Just looking at nature can help your brain work better, study finds


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
...But the psychological benefits of green roofs to busy office workers may also be substantial, according to new research. In a study published in the journal Environmental Psychology, the University of Melbourne’s Kate Lee and a group of colleagues found that interrupting a tedious, attention-demanding task with a 40-second “microbreak” — in which one simply looks at a computerized image of a green roof — improved focus as well as subsequent performance on the task.

The research adds to a growing scientific literature on the health advantages — psychological and otherwise — of being exposed to views of nature in urban settings, for instance through the presence of parks or trees. Research in this area is so far along, in fact, that researchers are considering whether it might be possible to identify the right “dose” of nature that people need to receive in order to actually reap significant health benefits.

Just looking at nature can help your brain work better study finds - The Washington Post

(A microbreak on a computer? )

And isn't this what Olmstead figured out?
Olmsted's main goal, no matter what he was doing was to attempt to improve American society. He had visions of vast recreational and cultural achievements in the hearts of cities. He did not see parks as just vast meadows, but rather he saw them as places of harmony; places where people would go to escape life and regain their sanity. He wanted these parks to be available to all people no matter what walk of life the person followed.
Olmsted s Philosophy - FrederickLawOlmsted.com
I would guess looking at nature relieves stress and helps keep one sane. Seems to work for me.

...and yet what to politicians cut from their city's budgets...parks and recreation. Giuliani did it in NYC as have other mayors, to assist their donors with making even more cash off the backs of tax payers.

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