Just might be the dumbest statement by President Obama yet...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Today...our President stated...you better be sitting down...that one of the reasons businesses are not hiring is because they are afraid the government won't lift the debt ceiling.

no...seriously...he said that.
No...no..not trolling or just making a joke...he actually said this.
This is the first time you're hearing an argument that uncertainty is inhibiting hiring? That's been one of the pillars of the GOP's economic message for the last few years.
Today...our President stated...you better be sitting down...that one of the reasons businesses are not hiring is because they are afraid the government won't lift the debt ceiling.

no...seriously...he said that.
No...no..not trolling or just making a joke...he actually said this.

How is that unreasonable?

He has a sense of humor.... the shovel ready projects not being quite as shovel ready as he thought wasn't funny, but this.... yep. This is some funny shit.
I hate to post this but he may have a point.

Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling
Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling - US News and World Report

Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray'
Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray' - TheHill.com

Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business
Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business - USATODAY.com

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama | StarTribune.com

Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’.
Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
This is the first time you're hearing an argument that uncertainty is inhibiting hiring? That's been one of the pillars of the GOP's economic message for the last few years.

Whoa... GreenBeard may have a point.. Since Obama is the chief hostage-taker of the economy, he's intimately familiar with the tactic of uncertainty. And he's jealous that the GOP is now stealing his act..

More partisian horseplay that I don't have to defend... Thank God..

He has a sense of humor.... the shovel ready projects not being quite as shovel ready as he thought wasn't funny, but this.... yep. This is some funny shit.

Debate over raising debt ceiling plays with explosives, says Wall Street - TheHill.com

Fresh from last week’s deal, lawmakers are turning to the fight over raising the $14.3 trillion debt limit. Republicans say the administration must agree to steep spending cuts to win their support to raise the ceiling by a May 16 deadline set by the Treasury Department.

The administration is demanding a clean bill, but likely realizes it will need to agree to some spending cuts to win a hike in the debt ceiling.

Financial markets already are watching closely.

“What markets typically dislike the most is uncertainty,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the president of the American Action Forum and former director of the Congressional Budget Office. “The more it drags out, the greater that impact will be, and that’s not a good thing.”

Wall Street got a taste of the drama Capitol Hill can serve on Sept. 29, 2008, when the House voted down the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in the midst of the financial crisis. The Dow Jones Industrial Average responded by dropping over 700 points.

S&P Would Lower U.S. Credit Rating to D on Failure to Increase Debt Limit - Bloomberg

Standard & Poor’s would cut the U.S. credit rating to its lowest level and Moody’s Investors Service said it will probably reduce its ranking if the government fails to increase the debt limit, leading to a default.

S&P would lower its sovereign top-level AAA ranking to D, the last rung on its scale if the U.S. can’t pay its debt, John Chambers, chairman of the company’s sovereign rating committee, said today. Moody’s said it would probably assign a position in the Aa range, or within three steps of its highest level.

I guess it was only okay when the GOP kept hammering over and over in 2010 that economic uncertainty thanks to the Obama Administration actions are the reason why businesses aren't hiring.
I hate to post this but he may have a point.

Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling
Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling - US News and World Report

Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray'
Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray' - TheHill.com

Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business
Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business - USATODAY.com

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama | StarTribune.com

Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’.
Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

Some people don't seem to realize the implications that not raising the debt ceiling would have. As I just posted, for example, S&P would lower our credit rating to a D. It would cause harm to the U.S in both the short and long term. It would also make it more difficult in the future to pay back our debt.

Of course with how negotiations have been going so far, it comes as no surprise that businesses would be worried about hiring people when the hammer is swinging overhead.
I know that if the media says it, you believe it, but some of us are less inclined to regurgitate shit and spin as fact.

Sure, business will see the downside of not raising the ceiling... so do I, and I have said so on the board, more than once... but for Obama to represent this as 'the' reason is dishonest.
Today...our President stated...you better be sitting down...that one of the reasons businesses are not hiring is because they are afraid the government won't lift the debt ceiling.

no...seriously...he said that.
No...no..not trolling or just making a joke...he actually said this.

I heard it and couldn't believe it either. Then people wonder why unemployment is pinned at 9%? It's because we have a total fucking moron in the White House.

Bank ATM's, shovel ready not so (laughs) now this.... Obama is easily the stupid man to ever occupy the White House including Joe Biden

Obama, Failed Leader
This is the first time you're hearing an argument that uncertainty is inhibiting hiring? That's been one of the pillars of the GOP's economic message for the last few years.

Yeah, let's ignore the $1 Trillion deficit hole Obama's blown in he budget the last few years.

You know Reagan ran the entire government for less than Obama last deficit?
I know that if the media says it, you believe it, but some of us are less inclined to regurgitate shit and spin as fact.

Sure, business will see the downside of not raising the ceiling... so do I, and I have said so on the board, more than once... but for Obama to represent this as 'the' reason is dishonest.

Except he didn't. Even the OP said that it's one of the reasons.

Nowhere did Obama say that it was 'the' reason, except in your post.
I hate to post this but he may have a point.

Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling
Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling - US News and World Report

Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray'
Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray' - TheHill.com

Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business
Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business - USATODAY.com

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama | StarTribune.com

Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’.
Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

Wow! American Pravda, the LMSM parrots Obama's talking points...how did I not see that coming?
Given the overwhelming evidence of the adverse effect failing to raise the debt ceiling would have on the economy, it becomes that much more likely the GOP is intentionally hindering recovery for some perceived political gain.
Given the overwhelming evidence of the adverse effect failing to raise the debt ceiling would have on the economy, it becomes that much more likely the GOP is intentionally hindering recovery for some perceived political gain.

Given the overwhelming evidence of the adverse effect of Obama's annual trillion-plus deficits already have on the economy, it becomes that much more likely the Dems are intentionally hindering recovery for some perceived political gain.
Ahhh, our posters know more about the effect of the debt ceiling on businesses than business leaders. This is why I love coming to these boards, we have some of the world's top experts on everything posting right here on these very boards!
God bless USMB! :clap2:
Ahhh, our posters know more about the effect of the debt ceiling on businesses than business leaders. This is why I love coming to these boards, we have some of the world's top experts on everything posting right here on these very boards!
God bless USMB! :clap2:

Armchair economists are aplenty at USMB.
I hate to post this but he may have a point.

Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling
Chamber, GOP Butt Heads on Debt Ceiling - US News and World Report

Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray'
Letter from business groups: Raise debt limit before stock market 'disarray' - TheHill.com

Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business
Raising the debt ceiling is critical for small business - USATODAY.com

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama

On debt limit, business lobby sides with Obama | StarTribune.com

Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’.
Business Groups to Congress: ‘Raising Debt Ceiling Is Critical’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

Wow! American Pravda, the LMSM parrots Obama's talking points...how did I not see that coming?

Wall Street Journal is now part of Obama's parrots (don't tell Rupurt!!) and they, like the other publications just made the shit up? :clap2:

He has a sense of humor.... the shovel ready projects not being quite as shovel ready as he thought wasn't funny, but this.... yep. This is some funny shit.

Yeah, Obama thought his comment on that was funny. :cuckoo:

Jobless Rate:

January 2009 = 7.8%

May 2011 = 9.1%

June 2011 = 9.2%
Wall Street Journal is now part of Obama's parrots (don't tell Rupurt!!) and they, like the other publications just made the shit up? :clap2:

Who knew Obama had Wall Street in his back pocket as parrots? Quite a bit of doublethink going on there. To hear Obama being called a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, etc and then hear about how he is tied closely with Wall Street.

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