Just In: House Democrats Immediately Announce to “Revive Legislation” to Ban Trump From Ballot in Light of SCOTUS Decision (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is a replay of the Democrat’s Vietnam strategy.

Destroy democracy to save it!

Let's see how many House GOP RINOs will vote with the Democrats on this bill, if it comes to the floor?

This is a replay of the Democrat’s Vietnam strategy.

Destroy democracy to save it!

Let's see how many House GOP RINOs will vote with the Democrats on this bill, if it comes to the floor?

Biden = Putin
This is a replay of the Democrat’s Vietnam strategy.

Destroy democracy to save it!

Let's see how many House GOP RINOs will vote with the Democrats on this bill, if it comes to the floor?

Why am I not surprised. The democrats have done ABSOLUTELY nothing in the interest of this country for the last seven years, why would they start now?
This is a replay of the Democrat’s Vietnam strategy.

Destroy democracy to save it!

Let's see how many House GOP RINOs will vote with the Democrats on this bill, if it comes to the floor?

I guess the ignorant SOBs don't understand that congress has already exercised their authority under the 14th when they passed appropriate legislation to make engaging in an insurrection a federal criminal act. So now the only way to impose a disability to hold office would be a conviction under that statute. So far, not one person has been charged under that statute, including Trump.

From the link:

“Instead, it is Congress that has long given effect to Section 3 with respect to would-be or existing federal officeholders. Shortly after ratification of the Amendment, Congress enacted the Enforcement Act of 1870. That Act authorized federal district attorneys to bring civil actions in federal court to remove anyone holding nonlegislative office—federal or state—in violation of Section 3, and made holding or attempting to hold office in violation of Section 3 a federal crime,”

The democrat brain trusts are concocting the moronic plan to remove a president with the 14th Amendment instead of Impeachment. Swallwell (and Fang Fang), Jamie "the do rag" Raskin, and one name I missed. Morons.
This is a replay of the Democrat’s Vietnam strategy.

Destroy democracy to save it!

Let's see how many House GOP RINOs will vote with the Democrats on this bill, if it comes to the floor?

Waste of time, dipshits. Let it go. :rolleyes:
This is a replay of the Democrat’s Vietnam strategy.

Destroy democracy to save it!

Let's see how many House GOP RINOs will vote with the Democrats on this bill, if it comes to the floor?

Hmm, why is it hard to understand that there are 5 sections to 14A. Can democrats in Congress not count?

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