Just how evil are Democrats...


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
I'm looking at some Guccifer 2.0 leaks relating to Florida's last 18th district election (after reading this weekends WSJ article). The leaked documents were district analysis papers from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
These internal documents candidly list the "vulnerabilities" of their candidate Randy Perkins. In their list of three main "vulnerabilities" was this:

"Perkins’ foundation, 4 Girls Foundation, has donated money to Heartbeat of Miami and Respect Life Ministry, two Florida organizations that operate crisis pregnancy centers that encourage pregnant women not to get abortions"

Who could be so vile as to consider preventing abortions by helping pregnant women a "vulnerability"?
The Democratic Party. That's who.

Does this surprise anyone? The vulnerable are only appreciated once they reach voting age and the as soon as elections are concluded they are once again marginalized
And you're stupid to believe in this shit...Republicans are so fucking stupid and evil that they are natural allies with the islamic state. They won't admit it of course because they want their flavor of religion to rule the world instead.
And you're stupid to believe in this shit...Republicans are so fucking stupid and evil that they are natural allies with the islamic state. They won't admit it of course because they want their flavor of religion to rule the world instead.
I guess that makes YOU an ally of ISIS?

Democrats are shrinking...Thank God their numbers are declining and their message and ideology no longer stand up to the light of day. The youth get it, not all of them agree with aging hippy's afraid of the sun and human advancement.
Democrats are shrinking...Thank God their numbers are declining and their message and ideology do not stand up to the light of day. The youth get it, not all of them agree with aging hippy's afraid of the sun and human advancement.
I think you're reading the tea leaves wrong. I do agree that traditional democrats are a dying breed but so are conservatives. The waters of our current political climate are too muddy to see where we come out at.
I think you're reading the tea leaves wrong. I do agree that traditional democrats are a dying breed but so are conservatives. The waters of our current political climate are too muddy to see where we come out at.
I agree with that. The lines between democrat and republican have been getting increasingly blurred. That is why Trump won the election. New blood. New leadership anything but the same old.
I'm looking at some Guccifer 2.0 leaks


Why not just yell "I'M A RUSSIAN PATSY AND PROUD OF IT!". I mean, it has the same effect, and it's more direct.

Sadly, it's tough to find any Republicans these days who aren't Russian patsies, or even willing shills for Russia.
it has been known since the 1890s

just how evil they are

I'm looking at some Guccifer 2.0 leaks relating to Florida's last 18th district election (after reading this weekends WSJ article). The leaked documents were district analysis papers from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
These internal documents candidly list the "vulnerabilities" of their candidate Randy Perkins. In their list of three main "vulnerabilities" was this:

"Perkins’ foundation, 4 Girls Foundation, has donated money to Heartbeat of Miami and Respect Life Ministry, two Florida organizations that operate crisis pregnancy centers that encourage pregnant women not to get abortions"

Who could be so vile as to consider preventing abortions by helping pregnant women a "vulnerability"?
The Democratic Party. That's who.

My son and daughter are Democrats and they are actually quite nice people. They've had their ups and downs with life, but on the whole I love them very much. They are civil and they are well respected by their peers.
And you're stupid to believe in this shit...Republicans are so fucking stupid and evil that they are natural allies with the islamic state. They won't admit it of course because they want their flavor of religion to rule the world instead.
Still haning on to the left but need to rethink the real world. Don't let them brain wash you more....
Democrats are so evil, they make Voldemort look good. Democrats are so evil, they gave Hitler a good name. Democrats are so evil, their natural home is Mordor.
^^^^Moron of the month alert!

The various Russian patsies are keep getting more hysterical.

I think it's finally dawning on them, how they're not escaping unscathed for supporting treason. Not that the gutless patsies are going to be prosecuted. After all, stupidity and disloyalty aren't crimes. They will, however, be held in open contempt by most Americans for the rest of their lives.
Democrats are shrinking...Thank God their numbers are declining .

Yes they are. But you'd never know it if you swallow the propaganda. In the places they can't be kicked out by voters ...the media, Hollywood , civil service, academia, Silicon Valley, corporate boardrooms, unions...they remain entrenched. And they use that power for propaganda to convince Americans the charts below are not true.
They have lost every single special election since November. The new story is that if they don't lose by more than 8 points in Georgia then it signals a revival !
Laugh or cry for them?


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