Kamala Harris blasted by her own dad for pushing negative stereotypes about Jamaicans

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Her father exploded.

Donald Harris, 81, professor emeritus of economics at Stanford University, divorced from Shyamala Gopalan since 1972, offered this comment to the website Jamaica Global Online, whose editor, Ian Randle, shared it exclusively with Maclean’s:

My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.

For someone running for the president of the U.S. on a politically correct identity politics ticket, it sure doesn't look good when you gratuitously throw out a negative stereotype of anyone. If you're shameless enough, not a problem. But when your own dad calls you out, yes, there is a problem.

The blowback is here for Kamala Harris, who in a bid to pander to the pot vote, promoted the scuzzy stereotype of Jamaica as the pothead nation.

Much of the attention from her disastrous interview with 'Charlemagne tha God' on a Bay Area radio station rightly went to her strange timeline of pot smoking, answering the question of who she listened to when she got high, from Charlamagne tha God and his sidekick, DJEnvy, after she confirmed she smoked pot in college.

Her giggling Cheech-and-Chong-like response was this:

HARRIS: And look, I joke about it — half-joking — half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?

Half joking?

That didn't go down well with Harris's father, Stanford University Professor Emeritus Donald Harris, 81, a Jamaican-American who, unlike her, has actually accomplished something.

I knew this was going to happen. In a devastating article published in MacLean's, the leading Canadian news magazine, the retired professor of economics told a Jamaican news wire that Harris's stereotyping of Jamaicans as potheads - and pursuit of identity politics - was as distasteful as hell.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...


Desperation strikes deep.
Into your threads it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid
Uppity women scare the pants off the Rumpbot brigade

Think it's time we

Stop, he what's that sound
Another whiny thread goes splat onna ground

Say, what ever happened to that knuckledragger strategy that all women on the other team were "ugly"? Now suddenly they're all "sexpots" or some shit. Guess I slept through some magnetic shift of the Misogyny poles.

Thanks for self-idenifying, Flintstone.
This is going to beat Trump?

That's what some people actually believe.
my three kids will not qualify for free education because 1. I have a job 2. I am an American citizen 3. I refuse to accept ever voting for Kamala for president... not even hell will ever freeze over.
Who cares?

What does that have to do with her in any shape or form? What does that even have to do with the comment in question? It was a stab at a popular trope. Did we all understand what she was getting at? Yes we did. Attempt at communication successful.
Desperation strikes deep.
Into your threads it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid
Uppity women scare the pants off the Rumpbot brigade

Think it's time we

Stop, he what's that sound
Another whiny thread goes splat onna ground

It smacks of desperation that, instead of addressing the point of the op, ie the pushing of a racist stereotype by Harris,

that you pretend that any attack on her is fear of "uppity women".

Every serious candidate for the Presidency is going to be attacked by their partisan enemies.

For you to smear those who do that as "Sexist" is ironically, actually sexist, because you are denying them the respect of being treated as equals, able to fight it out, like any other candidate.
Desperation strikes deep.
Into your threads it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid
Uppity women scare the pants off the Rumpbot brigade

Think it's time we

Stop, he what's that sound
Another whiny thread goes splat onna ground

It smacks of desperation that, instead of addressing the point of the op, ie the pushing of a racist stereotype by Harris,

"Jamaican" is a RACE now?

Do they have what we call "schools" where you grew up?

It used to be that if a person was "Black" it meant that they were, first of all, descended from African slaves, and second, enjoyed the shared experience of being "Black" in America - poverty, broken homes, discrimination, exposed to all manner of anti-social behavior, and so on.

So first we have Soetoro, who has NONE of that, and now we have Ms. Harris, who....also has NONE of that. And Oh by the way, is married to a white man.

She's as Black as John Boy Walton.
It used to be that if a person was "Black" it meant that they were, first of all, descended from African slaves, and second, enjoyed the shared experience of being "Black" in America - poverty, broken homes, discrimination, exposed to all manner of anti-social behavior, and so on.

So first we have Soetoro, who has NONE of that, and now we have Ms. Harris, who....also has NONE of that. And Oh by the way, is married to a white man.

She's as Black as John Boy Walton.

You seem to be as hung up on people's races as the OP is hung up on other people's sex lives.

Why is that exactly?

Oh by the way this just in while you're on your way to the history book store ---- not everyone who's black is descended from African slaves. Who knew, right?
Her father exploded.

Donald Harris, 81, professor emeritus of economics at Stanford University, divorced from Shyamala Gopalan since 1972, offered this comment to the website Jamaica Global Online, whose editor, Ian Randle, shared it exclusively with Maclean’s:

My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.

For someone running for the president of the U.S. on a politically correct identity politics ticket, it sure doesn't look good when you gratuitously throw out a negative stereotype of anyone. If you're shameless enough, not a problem. But when your own dad calls you out, yes, there is a problem.

The blowback is here for Kamala Harris, who in a bid to pander to the pot vote, promoted the scuzzy stereotype of Jamaica as the pothead nation.

Much of the attention from her disastrous interview with 'Charlemagne tha God' on a Bay Area radio station rightly went to her strange timeline of pot smoking, answering the question of who she listened to when she got high, from Charlamagne tha God and his sidekick, DJEnvy, after she confirmed she smoked pot in college.

Her giggling Cheech-and-Chong-like response was this:

HARRIS: And look, I joke about it — half-joking — half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?

Half joking?

That didn't go down well with Harris's father, Stanford University Professor Emeritus Donald Harris, 81, a Jamaican-American who, unlike her, has actually accomplished something.

I knew this was going to happen. In a devastating article published in MacLean's, the leading Canadian news magazine, the retired professor of economics told a Jamaican news wire that Harris's stereotyping of Jamaicans as potheads - and pursuit of identity politics - was as distasteful as hell.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...


The qualifier is that Harris and her father have had serious bad blood for a very long time, making his opinion rather biased, to say the least.
Desperation strikes deep.
Into your threads it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid
Uppity women scare the pants off the Rumpbot brigade

Think it's time we

Stop, he what's that sound
Another whiny thread goes splat onna ground

It smacks of desperation that, instead of addressing the point of the op, ie the pushing of a racist stereotype by Harris,

"Jamaican" is a RACE now?

Do they have what we call "schools" where you grew up?


And now you want to talk about semantics.

Harris fucked up, and was rightly called on it, by her own dad.

THat you even WANT to have her get a pass from the normal partisan attacks of today, is sexist of you.
Desperation strikes deep.
Into your threads it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid
Uppity women scare the pants off the Rumpbot brigade

Think it's time we

Stop, he what's that sound
Another whiny thread goes splat onna ground

It smacks of desperation that, instead of addressing the point of the op, ie the pushing of a racist stereotype by Harris,

"Jamaican" is a RACE now?

Do they have what we call "schools" where you grew up?


And now you want to talk about semantics.

Harris fucked up, and was rightly called on it, by her own dad.

THat you even WANT to have her get a pass from the normal partisan attacks of today, is sexist of you.

Another hack who needs to learn how to read. I didn't even bring up "Harris". I questioned how "Jamaican" is a RACE.

And you can't handle that so you ran away from it.

What kind of "race" is Jamaican then? "Black-Irish"?
Desperation strikes deep.
Into your threads it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid
Uppity women scare the pants off the Rumpbot brigade

Think it's time we

Stop, he what's that sound
Another whiny thread goes splat onna ground

Witty post....but Kamala is not worth it.
Her father exploded.

Donald Harris, 81, professor emeritus of economics at Stanford University, divorced from Shyamala Gopalan since 1972, offered this comment to the website Jamaica Global Online, whose editor, Ian Randle, shared it exclusively with Maclean’s:

My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.

For someone running for the president of the U.S. on a politically correct identity politics ticket, it sure doesn't look good when you gratuitously throw out a negative stereotype of anyone. If you're shameless enough, not a problem. But when your own dad calls you out, yes, there is a problem.

The blowback is here for Kamala Harris, who in a bid to pander to the pot vote, promoted the scuzzy stereotype of Jamaica as the pothead nation.

Much of the attention from her disastrous interview with 'Charlemagne tha God' on a Bay Area radio station rightly went to her strange timeline of pot smoking, answering the question of who she listened to when she got high, from Charlamagne tha God and his sidekick, DJEnvy, after she confirmed she smoked pot in college.

Her giggling Cheech-and-Chong-like response was this:

HARRIS: And look, I joke about it — half-joking — half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?

Half joking?

That didn't go down well with Harris's father, Stanford University Professor Emeritus Donald Harris, 81, a Jamaican-American who, unlike her, has actually accomplished something.

I knew this was going to happen. In a devastating article published in MacLean's, the leading Canadian news magazine, the retired professor of economics told a Jamaican news wire that Harris's stereotyping of Jamaicans as potheads - and pursuit of identity politics - was as distasteful as hell.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...


The qualifier is that Harris and her father have had serious bad blood for a very long time, making his opinion rather biased, to say the least.

So she has unresolved Daddy issues. Hardly what anyone wants in a female President.
But Jamaican sludge have earned their stereotypes; Jamaicans are to the black race what a booze-pickled European soccer riot is to the white race: the lowest, inbred, violent criminal dregs of that people. Jamaica is a Haiti-like toilet with an 88% rate of deadbeat dads, a 50% literacy rate and a violent crime rate so high that the tourist resorts have to be surrounded by barbed wire and security guards to keep the local vermin out. Disgusting nation of subhuman animals, like the rest of the Caribbean hurricane-bait. I have a half-Jamaican cousin (from my dirtbag, 350-pound white cousin and her white-guilt-complex and fetish for black cock) who, in his twenties, is currently in San Quentin for many years for a list of violent felonies. Including heroin-dealing. And a few different counts of attempted murder.

What can you expect from a culture which invented a visual abomination like dreadlocks? Which are so filthy, so unsanitary, so insect-ridden, so subhuman, whenever I see dreadlocks on someone (whether white or black) I have this instant need to hose them down with napalm. And Reggae-feces are the auditory equivalent; it sounds like banging on pots and pans while singing in a thin, reedy, tortured-sounding voice which reeks of testicles which never descended. Everything about Jamaican garbage - and I mean EVERYTHING - makes real humans wish to vomit.
But Jamaican sludge have earned their stereotypes; Jamaicans are to the black race what a booze-pickled European soccer riot is to the white race: the lowest, inbred, violent criminal dregs of that people. Jamaica is a Haiti-like toilet with an 88% rate of deadbeat dads, a 50% literacy rate and a violent crime rate so high that the tourist resorts have to be surrounded by barbed wire and security guards to keep the local vermin out. Disgusting nation of subhuman animals, like the rest of the Caribbean hurricane-bait. I have a half-Jamaican cousin (from my dirtbag, 350-pound white cousin and her white-guilt-complex and fetish for black cock) who, in his twenties, is currently in San Quentin for many years for a list of violent felonies. Including heroin-dealing. And a few different counts of attempted murder.

What can you expect from a culture which invented a visual abomination like dreadlocks? Which are so filthy, so unsanitary, so insect-ridden, so subhuman, whenever I see dreadlocks on someone (whether white or black) I have this instant need to hose them down with napalm. And Reggae-feces are the auditory equivalent; it sounds like banging on pots and pans while singing in a thin, reedy, tortured-sounding voice which reeks of testicles which never descended. Everything about Jamaican garbage - and I mean EVERYTHING - makes real humans wish to vomit.

Despite this, I found Rick's Sunset Grille in Negril pretty cool....

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