Just As Much A Failure As His Eponymous Plan

Again, my health care solution... rounding up Health Insurance CEO's and harvesting them for transplant organs. That would be justice.

Yep...spoken like a true cossack.

You know what justice is.

Hey, how many people have died because big insurance cheated them on life saving operations? How many people have died because they couldn't get into a hospital at all?

our health care system isn't just messed up, it's a fucking crime.

Life saving ? Everyone dies...eventually.

Everyone can get into a hospital. Reagan and the democrats made sure of that.
Bush wasn't a conservative.

And you can spare me the "now you are running from him" meme.

I disliked that moron from the start.

Find someone who wants to listen to your fairy tales.

You don't blow money like he did and call yourself anything but a big spender.

Uh, guy Reagan blew through just as much money as Bush did....

The only difference is, Bush's damage to the economy was apparent before he left.

Reagan we didn't feel the pain for years later.

The only thing that made Reagan "a conservative" is that he wasn't impeached, voted out or left the country in a flaming wreck. Otherwise, he was serving the same racist rat poison to the middle class as the others.
Bush wasn't a conservative.

And you can spare me the "now you are running from him" meme.

I disliked that moron from the start.

Find someone who wants to listen to your fairy tales.

You don't blow money like he did and call yourself anything but a big spender.

Uh, guy Reagan blew through just as much money as Bush did....

The only difference is, Bush's damage to the economy was apparent before he left.

Reagan we didn't feel the pain for years later.

The only thing that made Reagan "a conservative" is that he wasn't impeached, voted out or left the country in a flaming wreck. Otherwise, he was serving the same racist rat poison to the middle class as the others.

You are right....Reagan didn't.....his leadership was that....leadership. BTW....he had help from the democrats blowing throug that money.

Some of that was to help fix Jimmy Carters so-called S.S. fix (for 30 years which hardly lasted 18 months....but whose counting ?).

Reagan wasn't a true conservative. He was a hybrid.

You are suffering true Reagan Derangement Syndrom.

Back to the point.

Obamacare is a wreck.

Nobody is talking single payer but you (and you don't realize that if we get it, the 1% are going to get real rich).
Everyone can get into a hospital. Reagan and the democrats made sure of that.

If you are having to show up at an emergency room for a $1000.00 pneumonia visit when you could have solved that problem for $100.00, that's kind of wasteful.

But the GOP never saw a solution to a problem that didn't involve the rich exploiting the poor.

O.K. it's clear that you can't keep an argument in one place. All you need to do is whine about the GOP.

I don't like the GOP, but I have a good feel for what government can and can't do.

You, on the other hand are dripping with bitterness.

Maybe you should try counseling.
O.K. it's clear that you can't keep an argument in one place. All you need to do is whine about the GOP.

I don't like the GOP, but I have a good feel for what government can and can't do.

Well, no, you don't. When you say "single payer doesn't work', you have to ignore EVERY OTHER COUNTRY WHERE IT WORKS JUST FINE!!!

You, on the other hand are dripping with bitterness.

Maybe you should try counseling.

Maybe you should try addressing my arguments instead of talking about me personally.

Frankly, that's when I know I've won an argument, when some loser Right Winger has to say, "Well... welll...you're just angry" after I blow you guys away with facts and figures that back up my position.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, on bullshit like 9 figure salaries for insurance ceo's and poor people running up huge bills at emergency rooms that the rest of us end up paying for, and we get the worst results in the advanced world...

but jackholes like you just hate the thought of the government running things, no m atter how much the rich fuck you.
O.K. it's clear that you can't keep an argument in one place. All you need to do is whine about the GOP.

I don't like the GOP, but I have a good feel for what government can and can't do.

Well, no, you don't. When you say "single payer doesn't work', you have to ignore EVERY OTHER COUNTRY WHERE IT WORKS JUST FINE!!!

You, on the other hand are dripping with bitterness.

Maybe you should try counseling.

Maybe you should try addressing my arguments instead of talking about me personally.

Frankly, that's when I know I've won an argument, when some loser Right Winger has to say, "Well... welll...you're just angry" after I blow you guys away with facts and figures that back up my position.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, on bullshit like 9 figure salaries for insurance ceo's and poor people running up huge bills at emergency rooms that the rest of us end up paying for, and we get the worst results in the advanced world...

but jackholes like you just hate the thought of the government running things, no m atter how much the rich fuck you.

I am the one who keeps bringing up our excessive spending. I know the argument.

This is a healthcare forum, but like so many on the far left, it's always BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

But who really cares what you think.

You are just one of millions that is content to keep the debt rising.....

Better get that counseling soon.

Oh the rich are screwing all of us.

The sad thing is that they use government to keep doing it.

And you are all to willing to bend over let it continue to happen.
I am the one who keeps bringing up our excessive spending. I know the argument.

This is a healthcare forum, but like so many on the far left, it's always BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

But who really cares what you think.

You are just one of millions that is content to keep the debt rising.....

Make the rich pay their fair share. Problem fucking solved.

But you keep bending over for the rich while you drive over a road that wasn't fixed worried about being robbed by a kid who can't get a job because no one bothered to teach him how to read.
I am the one who keeps bringing up our excessive spending. I know the argument.

This is a healthcare forum, but like so many on the far left, it's always BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

But who really cares what you think.

You are just one of millions that is content to keep the debt rising.....

Make the rich pay their fair share. Problem fucking solved.

But you keep bending over for the rich while you drive over a road that wasn't fixed worried about being robbed by a kid who can't get a job because no one bothered to teach him how to read.

If we don't address all the policies driving health care inflation, it won't matter who is paying for it. None of us will be able to afford it.
I am the one who keeps bringing up our excessive spending. I know the argument.

This is a healthcare forum, but like so many on the far left, it's always BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

But who really cares what you think.

You are just one of millions that is content to keep the debt rising.....

Make the rich pay their fair share. Problem fucking solved.

But you keep bending over for the rich while you drive over a road that wasn't fixed worried about being robbed by a kid who can't get a job because no one bothered to teach him how to read.

I am O.K. with that.

You'll need to define rich and you'll need to define fair share.

But I think they should pay more.

I think the poor should be paying a few dollars too (not many....).

I don't worry about anything.....I know who is robbing me. The1%...aided and abetted by the federal government.
Make the rich pay their fair share. Problem fucking solved.

Class envy at it's finest.

At least you are consistent, consistently arrogant in your proclamations about what is and isn't...what should be and what should not be.....
If we don't address all the policies driving health care inflation, it won't matter who is paying for it. None of us will be able to afford it.

I agree. What drives health care inflation.

Greed of the insurance companies.
Greed of Big Pharma
Greed of the medical companies.
Dumb policy of making poor people go to emergency rooms because they don't have regular doctors.

In short, problems countries with Single Payer don't have.
Class envy at it's finest.

At least you are consistent, consistently arrogant in your proclamations about what is and isn't...what should be and what should not be.....

Not at all. WHEN the Rich paid their fair share, before Ronald RayGun cut their taxes, we paid for space programs and roads and schools and really didn't have big deficits.

Then Ray-gun came along, and quadrupled the debt in 12 years until Clinton finally made them pay more of their fair share. Then once again, after they were paying their fair share, we had prosperity and balanced budgets... until your boy Bush came along and doubled the debt with more tax cuts for rich people that never trickled down to the rest of us.

Something trickled down, but it wasn't prosperity.

I am O.K. with that.

You'll need to define rich and you'll need to define fair share.

What we had before Reagan. Problem solved.
If we don't address all the policies driving health care inflation, it won't matter who is paying for it. None of us will be able to afford it.

I agree. What drives health care inflation.

Greed of the insurance companies.
Greed of Big Pharma
Greed of the medical companies.

Greed is present in every industry, in every market. Keep searching ...

Dumb policy of making poor people go to emergency rooms because they don't have regular doctors.

You're getting warmer. But EMTALA is merely the tip of the iceberg in how ill-conceived state policy drives inflation.
In short, problems countries with Single Payer don't have.

Actually they do. Single payer merely replaces private insurance companies, each competing for our business, with a single insurance company that we are forced to indulge.
Greed is present in every industry, in every market. Keep searching ...

And most markets need to be regulated for that reason.

The thing is, when your market choices are "Pay whatever I demand" and "die", they pretty much have you over a barrel.

You're getting warmer. But EMTALA is merely the tip of the iceberg in how ill-conceived state policy drives inflation.

Uh, no, guy. If we treated health care like a public service instead of a consumer commodity, we wouldn't have these issues.

Look, I usually don't waste time talking to you libertarian fucks because you people don't go off and start your own hippy communes of no laws and government. You live off what the rest of us build and pay for and sleep secure in your beds with what the rest of us provide.
Greed is present in every industry, in every market. Keep searching ...

And most markets need to be regulated for that reason.

Regulating them diverts the efforts of the greedy from satisfying consumers to manipulating regulation.

Look, I usually don't waste time talking to you libertarian fucks because you people ...

[insert strawman stereotype here]

"Maybe you should try addressing my arguments instead of talking about me personally."

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