Kamala to Speak at 'Empower Women' Friday Event With...Bill Clinton



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Kamala isn't even qualified to play a Vice President on the West Wing, let alone be a real one
President Bush wanted to replace Sandra Day O'Connor with a woman. there's a reason he ended up picking...Samuel Alito. it's because men are superior to women, my friends
excerpt from Breitbart:

After Howard University partnered to host a women’s empowerment event featuring former President Bill Clinton, Juanita Broaddrick — who has accused Clinton of rape — blasted the university for hosting a “sexual predator” on its campus and called it a “slap in the face to sexual assault victims.”

On Tuesday, the Clinton Foundation announced that Vice President Kamala Harris will be holding a joint discussion on “empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world” with former President Clinton on Friday, despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against him from different women.

In 1998, Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives for perjury and obstruction of justice over a sexual relationship with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The former president has also been accused of rape and sexual assault by a number of women, including Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey.

Broaddrick spoke with Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Thursday to share her thoughts on the matter.

Describing her initial reaction to news of the event, Broaddrick did not think it was serious.

“I thought it was a joke,” she said. “Someone messaged me asking if I had seen it and I went back and said, ‘oh that’s got to be a joke.’ Then I looked it up and thought, ‘my god this cannot be true.’”

“I don’t know when Bill Clinton is ever going to be held accountable,” she added.

Asked about Clinton hosting a panel on empowering women, Broaddrick referred to a message she tweeted out earlier.

“It’s just like what I tweeted: ‘Inviting Bill Clinton to speak on Empowering women…. is like asking Jeffrey Dahmer to host a cooking class.”

“It’s that absurd!” she added. “The only panel Bill Clinton should participate in is one that empowers women by guiding them in defending themselves from sexual predators like himself.”

Broaddrick also blasted Hillary Clinton for supporting her husband in the face of sexual assault allegations.

“The same with Hillary Clinton,” she said. “She knows exactly how to protect her husband and keep herself in power.”

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