Kamala Harris: "I am NOT a Democratic Socialist"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Not really. No one embraced Bernie because he was a socialist. They embraced him because he wasn't Hillary.

Unlike the Trump Davidians, the influence of "Democratic Socialists" has been largely blown out of proportion.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Not really. No one embraced Bernie because he was a socialist. They embraced him because he wasn't Hillary.

Unlike the Trump Davidians, the influence of "Democratic Socialists" has been largely blown out of proportion.
They embraced him because he is like AOC. The new breed graduating from colleges. You guys and your progressive socialist religion are the future Jim Jones inevitable result. The Kool Aid you have been drinking is a slow death one. We don't need no stinkin jobs.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.

That's a fairly accurate description actually. I often use the term "neo-socialist" of late to describe the new breed of socialist. It's changed, but as Canada proves, it's more devious and disguised than it used to be.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Those who use the term seriously are simply talking about a higher level of government involvement than we have here. So they point to countries like Canada, Germany, Finland and Australia, none of which are remotely in danger of becoming Venezuela, which is the Right's favorite boogeyman.

I don't know why that needs to be so complicated, and it's why I'm hopeful this situation will shed some light on definitions of the term.

I realize the Right will keep pretending the goal is to become Venezuela, but hopefully the rest of the country will gain some clarity here.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Those who use the term seriously are simply talking about a higher level of government involvement than we have here. So they point to countries like Canada, Germany, Finland and Australia, none of which are remotely in danger of becoming Venezuela, which is the Right's favorite boogeyman.

I don't know why that needs to be so complicated, and it's why I'm hopeful this situation will shed some light on definitions of the term.

I realize the Right will keep pretending the goal is to become Venezuela, but hopefully the rest of the country will gain some clarity here.
The Progressive Socialist outed themselves in recent months. She may sound moderate for progressive socialist ideas, but once elected will move far left. The new boundaries are the AOC type girls.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
while the repubs can't seem to get their shit together overall, they at least are not infighting over who they actually are and represent.

the dems however are eating their own as happens with identity politics.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Those who use the term seriously are simply talking about a higher level of government involvement than we have here. So they point to countries like Canada, Germany, Finland and Australia, none of which are remotely in danger of becoming Venezuela, which is the Right's favorite boogeyman.

I don't know why that needs to be so complicated, and it's why I'm hopeful this situation will shed some light on definitions of the term.

I realize the Right will keep pretending the goal is to become Venezuela, but hopefully the rest of the country will gain some clarity here.
The Progressive Socialist outed themselves in recent months. She may sound moderate for progressive socialist ideas, but once elected will move far left. The new boundaries are the AOC type girls.
Well, that's possible. Running as a (comparative) centrist and moving to one side after winning is a standard political ploy.

It'll be interesting to see how this is handled by each individual candidate, though.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
while the repubs can't seem to get their shit together overall, they at least are not infighting over who they actually are and represent.

the dems however are eating their own as happens with identity politics.
I think there were some clear differences in the GOP. Trump took over the populist/libertarian wing, leaving everyone else to the other candidates.

Anti-war, anti-corporate "greed", anti-bailout, etc.

That, plus his behaviors, made him a pretty divisive figure within the party.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
while the repubs can't seem to get their shit together overall, they at least are not infighting over who they actually are and represent.

the dems however are eating their own as happens with identity politics.
I think there were some clear differences in the GOP. Trump took over the populist/libertarian wing, leaving everyone else to the other candidates.

Anti-war, anti-corporate "greed", anti-bailout, etc.

That, plus his behaviors, made him a pretty divisive figure within the party.
oh i'm sure there are issues of disagreement internally. despite the fascination of some who say "if you're not with me you believe everything i hate" - those people seldom exist; those straight "party liners" that get strawmanned up far too often. we tend to get bogged down in proving our points and force those into conversations and use others to project what we want to say. that's all i can think of when i disagree with someone and suddenly my opinion is "polar opposite" of theirs in their argument, but certainly in my mind or reality.

but the left right now is the emotional MUST WIN mindset and that does lead to far more internal bickering and we'll see that come out this election i believe.

we'll see.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
while the repubs can't seem to get their shit together overall, they at least are not infighting over who they actually are and represent.

the dems however are eating their own as happens with identity politics.
Many Democrats don't want us to know what they really are. That's why they talk like this.
They're hiding their real agenda from us.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Those who use the term seriously are simply talking about a higher level of government involvement than we have here. So they point to countries like Canada, Germany, Finland and Australia, none of which are remotely in danger of becoming Venezuela, which is the Right's favorite boogeyman.

I don't know why that needs to be so complicated, and it's why I'm hopeful this situation will shed some light on definitions of the term.

I realize the Right will keep pretending the goal is to become Venezuela, but hopefully the rest of the country will gain some clarity here.

Actually, I suggest that without U.S support in Canada, especially in terms of jobs, Canada would be Venezuela or damned near close.

The biggest misconception people have about socialism is that they just look at the economic model. Socialism is far more than just an economic model. It's definitely about State power. Handful of leaders controlling the most intimate details of your life. Covert activities against families, in workplaces, in all aspects of your Being.

These people are truly the most evil you will find. They have a thirst for power, at all costs, and they expect to share that power in an ongoing manner moving forward for generations. Their kids will get the good, prestigious State jobs, or private industry positions that they mandate. They will have the networking and unheralded power. You, well, you will the servant in the system. They don't have to be billionaires, they wield power in different ways.

I've met a few of these people and the Good Little Germans who get benefit from helping them. These people are the most insane. They can smile in your face with every intention of destroying you. Many quite happily doing so. They are the born low performer who you scratch your head and ask yourself "how in the hell is this person in this position"?

Americans have little idea what you will encounter in such a system. The type of mechanisms in place to ensure you do not have any individual freedom or Due Process is astounding. I notice a few Americans more aware of the Canadian system for instance, just from reading twitter accounts. We have a strong PR effort, but, as long as nations like the U.S remain Republics, Canada will not be able to expand it's influence as much as we would like.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
while the repubs can't seem to get their shit together overall, they at least are not infighting over who they actually are and represent.

the dems however are eating their own as happens with identity politics.
Many Democrats don't want us to know what they really are. That's why they talk like this.
They're hiding their real agenda from us.
oh i don't think they're hiding it anymore. they're flat out doing it and just saying "no that's what what i'm doing" as they do it anyway.
Kamala is like nearly all politicians. She is first and foremost an opportunist. She wants power and wealth.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Those who use the term seriously are simply talking about a higher level of government involvement than we have here. So they point to countries like Canada, Germany, Finland and Australia, none of which are remotely in danger of becoming Venezuela, which is the Right's favorite boogeyman.

I don't know why that needs to be so complicated, and it's why I'm hopeful this situation will shed some light on definitions of the term.

I realize the Right will keep pretending the goal is to become Venezuela, but hopefully the rest of the country will gain some clarity here.

Actually, I suggest that without U.S support in Canada, especially in terms of jobs, Canada would be Venezuela or damned near close.

The biggest misconception people have about socialism is that they just look at the economic model. Socialism is far more than just an economic model. It's definitely about State power. Handful of leaders controlling the most intimate details of your life. Covert activities against families, in workplaces, in all aspects of your Being.

These people are truly the most evil you will find. They have a thirst for power, at all costs, and they expect to share that power in an ongoing manner moving forward for generations. Their kids will get the good, prestigious State jobs, or private industry positions that they mandate. They will have the networking and unheralded power. You, well, you will the servant in the system. They don't have to be billionaires, they wield power in different ways.

I've met a few of these people and the Good Little Germans who get benefit from helping them. These people are the most insane. They can smile in your face with every intention of destroying you. Many quite happily doing so. They are the born low performer who you scratch your head and ask yourself "how in the hell is this person in this position"?

Americans have little idea what you will encounter in such a system. The type of mechanisms in place to ensure you do not have any individual freedom or Due Process is astounding. I notice a few Americans more aware of the Canadian system for instance, just from reading twitter accounts. We have a strong PR effort, but, as long as nations like the U.S remain Republics, Canada will not be able to expand it's influence as much as we would like.
Those are fair points worth debating, but I think that any serious conversation has to begin with agreed-to definitions.

Right now, it's as if everyone is working from a different dictionary.
We hear all this talk of "socialism" but no one defines it. Just because one believes in the power of government in create a social safety net or to encourage investment in emerging technologies does not make one "socialist". Most conservatives on this board conflate liberalism, socialism and communism without distinction. It would be like a liberal conflating conservatism, authoritarianism and fascism together without distinction.

I don't know enough about Harris to know where she stands on most issues. If anything she may be trying to position herself in the middle of the road albeit left of center.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.
Those who use the term seriously are simply talking about a higher level of government involvement than we have here. So they point to countries like Canada, Germany, Finland and Australia, none of which are remotely in danger of becoming Venezuela, which is the Right's favorite boogeyman.

I don't know why that needs to be so complicated, and it's why I'm hopeful this situation will shed some light on definitions of the term.

I realize the Right will keep pretending the goal is to become Venezuela, but hopefully the rest of the country will gain some clarity here.

Actually, I suggest that without U.S support in Canada, especially in terms of jobs, Canada would be Venezuela or damned near close.

The biggest misconception people have about socialism is that they just look at the economic model. Socialism is far more than just an economic model. It's definitely about State power. Handful of leaders controlling the most intimate details of your life. Covert activities against families, in workplaces, in all aspects of your Being.

These people are truly the most evil you will find. They have a thirst for power, at all costs, and they expect to share that power in an ongoing manner moving forward for generations. Their kids will get the good, prestigious State jobs, or private industry positions that they mandate. They will have the networking and unheralded power. You, well, you will the servant in the system. They don't have to be billionaires, they wield power in different ways.

I've met a few of these people and the Good Little Germans who get benefit from helping them. These people are the most insane. They can smile in your face with every intention of destroying you. Many quite happily doing so. They are the born low performer who you scratch your head and ask yourself "how in the hell is this person in this position"?

Americans have little idea what you will encounter in such a system. The type of mechanisms in place to ensure you do not have any individual freedom or Due Process is astounding. I notice a few Americans more aware of the Canadian system for instance, just from reading twitter accounts. We have a strong PR effort, but, as long as nations like the U.S remain Republics, Canada will not be able to expand it's influence as much as we would like.
Those are fair points worth debating, but I think that any serious conversation has to begin with agreed-to definitions.

Right now, it's as if everyone is working from a different dictionary.

Yes, because the socialism/communist model of old isn't as applicable today. Think of China, people say THEY are a mixed economy, and they can argue that fact as they have some partially independent companies there.

Does anyone really think China is anything but a near dictatorship, communist shytehole?

This is how socialism works today across the world. Varying degrees of Chinese Communism. All the summit of power resides in a small number of hands, and their friends, family and associates all benefit at the cost of your liberty and Right to Self Determination. Capitalism and private businesses are nothing but optics, the State, covert police and other patsies control their destinies. It has nothing to do with building a better mousetrap or Free Enterprise.

Anyone notice the suggestion by some to get rid of the words "God" in the oaths you take? Classic socialism, at it's core really, and once again, nothing to do with the economic system. You can be sure, it all ends the same.

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