Justice Department meeting with reporters on Manafort


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Lawyers for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort are crying foul over a meeting Justice Department prosecutors held with four Associated Press reporters last year as news organizations and the FBI bore down on the longtime lobbyist and political consultant.

first of all - why is the FBI meeting with the press on an investigation? not something you see every day no. but let's read the article more and see what's being said.

Details emerge on Justice Department meeting with reporters on Manafort

Manafort’s legal team paints the evidence as confirmation that journalists were given inside information about the investigation in violation of Justice Department policies and, perhaps, legal prohibitions on disclosure of grand jury secrets.

these are called "leaks" in an unbiased world. they should not be allowed or condoned for either side for any reason i can think of.

what else is in here? oh this is nice!

However, the memos indicate that the bulk of the information flow at the meeting went the other way, with the AP journalists providing the FBI with a bevy of facts the news organization uncovered during its inquiries into Manafort's work and finances. The meeting took place a day before the AP published a story saying that Manafort received at least some payments ascribed to him or his companies in a so-called black ledger of off-the-books spending by former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

so we have the FBI and AP exchanging data on an investigation.

will be interesting to see how far this went and why, or even how often this really happens in the world.
or even how often this really happens in the world
When the Swamp wants to take down a president?
in reading the article - it does happen and this is far from the first time. but being a journalist back in the late 80s working my way through college - this was a no no. period.

somewhere along the line we found it ok to breach common ethics because our cause is noble. trouble is, everyone's cause is noble to at least them.
or even how often this really happens in the world
When the Swamp wants to take down a president?
in reading the article - it does happen and this is far from the first time. but being a journalist back in the late 80s working my way through college - this was a no no. period.

somewhere along the line we found it ok to breach common ethics because our cause is noble. trouble is, everyone's cause is noble to at least them.
This is a byproduct of the Clinton influence.
Things started going this way when they got into the White House.....and politics in Washington has changed since then.
Evil, corrupt people in power does this.
Since the rise of Fake Alt Right Media (Breitbart, infowars, etc.), the alt right, and Russian meddling with American co-operation ~ the DOJ will use every legal tool to combat it.

Getting real information out about real criminal meddling is good stuff!
Since the rise of Fake Alt Right Media (Breitbart, infowars, etc.), the alt right, and Russian meddling with American co-operation ~ the DOJ will use every legal tool to combat it.

Getting real information out about real criminal meddling is good stuff!
dude - fuck off with this "only the right does wrong stuff!"

just fuck off with it dude. it's annoying as a 2 year old asking for their binky over and over and over again.
Since the rise of Fake Alt Right Media (Breitbart, infowars, etc.), the alt right, and Russian meddling with American co-operation ~ the DOJ will use every legal tool to combat it.

Getting real information out about real criminal meddling is good stuff!
dude - fuck off with this "only the right does wrong stuff!" just fuck off with it dude. it's annoying as a 2 year old asking for their binky over and over and over again.
The DOJ and the FBI are successfully combating Alt Right/Russian attempts to topple the institutions of this country that support the Constitution and the Rule of Law. That the Alt Right can't see they are being manipulated by far smarter people than they does not excuse their ignorance. Good for the DOJ!

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