just wanna get together...as brothers...and pray...(sigh)


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Enterprise, Alabama
I've got this brother...if you think 'I'm' needy...you ought to meet Him. How do any of you handle overly needy, weepy family members? He's the guy who calls me to complain about his relationship with 'others'...what am I supposed to say? I refuse to get involved because family dramatics (Drama/Politics) annoys me like little else. His conversations go something like this...(I Hope you guys like MadLibs)

"Hey Darin, have you spoken to Mom recently?"

- yeah...

"Cuz she said that duane said he heard (insert latest rumor)"

- that right?

"Yeah because I really didn't want to tell (insert person) (then add whatever news)"

- Okay...what would you like me to do?

"Well it just bothers me that (insert family member) would (insert offense)"

- Again, how can I help you?

"Maybe you could (insert action) (Insert family member) to (insert action).??"

- You are the one upset, you need to talk to them. I'm not going to get involved.

"But (insert family member) won't (answer the phone, door, email, etc)."

- Ever thought that when somebody doesn't want to talk to you, it's best to just let it go?

"But I just thought, you know, as BROTHERS, we could (insert activity)."

- Seems that's not the case, eh?

And it continues...(sigh). I'm completely fed up with being the go-between...more accurately, having people try to MAKE me the go-between. He just called this morning to ask if I will "Pray about" giving 'hints' to our other brother to 'Be sure and listen to God's will' by having him call or talk to Him.


Let it go. Honestly.

- Jim...you don't choose your friends. Your friends choose YOU. Something you might want to consider.



That's all.
-=d=- said:
I've got this brother...if you think 'I'm' needy...you ought to meet Him. How do any of you handle overly needy, weepy family members? He's the guy who calls me to complain about his relationship with 'others'...what am I supposed to say? I refuse to get involved because family dramatics (Drama/Politics) annoys me like little else. His conversations go something like this...(I Hope you guys like MadLibs)

"Hey Darin, have you spoken to Mom recently?"

- yeah...

"Cuz she said that duane said he heard (insert latest rumor)"

- that right?

"Yeah because I really didn't want to tell (insert person) (then add whatever news)"

- Okay...what would you like me to do?

"Well it just bothers me that (insert family member) would (insert offense)"

- Again, how can I help you?

"Maybe you could (insert action) (Insert family member) to (insert action).??"

- You are the one upset, you need to talk to them. I'm not going to get involved.

"But (insert family member) won't (answer the phone, door, email, etc)."

- Ever thought that when somebody doesn't want to talk to you, it's best to just let it go?

"But I just thought, you know, as BROTHERS, we could (insert activity)."

- Seems that's not the case, eh?

And it continues...(sigh). I'm completely fed up with being the go-between...more accurately, having people try to MAKE me the go-between. He just called this morning to ask if I will "Pray about" giving 'hints' to our other brother to 'Be sure and listen to God's will' by having him call or talk to Him.


Let it go. Honestly.

- Jim...you don't choose your friends. Your friends choose YOU. Something you might want to consider.



That's all.
Charge him by the minute :teeth:
-=d=- said:
Good call...my wife does the same for me...but for 'other' activities :( lol...at least I could re-coup some funds eh? ;)
heck worth a shot----your wife charges you?? Is that legal???
you better ask your bro -- :cof:
dilloduck said:
heck worth a shot----your wife charges you?? Is that legal???
you better ask your bro -- :cof:

Better ask him to pray about it for a while, seems he has a link to God's will and knows just how to judge others the right way...

Take advantage of this special gift, make sure to tell him all your dirty secrets so that others will know exactly how terrible you really are.
-=d=- said:
I've got this brother...if you think 'I'm' needy...you ought to meet Him. How do any of you handle overly needy, weepy family members? He's the guy who calls me to complain about his relationship with 'others'...what am I supposed to say? I refuse to get involved because family dramatics......
That's all.
I'm sure this will sound heartless, but I tell them to call whomever themselves. I tell them I get things too screwed up and make matters worse, and they SURELY don't need that. Don't ever ask what you can do because they'll give you explicit instructions just how they want you to handle it. They want it handled their way, let them do it.
I know exactly how you feel!!!! This is who I am, the intermediary!!! Have you ever read the book Boundaries?


I've heard it's good.
How about this one.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index%3Dstripbooks%26field-keywords%3Dwhen%20helping%20you%20is%20hurting%20me%26results-process%3Ddefault%26dispatch%3Dsearch/ref%3Dpd%5Fsl%5Fov%5Ftops-1%5Fstripbooks%5F5365868%5F1/002-6813646-1066409]When Helping You is Hurting Me[/ame]

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