Kamala Harris hammered for 'loud' defense of expelled Tennessee Democrats: 'What's wrong with this lady?'

The thread is about the screeching ho that doesn't know you exist

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
Using YOUR definition, what would you call using bullhorns and non-governmental participants to disrupt a congressional proceeding resulting in recess if not sedition?
And for the record--YOUR definition of insurrection is at odds with accepted definitions:

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt. An insurrection may facilitate or bring about a revolution, which is a radical change in the form of government or political system of a state, and it may be initiated or provoked by an act of sedition, which is an incitement to revolt or rebellion.

Try again and try to be a bit more truthful to yourself this time.
She's a bigger joke than Dan Quayle, and righties openly mocked that goofball.

As far as I can tell, Quayle was a demonstration of how powerful the media was, at the time. Very little to do with his own character or competence.

I remember during the 1998 campaign, after Bush The First had secured the nomination, and attention turned to who he might pick as a running mate. I remember the press turning their attention to “a Robert Redford lookalike”, someone that they favorably compared to JFK. There was some mention of other possible candidates as well, but they put a lot into building up this young senator from Indiana. I don't know how much influence they actually had on Bush the First's decision to pick Quayle, joking that it was in response to being hounded about “Hoosier running mate?” But no sooner had he made that announcement than the press turned viciously against Quayle, and for the rest of the campaign, and through the entire Bush/Quayle term, the media made a very obvious, blatant effort to unjustly depict Quayle as immature and incompetent. It was quite obvious to me what they were doing, and the extent of distortion and dishonesty in which they were engaging to do so.

Dan Quayle stands as probably one of the first early examples that taught me to be skeptical of the news media. I think, before that point, I generally assumed that was was reported in the news was more or less true. This was really the first instance in which it became clear to me that what was reported in the news might very often be distorted, or outright lies, crafted to serve some agenda or another, in opposition to whatever the truth might be.

I cannot say that I truly know much at all about Mr. Quayle's character or competence. I only know what the news media told him about me about him, and I know that the manner in which they told me was what has given me good cause, ever since, to distrust the news media.

Kamala “The Whore” Harris, on the other hand, I know what to think about her. The same news media that shamelessly slandered Dan Quayle has tried to prop her up, but her character and ability are so low that all the effort on the part of the media cannot hide what she is. She served my state in two or three important roles, and in every role, she showed herself to be thoroughly corrupt and incompetent, just as she now is as Vice President.

If the news media put as much effort into building her up as they did into tearing down Mr. Quayle, they still could not make her look nearly as good as Quayle did.
In response to the vote that led to the expulsion of two state representatives from the legislature – and the near expulsion of a third – Harris gave a speech at church in the state Friday, accusing the GOP-majority governing body of trashing Democracy by silencing the lawmakers and the voters they represent.

GOP state leaders, like Tennessee Republican Caucus Chair, Rep. Jeremy Faison justified the expulsion, claiming that the lawmakers were at points leading raucous protests in the state capitol this week.

Cannot believe this woman is vice president.
They don't call her Cackling Cameltoe Kamala for nuthin'.

She and her knee pads worked their way almost to the top of the political ladder, and she still doesn't realize that America isn't a "DEMOCRACY." It's a Republic, Kamala. You clearly failed history 101 you pea-brain.
Using YOUR definition, what would you call using bullhorns and non-governmental participants to disrupt a congressional proceeding resulting in recess if not sedition?
And for the record--YOUR definition of insurrection is at odds with accepted definitions:

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt. An insurrection may facilitate or bring about a revolution, which is a radical change in the form of government or political system of a state, and it may be initiated or provoked by an act of sedition, which is an incitement to revolt or rebellion.

Try again and try to be a bit more truthful to yourself this time.

Bullhorns hardly qualify as a violent uprising against the government. Even you should know that.

My definition came from the dictionary, also a source of common and accepted definitions. Try being a little less cocky.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.

noun: sedition; plural noun: seditions
  1. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

In response to the vote that led to the expulsion of two state representatives from the legislature – and the near expulsion of a third – Harris gave a speech at church in the state Friday, accusing the GOP-majority governing body of trashing Democracy by silencing the lawmakers and the voters they represent.

GOP state leaders, like Tennessee Republican Caucus Chair, Rep. Jeremy Faison justified the expulsion, claiming that the lawmakers were at points leading raucous protests in the state capitol this week.

Cannot believe this woman is vice president.

Who cares what the racist Nazis think. The fact that it is on Fake News says it all.

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