Kabul as we speak


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
A huge mess. Lots of foolish people waited too long to try and flee.

Thousands caught up in traffic jam. Many of whom will undoubtedly be executed.

A humanitarian crisis like we have not seen before.

As is well known, anything biden touches turns to crap.

This is what America will look like when the People's Liberation Army start coming ashore.

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I was doing a little channel flipping to the news.

Both CNN and MSNBC have stupid Left Wing yokels on that are trying to blame the Joe Dufus failure on Trump.

That just shows us what lying bastards they are. That will be the filthy Democrat talking points for the next month.

This shit sandwich belongs to Joe Dufus, the most incompetent President this country ever had. That is saying a lot seeing that the runner ups were Jimmy Carter and The Worthless Negro.
The mideast is a hole. Be honest. If those people want to fight for their nation then step up....or step aside. Not our job to babysit for eternity.
This shit sandwich belongs to Joe Dufus, the most incompetent President this country ever had. That is saying a lot seeing that the runner ups were Jimmy Carter and The Worthless Negro.

Looks like you and BrokeLoser are vying for the title of Biggest Racist on the Board.
Best of luck - Will be nip and tuck right up to the finish line ;)
Looks like you and BrokeLoser are vying for the title of Biggest Racist on the Board.
Best of luck - Will be nip and tuck right up to the finish line ;)

We all know that the filthy ass Democrats never take responsibility for any of their failures, which are always massive.

They never took any responsibility for disasters of The Worthless Negro and and they won't take responsibility for any of the failures of Joe Dufus.

That is why we Americans have no respect for you Left Wing turds.
There is no way anyone but Biden gets the blame, his video last month saying that the 300,000 man AFG army will crush the Taliban is priceless.
Always wrong Joe has blood on his hands, lots and lots of blood.

There is abject panic right now at the White House and among the Democrats. Guaranteed. As their should be. I'm not in favor of staying in the Middle East forever, but he OWNS this so-called "exit strategy" and any fallout from it.

It's shameful
Imagine that the US foreign policy is now being dictated by a window-licking, stuttering fucktard that has the mental capacity of runny dogshit and operates at this level now:

Not much of a stretch, is it......
so sad…xiden and the dems create a humanitarian crisis on our border, and now one in Afghanistan…

Xiden…the crisis that keeps giving
A huge mess. Lots of foolish people waited too long to try and flee.

Thousands caught up in traffic jam. Many of whom will undoubtedly be executed.

A humanitarian crisis like we have not seen before.

As is well known, anything biden touches turns to crap.

This is what America will look like when the People's Liberation Army start coming ashore.

Reality is the asylum process even for people who were helping Americans (Translators, Security Officers, Cleaner...) is incredibly slow... 4 years +....
Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden... They are all guilty of that...

Saying that Bush invaded with no exit plan... Any day of withdrawal was going to be like this... It is a no win situation...

it would have bee better to look after the people who looked after US personnel well when they were there... A lot will be executed fo helping the Americans...
Leaving them behind will drastically reduce any friend in the area... US used to have peoples backs when you help them out...
Regardless of who is at fault - it's hard to rationalize the current Afghanistan clusterfuck. This may be even worse than our exit from Vietnam. I feel so sorry for Afghans who helped our soldiers. They and their families are all in grave danger. Major clusterfuck!!!!!
I wonder who let the sonofabitch go. Was it The Worthless Negro? He let a whole bunch of them out.
And now the Taliban has freed 5,000 Taliban and Al Queda fighters from Bagram Air Base...

Meanwhile, we have Americans trapped in Kabul, and being instructed to "shelter in place"....

It looks like the senile pedophile fucktard has really screwed the pooch on this one, and armed the Taliban with our weapons, where they can be used against us if we have to mount a rescue operation!!!!:rolleyes:
Reality is the asylum process even for people who were helping Americans (Translators, Security Officers, Cleaner...) is incredibly slow... 4 years +....
Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden... They are all guilty of that...

Saying that Bush invaded with no exit plan... Any day of withdrawal was going to be like this... It is a no win situation...

it would have bee better to look after the people who looked after US personnel well when they were there... A lot will be executed fo helping the Americans...
Leaving them behind will drastically reduce any friend in the area... US used to have peoples backs when you help them out...
Hahaha laying the blame on Bush is just a giant leap…

He left with a new Govt in Afghanistan and the Taliban in caves in the mountains…things change over years…none of the folks that followed him were bound by any plans, nor should they have been…obama escalated our involvement, it was his war of necessity and during that time the taliban got a little stronger, trump tried to be diplomatic with them and work out a exit plan but it never came…xiden is in charge now, xiden made the current plan, and was totally wrong…he’s to blame and him alone. He was not bound by anything bush, obama or trump did or planned…though it appears he should of tried to follow the trump procedure
Hahaha laying the blame on Bush is just a giant leap…

He left with a new Govt in Afghanistan and the Taliban in caves in the mountains…things change over years…none of the folks that followed him were bound by any plans, nor should they have been…obama escalated our involvement, it was his war of necessity and during that time the taliban got a little stronger, trump tried to be diplomatic with them and work out a exit plan but it never came…xiden is in charge now, xiden made the current plan, and was totally wrong…he’s to blame and him alone. He was not bound by anything bush, obama or trump did or planned…though it appears he should of tried to follow the trump procedure
Sorry but most of the blame goes on Bush... He was the one who invaded... There was no exit strategy... There never could be...

They tried training locals to fight and they trained a force way bigger than the Taliban with better arms... Just didn't want to fight... Bush Admin found this out after they invaded...

Could you please explain the exit strategy to us...

By the way Trump was doing this very same move a few years ago and did it in Syria with far less exposure...

Everybody knew the Taliban was taking over as soon as the US left... Again what's your exit strategy?

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