Karl Marx


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

led to millions of deaths, and many though not all the problems we have today. He also seems to have been lowlife on a personal level as well as a political one.

led to millions of deaths, and many though not all the problems we have today. He also seems to have been lowlife on a personal level as well as a political one.
Marxist was a lazy deadbeat who wanted other people to support him.
Bernie Sanders didn't get a job until he was in his 40s.
Left Wingers are lazy moochers.

led to millions of deaths, and many though not all the problems we have today. He also seems to have been lowlife on a personal level as well as a political one.
Marxism is a philosophy of equating man as a nonspiritual entity with their only worth valued with materialism. He sees human struggle as being meaningful only as it relates to acquiring money and power.
Saul Alinsky (rules for radicals) was a Marxist. Hillary Clinton was a follower of Saul Alinsky and wrote her college thesis on him. One half of the Watergate investigative reporter team was the son of card carrying Marxists and WAPO preferred not to inform the public. Hollywood blamed a single republican senator for their own blacklisting of Marxist screen writers. Lots of hypocrisy on the left.
Hollywood blamed a single republican senator for their own blacklisting of Marxist screen writers.

And the funniest part of that lie is that they were not even blacklisted by the Senator, that was done entirely by a Democratic led House Committee that he had nothing to do with. At the time of the "Hollywood Blacklists" (1947), that was when Senator McCarthy was a brand new Senator and actually had not yet even seen the Communists as any kind of threat. He did not even start to turn his attention to Communists until three years later in 1950. And his only concern was them in the Government, not in civilian life.

And by that time there had already been the arrests of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, as well as Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, Alger Hiss, Harry White, and a slew of others. Every one of them an employee of the US Government and a spy for the Soviets.

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