Just curious as to the age of youse guys

I don't know who you are refering to cuz I never wear my specs when I take pics, lol. I think you got me mixed up with someone else?

And I was kidding about the pic above. That's really KG. :lmao:
I have absolutely no idea how old youse guys are. sound like dez from New York.
Me? I'm 29 with experience..... More experience than I care to think about right now......

Are I not hawt? :lol:

I think I am in luv.
Note to self:
Start at post #22, Gracie
Ok Gracie. Thanks!
No prob, Gracie. :)
29. I feel like a youngin' on this message board. Me, Ringel, and TemplarKormac should start a "I'm not pooping myself yet" club. :tongue:
Me? Not ashamed to say that I'm 49 (going to be 50 sometime this year), and I'm surprised that I made it this far because of the ways that I did some things in my younger years.

However...............even though I'm pushing the 1/2 century mark, I can still ride a bicycle 10 miles or more, and am in pretty decent shape.

On the other hand, it's kind of disconcerting to stare too long at myself in the mirror, because I see all the grey and chrome hair that I now have, and start to feel old.

Easy enough to fix though.................I either (a) play a video game, (b) watch Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network (Robot Chicken and Rick and Morty are 2 of my favorites, or (c) go for a bike ride and come in at an average speed of 15 mph or better, and realize that even though I may have silver hair, I'm still a lot younger acting (and looking) than many of those who are my current age.

Shoot.............................a couple of summers back, I was riding against some dude half my age, and was still able to keep up with him until he turned off the route I was riding. We were averaging around 25 mph for around 2 1/2 miles.
Note to self:

The post after this one, start greenie-ing again.
Thanks for the reminder Gracie.
nods. Not a prob.
Say goodnight Gracie.
ok. Night Gracie. :lol:
48 years old.........in the construction field and feeling it more than I'd like to these days.

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