democrats can impeach Trump today.

But Pelosi wont do it. She's the only thing stopping it. Your own leader.

Are you going to just let Nancy deny you the TRUMP TREASON COLLUSION EMOLUMENTS TREASON justice you deserve?

They need the Senate to join in, but republican's have abdicated their Constitutional responsibilities.
Democrats can impeach Trump today.

But Pelosi wont do it. She's the only thing stopping it. Your own leader.

Are you going to just let Nancy deny you the TRUMP TREASON COLLUSION EMOLUMENTS TREASON justice you deserve?

They need the Senate to join in, but republican's have abdicated their Constitutional responsibilities.
So that’s your excuse for being a Putin puppet?
All the major media outlets have "guides" about how to read/what it means/what you need to know/how to spin about the Mueller Report. You don't need to read anything those clowns have prepared because they don't know what the [redacted] they are talking about.

The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.

Now pass the popcorn.
The media and the Democrats have made extraordinary claims about this investigation about all the evidence and "facts" with their manufactured leaks AND THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG for more than two years. They have no credibility.
Have you read the full report yet?
Is the following "fact" accurate?

"SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.


The Mueller Report Findings in Full ]"
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending witch hunt by the commies.
Ah, so it’s no longer collusion but Obama letting Trump skate on his taxes.

The never ending with hunt by the commies.

Mueller report reveals President Trump's efforts to thwart Russia investigation

"Public at last, special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed to a waiting nation Thursday that President Donald Trump tried to seize control of the Russia probe and force Mueller's removal to stop him from investigating potential obstruction of justice by the president.

"Trump was largely thwarted by those around him who refused to go along.

"Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

"Those efforts 'were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,' Mueller wrote...."

"In one particularly dramatic moment, Mueller reported that Trump was so agitated at the special counsel's appointment on May 17, 2017, that he slumped back in his chair and declared: 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f---ed.'"

The miserable bigot got that last part right.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when he dies in prison?
After he watches his children go to prison

"Criminal intent means the intent to do something wrong or forbidden by law.

"Intent refers to the state of mind accompanying an act especially a forbidden act. It is the outline of the mental pattern which is necessary to do the crime."

Criminal Intent Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
OMG! Thought crimes!

Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
The DOJ has a rule forbidding the indictment of a sitting President.

Mueller presented his evidence in prosecutorial way, meaning was there enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Mueller did not even try. He left it up to Congress.

Concerning Trump's indictment, when he does says "No collusion and no obstruction," that was determined two years ago.

The report does not find that Trump or his campaign aides had committed any crimes in their contacts with Russians, but it lays bare how Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power.

Trump never does his dirty work. He orders others to do it for him. Picture Trump meeting with four Russian operatives in Trump Tower. No, he sent his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager.

Although, he may not be personally involved, Trump is responsible for what his campaign did. For example, no doubt he knew that key members of his campaign (and family) were meeting four Russian operatives in his home.

Efforts by Trump to obstruct justice failed because others refused to "carry out orders."

Mueller wrote that no person — not even the President of the United States — is above the law, and that the US Constitution doesn’t “categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice.”

“The conclusion that Congress may apply obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
The Mueller Report.

Mueller intended for Congress to decide on the issues of conspiracy and obstruction because his hands were tied by the heretofore mentioned DOJ rule.

Immediately after learning that a special counsel had been appointed to lead the Russia investigation, the report said, Trump became distraught and slumped in his chair.

“Oh, my God. This is terrible,” he said. “This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”

Only Trump Republicans are talking about impeachment. They want Trump to be impeached so that his conviction in the Republican controlled Senate will be rejected. Democrats want to run against a crippled President in 2020, not a martyr.

The other issue is, the House decides whether of not to impeach the President, not the A.G.

Grand jury testimony and the underlying evidence in the Mueller Report can easily be reviewed by members of Congress with simple request to the appropriate court from the attorney general. Barr not only refuses to do this, but it is expected the DOJ will fight the Congressional subpoena in the courts. The court fight would take months, possibly a year or two.

Barr is supposed to be working for the American people and guarding our Constitution. He is not Trump's lawyer.

Why is it Barr is unwilling to provide the full Mueller Report to the American people's representatives in Congress?

By virtue of his bias and based on his performance so far, which includes lying to the people about the report, the answer is obvious. Barr is attempting to protect Trump.

It is anyone's guess why this proud man decided to degrade himself so badly. He is being so obvious. It is hope that Trump is paying him a lot of money. Barr is earning it. He is sacrificing his self-esteem.
The DOJ has a rule forbidding the indictment of a sitting President.

Mueller presented his evidence in prosecutorial way, meaning was there enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Mueller did not even try. He left it up to Congress.

Concerning Trump's indictment, when he does says "No collusion and no obstruction," that was determined two years ago.

The report does not find that Trump or his campaign aides had committed any crimes in their contacts with Russians, but it lays bare how Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power.

Trump never does his dirty work. He orders others to do it for him. Picture Trump meeting with four Russian operatives in Trump Tower. No, he sent his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager.

Although, he may not be personally involved, Trump is responsible for what his campaign did. For example, no doubt he knew that key members of his campaign (and family) were meeting four Russian operatives in his home.

Efforts by Trump to obstruct justice failed because others refused to "carry out orders."

Mueller wrote that no person — not even the President of the United States — is above the law, and that the US Constitution doesn’t “categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice.”

“The conclusion that Congress may apply obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
The Mueller Report.

Mueller intended for Congress to decide on the issues of conspiracy and obstruction because his hands were tied by the heretofore mentioned DOJ rule.

Immediately after learning that a special counsel had been appointed to lead the Russia investigation, the report said, Trump became distraught and slumped in his chair.

“Oh, my God. This is terrible,” he said. “This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”

only Trump Republicans are talking about impeachment. They want Trump to be impeached so that his conviction in the Republican controlled Senate will be rejected. Democrats want to run against a crippled President in 2020, not a martyr.

The other issue is, the House decides whether of not to impeach the President, not the A.G.

Grand jury testimony and the underlying evidence in the Mueller Report can easily be reviewed by members of Congress with simple request to the appropriate court from the attorney general. Barr not only refuses to do this, but it is expected the DOJ will fight the Congressional subpoena in the courts. The court fight would take months, possibly a year or two.

Barr is supposed to be working for the American people and guarding our Constitution. He is not Trump's lawyer.

Why is it Barr is unwilling to provide the full Mueller Report to the American people's representatives in Congress?

By virtue of his bias and based on his performance so far, which includes lying to the people about the report, the answer is obvious. Barr is attempting to protect Trump.

It is anyone's guess why this proud man decided to degrade himself so badly. He is being so obvious. It is hope that Trump is paying him a lot of money. Barr is earning it. He is sacrificing his self-esteem.

Recalling the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, during which Trump's son, Trump's son-in-law, and Trump's campaign manager met with four Russian operatives at Trump's home, Trump Tower, to get dirt on Clinton, Mueller made this astonishing assessment.

"This meeting posed “difficult statutory and constitutional questions,” Mueller said in the report, but his office “ultimately concluded that, even if the principal legal questions were resolved favorably to the government, a prosecution would encounter difficulties proving that Campaign officials or individuals connected to the Campaign willfully violated the law.” (Emphasis on “willfully.”)"

Anyone involved in an election campaign is expected to know campaign laws. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort clearly broke them. For a Presidential election campaign to seek a benefit from a hostile foreign power is a serious violation of federal law.

Why did Mueller let them off the hook?

One can only conclude that Mueller decided they were only subordinates doing Trump's bidding. The fault and the responsibility lies with Trump, not with his underlings.

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