Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

It was predictable.

Trump could have chosen to be a strong leader in this crisis. Instead he chose to (a) lie to Americans about the severity and danger of the virus, (b) attack and insult our nation's health science experts, (c) allow his sheep to gather en masse at super spreader rallies, and (d) mock Americans who were merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

Yeah. Karma. Ugly, but that's what this administration has been.
Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.



Total cases
Get back to us when they start counting Rona deaths the same way they count flu deaths. Do you still think your face diaper will protect you? :auiqs.jpg:
Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

It was predictable.

Trump could have chosen to be a strong leader in this crisis. Instead he chose to (a) lie to Americans about the severity and danger of the virus, (b) attack and insult our nation's health science experts, (c) allow his sheep to gather en masse at super spreader rallies, and (d) mock Americans who were merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

Yeah. Karma. Ugly, but that's what this administration has been.
Sadly I live in Kansas and the test positivity rate in my county is now 30% and I've got 11 days left of a two week quarantine.
Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

It was predictable.

Trump could have chosen to be a strong leader in this crisis. Instead he chose to (a) lie to Americans about the severity and danger of the virus, (b) attack and insult our nation's health science experts, (c) allow his sheep to gather en masse at super spreader rallies, and (d) mock Americans who were merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

Yeah. Karma. Ugly, but that's what this administration has been.
Sadly I live in Kansas and the test positivity rate in my county is now 30% and I've got 11 days left of a two week quarantine.
Holy crap
Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

It was predictable.

Trump could have chosen to be a strong leader in this crisis. Instead he chose to (a) lie to Americans about the severity and danger of the virus, (b) attack and insult our nation's health science experts, (c) allow his sheep to gather en masse at super spreader rallies, and (d) mock Americans who were merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

Yeah. Karma. Ugly, but that's what this administration has been.
Sadly I live in Kansas and the test positivity rate in my county is now 30% and I've got 11 days left of a two week quarantine.
Holy crap
Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

It was predictable.

Trump could have chosen to be a strong leader in this crisis. Instead he chose to (a) lie to Americans about the severity and danger of the virus, (b) attack and insult our nation's health science experts, (c) allow his sheep to gather en masse at super spreader rallies, and (d) mock Americans who were merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

Yeah. Karma. Ugly, but that's what this administration has been.
Sadly I live in Kansas and the test positivity rate in my county is now 30% and I've got 11 days left of a two week quarantine.
Holy crap
Yesterday's numbers.

Karma,‭ ‬So Very Often,‭ ‬Proves Itself To Be A B!tch

In the past few days,‭ ‬the total number of new cases of COVID-19‭ ‬in the United States exceeded‭ ‬100,000‭ ‬for the first time.‭ ‬On Thursday the total passed‭ ‬120,000‭ ‬cases.‭ ‬With that number,‭ ‬even the seven-day moving average of new cases is now over‭ ‬100,000.‭ ‬This isn’t a‭ “‬spike,‭” ‬or a‭ “‬surge‭”‬,‭ ‬it’s become a tsunami.‭

The flood of new cases sweeping across the whole nation is driving up hospitalizations and bringing more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬deaths per day.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths are not equally distributed throughout the nation.‭

A review of election week’s COVID-19‭ ‬information shows that both the counties where the coronavirus is spreading most rapidly and the counties where there are more cases by population are counties that voted for the impeached president trump.‭ ‬An additional study makes it clear that this isn’t coincidental.‭ ‬It’s also not a matter of some factor that lies outside of human control.‭ ‬The reason that red states and counties populated predominantly by supporters of the impeached president trump are getting COVID-19‭ ‬at a higher rate is specifically because, they are populated by the impeached president trump’s supporters.‭ ‬And it’s killing them.

As the Associated Press reports,‭ ‬the data available from Johns Hopkins,‭ ‬WorldOMeters,‭ ‬and other tracking sites makes it clear that the highest level of COVID-19‭ ‬is not where a casual observer might expect.‭ ‬The worst locations aren’t in high-density cities,‭ ‬or in areas where there’s a high level of travel.‭ ‬They are small,‭ ‬rural counties.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of them are rural counties in rural states like Iowa,‭ ‬Montana,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬and Wisconsin.‭

While his devoted fanatics will reject reports that‭ ‬93%‭ ‬of the counties with the worst rates of coronavirus infection voted for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬the fact is,‭ ‬they voted overwhelmingly for their cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬The data shows,‭ ‬the worse the infection,‭ ‬the more dire the local situation,‭ ‬the more likely they were to vote for the impeached president trump.

All of this may seem implausible,‭ ‬but that’s because the view the AP presents is looking at the data somewhat backwards.‭ ‬It’s not that counties are voting for the impeached president trump because they have a higher rate of COVID-19.‭ ‬It’s that these counties have a higher rate of COVID-19‭ ‬specifically because they support him and believe everything he says.

In a paper published in Nature just before the election,‭ ‬researchers from Yale and New York University used data from the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬election,‭ ‬noting how people in heavily red counties were behaving versus the people in counties where Clinton won by a considerable margin.‭ ‬What they found was a stark difference between these two groups,‭ ‬which explains the results reported by AP.‭

In counties where voter support was for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬people there practiced less social distancing.‭ ‬and were also less likely to wear masks.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬mirroring the data reported by AP,‭ ‬the more a county supported the impeached president trump,‭ ‬more residents refused to observe recommended safety measures.‭ ‬People in these deeply red counties were more likely to ignore stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.‭ ‬They were less likely to practice safe social distancing.‭ ‬And even as the disease was spreading,‭ ‬this partisan divide was getting worse.

There was also one other factor noted:‭

“Additionally,‭ ‬county-level consumption of conservative media‭ (‬FOX Noise‭) ‬was related to reduced physical distancing.‭”

The scientific findings show COVID-19‭ ‬is worse in counties where the residents adore the impeached president trump‭… ‬because the residents in these counties adore,‭ ‬and believe,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭

The only common factor in the research data from state to state and county to county shows,‭ ‬listening to the impeached president trump,‭ ‬watching FOX Noise,‭ ‬and believing the messages that the conservative media spreads,‭ ‬is not just sickening...‭ ‬it’s deadly.

Researchers correlating the data concluded the observed partisan differences in distancing were associated with subsequently higher COVID-19‭ ‬infection and fatality growth rates in counties where voters heavily favored the impeached president trump.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬contempt for medical and scientific experts,‭ ‬their research,‭ ‬and their recommendations is a novel method to commit mass suicide.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it appears they would rather choose death than admit their orange-tinted messiah was lying to them about...‭ ‬everything.

‭And, to you red state governors determined to remain true to the impeached president trump and his many lies about COVID-19, you’re killing off your voting base by the thousands.

I don't think Karma is applicable beyond the individual, and even then, it's sort of contrary to Judeo-Christian-Islam. A cool concept though.

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