Just passed!

Best advice about motorcycle riding I ever got...

"The moment you let the clutch out, everyone is going to try to kill you."
Got my first in 69. Didn't need an endorsement then either, but in 72 if you didn't have a motorcycle registered in your name for 2 years, you had to take a test. I just missed because I sold the panhead a few months before I bought the BSA.
I showed up for my test on 2/9/72. It was 9* F and he said the Beezer was too loud. I rode 20 miles to my dad's house and borrowed his, 20 back and got the guy to test me.
He came out and told me, "You know your way around the block, right? Right out of the lot, left on Hayestown Rd. Left on North Street and back here on Padaneram Rd. I'll be inside drinking coffee. He didn't even wait until I left the lot.
It's been a long long LONG time since I tasted bugs while on a bike. Sigh. These were the days before helmets were required. I'm too old and rickety now to get on one, but I envy you and congratulate you!!
Congratulations, Jarlaxle! Only been on a motorcycle once, and that was once too often.:) Almost crushed the poor guys ribs.

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