Just how bad was the FBI’s Russia FISA? 51 violations and 9 false statements

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
John Solomon Reports ^ | December 9, 2019

To understand just how shoddy the FBI’s work was in securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, you only need to read an obscure attachment to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report.

Appendix 1 identifies the total violations by the FBI of the so-called Woods Procedures, the process by which the bureau verifies information and assures the FISA court its evidence is true.

The Appendix identifies a total of 51 Woods procedure violations from the FISA application the FBI submitted to the court authorizing surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page starting in October 2016.

A whopping nine of those violations fell into the category called: “Supporting document shows that the factual assertion is inaccurate.”

For those who don’t speak IG parlance, it means the FBI made nine false assertions to the FISA court. In short, what the bureau said was contradicted by the evidence in its official file.

To put that in perspective, former Trump aides Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos were convicted of making single false statements to the bureau. One went to jail already, and the other awaits sentencing.

The FBI made nine false statements to the court.

And the appendix shows the FBI made another nine factual assertions that did not match the supporting evidence in the file. In another words, the bureau was misleading on nine other occasions.

The vast majority of remaining Woods violations — 33 in total — involved failing to provide any evidence in the Woods procedure backing up assertion in the FISA warrant application.

That’s serious too since the sole purpose of the Wood procedures is to ensure all evidence cited in a FISA application is documented as accurate and reliable so it can be trusted by the courts.


51 violations

9 false statements

Gen Flynn took a plea for false statements after he went broke and lost his home!

Papadopolous was convicted for false statements.

Stone convicted for false statements.

So, are indictments, prosecutions, convictions and lengthy prison sentences on the way?.....I have NO FAITH in our justice system until a bunch of these treasonous bastards are behind bars!!!!!
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.
The Horowitz report was a politically correct whitewash. The democrats are claiming exoneration for the FBI.
Barr and Durham object to the conclusions.
So the real hammer comes down on the deep state when the Durham report is issued, hopefully soon.
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

How about we wait and see what evidence that Durham comes up with before criticizing Barr and whining about the president.
If/when the indictments come out, then the president can claim victory that the FBI and DOJ broke the law to spy on the Trump campaign.
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

How about we wait and see what evidence that Durham comes up with before criticizing Barr and whining about the president.
If/when the indictments come out, then the president can claim victory that the FBI and DOJ broke the law to spy on the Trump campaign.
Give it up. His campaign was talking to a lot of Russian intelligence operatives, he has no right to complain.
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

How about we wait and see what evidence that Durham comes up with before criticizing Barr and whining about the president.
If/when the indictments come out, then the president can claim victory that the FBI and DOJ broke the law to spy on the Trump campaign.
Give it up. His campaign was talking to a lot of Russian intelligence operatives, he has no right to complain.

Maybe you forgot that Mueller exonerated Trump from any Russian collusion?
Now the dems are focusing on the Ukraine and bribery.
Please try to keep up.
Don't dodge the Durham report and probable indictments, feeling nervous?
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

How about we wait and see what evidence that Durham comes up with before criticizing Barr and whining about the president.
If/when the indictments come out, then the president can claim victory that the FBI and DOJ broke the law to spy on the Trump campaign.
Give it up. His campaign was talking to a lot of Russian intelligence operatives, he has no right to complain.
Actually no. Read the report.
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

How about we wait and see what evidence that Durham comes up with before criticizing Barr and whining about the president.
If/when the indictments come out, then the president can claim victory that the FBI and DOJ broke the law to spy on the Trump campaign.
Give it up. His campaign was talking to a lot of Russian intelligence operatives, he has no right to complain.

Maybe you forgot that Mueller exonerated Trump from any Russian collusion?
Now the dems are focusing on the Ukraine and bribery.
Please try to keep up.
Don't dodge the Durham report and probable indictments, feeling nervous?
I'm not like you. I don't see an absence of corruption as bad news.
Let's face it the left hated the FBI, CIA and every one of our intelligence agencies until they did things that broke the law that worked out for them. Now they are their stanchest supporters.
You could hang a hundred criminal indictments around Comey, Brennan and the lot and they would still support and try to exhonerarte them because it was done in their favor.
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

ESL, only explanation
John Solomon Reports ^ | December 9, 2019

To understand just how shoddy the FBI’s work was in securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, you only need to read an obscure attachment to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report.

Appendix 1 identifies the total violations by the FBI of the so-called Woods Procedures, the process by which the bureau verifies information and assures the FISA court its evidence is true.

The Appendix identifies a total of 51 Woods procedure violations from the FISA application the FBI submitted to the court authorizing surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page starting in October 2016.

A whopping nine of those violations fell into the category called: “Supporting document shows that the factual assertion is inaccurate.”

For those who don’t speak IG parlance, it means the FBI made nine false assertions to the FISA court. In short, what the bureau said was contradicted by the evidence in its official file.

To put that in perspective, former Trump aides Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos were convicted of making single false statements to the bureau. One went to jail already, and the other awaits sentencing.

The FBI made nine false statements to the court.

And the appendix shows the FBI made another nine factual assertions that did not match the supporting evidence in the file. In another words, the bureau was misleading on nine other occasions.

The vast majority of remaining Woods violations — 33 in total — involved failing to provide any evidence in the Woods procedure backing up assertion in the FISA warrant application.

That’s serious too since the sole purpose of the Wood procedures is to ensure all evidence cited in a FISA application is documented as accurate and reliable so it can be trusted by the courts.


51 violations

9 false statements

Gen Flynn took a plea for false statements after he went broke and lost his home!

Papadopolous was convicted for false statements.

Stone convicted for false statements.

So, are indictments, prosecutions, convictions and lengthy prison sentences on the way?.....I have NO FAITH in our justice system until a bunch of these treasonous bastards are behind bars!!!!!

John Solomon has lost all credibility due to his participation in the lies and conspiracy theories in regard to the Ukraine.
Let's face it the left hated the FBI, CIA and every one of our intelligence agencies until they did things that broke the law that worked out for them. Now they are their stanchest supporters.
You could hang a hundred criminal indictments around Comey, Brennan and the lot and they would still support and try to exhonerarte them because it was done in their favor.

Let's fact it, the only way to destroy your nation is to undermine it's law and order institutions. Trump has used the Justice Department to investigate and attack his "enemies", and to Donald Trump, an "enemy" is anyone who has ever disagreed with you publically, or privately.

Trump has instigated at least 4 investigations of Hillary Clinton's emails. Three of which have utterly vindicated Mrs. Clinton, and one of which has never been heard from again. Even Mike Pompeo couldn't find anything illegal that Clinton did with those emails. And whatever happened to the Huber Investigation? We were promised a report by the end of 2017, and Prosecutor Huber is no longer returning anyone's calls.

Now Republicans are preparing to investigate Joe Biden because of Russian propaganda which Trump is fully invested in. This is what Trump is doing to the Justice Department under Bill Barr. The IG issues a report and Barr says he disagrees with a 2 year investigation which looked at 10,000 documents.

Investigatiing Democrats and the "investigators" is all that the Justice Department has done since Trump took office, and so far, the only people going to jail are Trump staffers. Russia meddled extensively in the last election, and they continue to try to sway American opinion to this day. Just look at the profiles of all of the members of the "1000 post a month" tribe here. 50 something's in their prime earning years, who own their own businesses and have time to post for free on a chat board 30 to 40 times per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

You have a President who makes up shit and tells the public it really happened. Truth isn't truth, facts aren't facts, and that Hurricane Dorian really did threatnen Alabama. Your attitude may be "so what", but Trump's tweet frightened thousands of people in Alabama and emergencies services were overwhelmed with citizens calling about preparations. But the worst of that story is that the White House spent the next two weeks ordering the US Weather Service to lie so as not to contradict the President.

It is entirely possible to disagree with someone without pronouncing them your "enemy" and setting out to destroy them professionally and personally because they don't think you're on the right path.
Just a little "wrongdoing" to cushion the blow that it turns out the FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign. Barr is really showing his true colors rejecting the report just because the president does not like what it says.

How about we wait and see what evidence that Durham comes up with before criticizing Barr and whining about the president.
If/when the indictments come out, then the president can claim victory that the FBI and DOJ broke the law to spy on the Trump campaign.
Give it up. His campaign was talking to a lot of Russian intelligence operatives, he has no right to complain.

Maybe you forgot that Mueller exonerated Trump from any Russian collusion?
Now the dems are focusing on the Ukraine and bribery.
Please try to keep up.
Don't dodge the Durham report and probable indictments, feeling nervous?
I'm not like you. I don't see an absence of corruption as bad news.
Lying to the court to get a FISA warrant isn't corrupt?

Typical libnut.
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Let's face it the left hated the FBI, CIA and every one of our intelligence agencies until they did things that broke the law that worked out for them. Now they are their stanchest supporters.
You could hang a hundred criminal indictments around Comey, Brennan and the lot and they would still support and try to exhonerarte them because it was done in their favor.

Let's fact it, the only way to destroy your nation is to undermine it's law and order institutions. Trump has used the Justice Department to investigate and attack his "enemies", and to Donald Trump, an "enemy" is anyone who has ever disagreed with you publically, or privately.

Trump has instigated at least 4 investigations of Hillary Clinton's emails. Three of which have utterly vindicated Mrs. Clinton, and one of which has never been heard from again. Even Mike Pompeo couldn't find anything illegal that Clinton did with those emails. And whatever happened to the Huber Investigation? We were promised a report by the end of 2017, and Prosecutor Huber is no longer returning anyone's calls.

Now Republicans are preparing to investigate Joe Biden because of Russian propaganda which Trump is fully invested in. This is what Trump is doing to the Justice Department under Bill Barr. The IG issues a report and Barr says he disagrees with a 2 year investigation which looked at 10,000 documents.

Investigatiing Democrats and the "investigators" is all that the Justice Department has done since Trump took office, and so far, the only people going to jail are Trump staffers. Russia meddled extensively in the last election, and they continue to try to sway American opinion to this day. Just look at the profiles of all of the members of the "1000 post a month" tribe here. 50 something's in their prime earning years, who own their own businesses and have time to post for free on a chat board 30 to 40 times per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

You have a President who makes up shit and tells the public it really happened. Truth isn't truth, facts aren't facts, and that Hurricane Dorian really did threatnen Alabama. Your attitude may be "so what", but Trump's tweet frightened thousands of people in Alabama and emergencies services were overwhelmed with citizens calling about preparations. But the worst of that story is that the White House spent the next two weeks ordering the US Weather Service to lie so as not to contradict the President.

It is entirely possible to disagree with someone without pronouncing them your "enemy" and setting out to destroy them professionally and personally because they don't think you're on the right path.
And here again we have the left trying desperately to rationalize their love of their brand of law and order if it benefits them. Not long ago they hated it. They had no problems with claiming that laws were working against people, they were getting them killed, they were targeting those that were innocent. But now that they can be used against someone they have hated since before they were sworn in they are wrapping themselves in the law.

To those that have two brain cells and a memory they realize that it is nothing short of disingenuous bull.
Wall Street Journal: Horowitz Report reveals a trail of FBI abuse

The press corps is portraying Monday's report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz as absolution for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but don't believe it. The report relates a trail of terrible judgment and violations of process that should shock Americans who thought better of their premier law-enforcement agency.

Readers can look at the detailed executive summary and decide for themselves. But our own initial reading confirms the worst of what we feared about the bureau when it was run by James Comey. The FBI corrupted the secret court process for obtaining warrants to spy on former Trump aide Carter Page. And it did so by supplying the court with false information produced by Christopher Steele, an agent of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

How can anyone, most of all civil libertarians, pass this off as no big deal? The absolution is supposedly that Mr. Horowitz concludes that the FBI decision to open a counter-intelligence probe against the Trump campaign in July 2016 "was sufficient to predicate the investigation" under current FBI rules.

Yet Mr. Horowitz also notes that these rules amount to a "low threshold for predication." John Durham, the U.S. Attorney investigating these matters for Attorney General William Barr, said Monday he disagrees with Mr. Horowitz's conclusions on predication, albeit without elaboration for now.

Mr. Horowitz confirms what the FBI had already leaked to friendly reporters, which is that the bureau's alarm in July 2016 was triggered by a conversation that former Trump aide George Papadopoulos had with Australian Alexander Downer. But we learn for the first time that the FBI immediately ramped up its counter-intelligence probe to include four Trump campaign officials: Messrs. Page and Papadopoulos, then campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael Flynn.

The bureau quickly moved to a full-scale investigation it called Crossfire Hurricane. The FBI's justification, as related to Mr. Horowitz, is that the risk of Russian disruption of the 2016 election was too great to ignore.

Yet the bureau never told anyone in the Trump campaign, or even Donald Trump, whom or what it was investigating so he could reduce the danger or distance himself from those advisers. The FBI was investigating the campaign but wouldn't tell the candidate who would soon be elected.

Wall Street Journal: Horowitz Report reveals a trail of FBI abuse
Let's face it the left hated the FBI, CIA and every one of our intelligence agencies until they did things that broke the law that worked out for them. Now they are their stanchest supporters.
You could hang a hundred criminal indictments around Comey, Brennan and the lot and they would still support and try to exhonerarte them because it was done in their favor.

Correct. Liberals don't have a problem with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.

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