Kate's Breasts


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
FWIW: I recognize that she has had her privacy violated and that her naked breasts should not have been disclosed to the media.

That said, I stand in defense of her boobs.

She is a fairly pretty woman. She is a bit too thin, for my taste, but she DOES carry herself very well. And her petite figure DOES make her breasts stand out.

She is a pretty damn cute for a British Royal -- even of it is by marriage.

What happened to her is shameful. Paparazzis are scumbags.

But the princess is actually pretty attractive and her naked breasts are actually nothing to be ashamed of.
FWIW: I recognize that she has had her privacy violated and that her naked breasts should not have been disclosed to the media.

That said, I stand in defense of her boobs.

She is a fairly pretty woman. She is a bit too thin, for my taste, but she DOES carry herself very well. And her petite figure DOES make her breasts stand out.

She is a pretty damn cute for a British Royal -- even of it is by marriage.

What happened to her is shameful. Paparazzis are scumbags.

But the princess is actually pretty attractive and her naked breasts are actually nothing to be ashamed of.

An besides, there are so many drunk young women perfectly willing to show of der rack, just go to Bourbon Street for an example. There is no need for sneaky sneaky boob pictures.

From my own experience, I had a husband offer his wife showing off her very nice rack for a string of rubber ducky beads I was wearing. This occured on the balcony of Paradise Island, Bourbon Street. Gotta love the Hand Grenades.
My dad reckons she has horrible boobs. I am trying to find a picture of her so I can judge for myself.

I just came back to this thread from a google search of "Kates breasts" and you made the first page bro......
Wanted to see what the hullabaloo was all about, so I googled. Nothing remarkable. If she wasn't married into the royal family nobody would pay much attention, if any.
Much ado about nothing. They're tits... so what... get over it.

Look at all the bare crotch shots of Spears, Hilton and Lohan. Those skanks knew full well there would be cameras up their skirt as they spread their legs to get out of a car with no panties on. That's trash. At least the duchess thought she had privacy. She has class... and her tits ain't bad either.
We fought a War to escape the chains of the Crown. Don't believe the hype because they're all a bunch of inbred scumbags, that's an historical fact.

They get no sympathy from me.
I'm absolutely sure if it happened to your wife or your daughter, you'd be very happy for assholes across the globe to drool or criticize.

Damn, there are some sick freaks on this planet. Shame... it could be such a cool place.
The Tricky Bitch is right on the money.

IF you would be pissed if it happened to your wife or girlfriend or to your daughter, you already have the standard by which this is properly judged.
The Tricky Bitch is right on the money.

IF you would be pissed if it happened to your wife or girlfriend or to your daughter, you already have the standard by which this is properly judged.

Sorry, Liability, there is no room for you on my moral high ground. You viewed the images, you are part of the problem. It's that simple. Without demand, there would be no supply. Therefore, you lost your chance to join me in being a moral, decent human being when you looked at pictures that should never have been taken.
She does need to gain some weight, but someone's privacy should not be invaded like that. If I was William I would be using my influence to get some people fired.
My dad reckons she has horrible boobs. I am trying to find a picture of her so I can judge for myself.

Ask him how he'd feel if it was you instead of Kate. I'm sure he'd be thrilled with a bunch of assclowns discussing your breasts. You really are a pathetic excuse for a female.
The Tricky Bitch is right on the money.

IF you would be pissed if it happened to your wife or girlfriend or to your daughter, you already have the standard by which this is properly judged.

Sorry, Liability, there is no room for you on my moral high ground. You viewed the images, you are part of the problem. It's that simple. Without demand, there would be no supply. Therefore, you lost your chance to join me in being a moral, decent human being when you looked at pictures that should never have been taken.

The thing is, nobody believes that you haven't viewed the photos. Because, frankly, nobody believes anything you say.

You have proven yourself a liar and spinmeister too many times on this site to have any shred of credibility.

You've done it to yourself, and have only yourself to blame.

I hope that/s clear.
The Tricky Bitch is right on the money.

IF you would be pissed if it happened to your wife or girlfriend or to your daughter, you already have the standard by which this is properly judged.

Sorry, Liability, there is no room for you on my moral high ground. You viewed the images, you are part of the problem. It's that simple. Without demand, there would be no supply. Therefore, you lost your chance to join me in being a moral, decent human being when you looked at pictures that should never have been taken.

Thankfully, I was not seeking a place on YOUR moral high ground. I mean, seriously, that's a matter of indifference to me. I hope that'/s clear.

And, I don't make judgments on the same bases that you seem to. In fact, some of your criteria are simply silly, imho.

That said, when you are right (at least in part) I have no problem noting it and voicing my agreement -- to that extent.

The images are on the web. I didn't place them there. And I am curious enough to look. It was in looking at them, and at the photographic evidence of how far away the paparazzi scumbag was from her when he took the shots, that I was able to ascertain just exactly how much of a violation of her rights had taken place.

And oh yeah. She has a decent figure and her boobs look pretty nice.
She does need to gain some weight, but someone's privacy should not be invaded like that. If I was William I would be using my influence to get some people

Her weight is her business. I wonder how liberals would react if it had been Michele Obama? I suspect y'all would be in total meltdown, rightly so. It sickens me that people think this is no big deal.

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