Julian Assange to run for Australian Senate

And his countrymen and mine fought in Africa, the Pacific and Europe. None of those wars were started by us...

Don't play the patriot card down here....everybody lost enough men and I'll be be buggered if I'm going to get a pissing contest over that issue.

That aside, he stabbed nobody in the back...
It's okay, you can't remember back that far, and thanks to the bloody battle of the Coral Sea (lost USA ships at link, somewhere) in which we lost several ships off your coast, plus you are not speaking bloody Yappynese.

FYI, sweetie and IMHO, there is positively no comparison in the world to Aussie Diggers and Girl Guides. I love 'em, and you can't change that! :)

"Yappynese" :eusa_eh:
Ya got me! I apologize for a stupid remark. I listened to a lot of anger over the dinner table when I was growing up when Dad's friends were there. My dad was not treated well in their prisoner of war camp in WWII for 18 months. They routinely lined up him and his fellow prisoners and poked them in their shrapnel wounds until men fell over. His scars were dark blue and all over his legs and on his shin.

They got him in his upper body, too. When he was older, he could barely turn his head to look out for coming cars when he was driving. I could've been a lot nicer to my dad. He suffered a lot of pain from shrapnel left in his body too close to arteries for surgeons of the day to remove, and seldom talked about it. But I knew, and mom knew. :(
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Then why is the jerk hiding out and fighting extradition like his valuable time in harming allies depended on it?

Do tell. :lmao:

Maybe because he thinks that a country that would be willing to abuse the European arrest warrant to extradite somebody they haven't even charged with a crime might not be interested in justice. As for hiding out, where exactly is he hiding out? Can one be "hiding out" while under house arrest?
Sorry, Kevin, I don't trust people who use flunkies with security clearance to get information that damages government people whose only interest is keeping our country free of spies, haters, bombers, intruders, and those whose intent is to kill and maim as many Americans as they desire--people who are every day people going about their own business, not bothering anybody, like on 9/11, and even the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Assange is not a friend of the American people. He's already doomed his co-conspirator to a life in the brig, and that's his only "friend" other than people who think they can get a vote out of him with his damaging information of people's private businesses.

Friends use discretion and ask their real friends if something is true or not and why that was the chosen course. They don't go to the tabloid press and start pissing on everyone they hate and witholding damaging information that suits themselves.

The man is sneaky, rude, hateful, disrespectful of women's health, and a world-class cad, imho.

There's no evidence Assange had Bradley Manning do anything, and Assange leaked crimes and absurdities of the U.S. government. Not exactly people going about their own business not bothering people.
Maybe because he thinks that a country that would be willing to abuse the European arrest warrant to extradite somebody they haven't even charged with a crime might not be interested in justice. As for hiding out, where exactly is he hiding out? Can one be "hiding out" while under house arrest?
Sorry, Kevin, I don't trust people who use flunkies with security clearance to get information that damages government people whose only interest is keeping our country free of spies, haters, bombers, intruders, and those whose intent is to kill and maim as many Americans as they desire--people who are every day people going about their own business, not bothering anybody, like on 9/11, and even the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Assange is not a friend of the American people. He's already doomed his co-conspirator to a life in the brig, and that's his only "friend" other than people who think they can get a vote out of him with his damaging information of people's private businesses.

Friends use discretion and ask their real friends if something is true or not and why that was the chosen course. They don't go to the tabloid press and start pissing on everyone they hate and witholding damaging information that suits themselves.

The man is sneaky, rude, hateful, disrespectful of women's health, and a world-class cad, imho.

There's no evidence Assange had Bradley Manning do anything, and Assange leaked crimes and absurdities of the U.S. government. Not exactly people going about their own business not bothering people.
Actually, there is evidence against Bradley Manning, and it is classified according to those at the highest level of government who are also not at liberty to disclose it.

Sorry, Kevin, I don't trust people who use flunkies with security clearance to get information that damages government people whose only interest is keeping our country free of spies, haters, bombers, intruders, and those whose intent is to kill and maim as many Americans as they desire--people who are every day people going about their own business, not bothering anybody, like on 9/11, and even the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Assange is not a friend of the American people. He's already doomed his co-conspirator to a life in the brig, and that's his only "friend" other than people who think they can get a vote out of him with his damaging information of people's private businesses.

Friends use discretion and ask their real friends if something is true or not and why that was the chosen course. They don't go to the tabloid press and start pissing on everyone they hate and witholding damaging information that suits themselves.

The man is sneaky, rude, hateful, disrespectful of women's health, and a world-class cad, imho.

There's no evidence Assange had Bradley Manning do anything, and Assange leaked crimes and absurdities of the U.S. government. Not exactly people going about their own business not bothering people.
Actually, there is evidence against Bradley Manning, and it is classified according to those at the highest level of government who are also not at liberty to disclose it.


Evidence against Bradley Manning is not necessarily evidence that Assange had anything to do with Manning leaking the information.
There's no evidence Assange had Bradley Manning do anything, and Assange leaked crimes and absurdities of the U.S. government. Not exactly people going about their own business not bothering people.
Actually, there is evidence against Bradley Manning, and it is classified according to those at the highest level of government who are also not at liberty to disclose it.

Evidence against Bradley Manning is not necessarily evidence that Assange had anything to do with Manning leaking the information.
By the same token it does not necessarily exclude Assange from allegedly seeking to discredit America and going about it illegally, wantonly, and surreptitiously, which are his given traits.
I hope he wins.
I hope he wins grief for stabbing a national friend and defender in the back. My uncle defended the bastard's birthland in WWII where we lost a passel of ships and men.

He didn't stab anybody in the back

Australia lost its fair share of men during the war defending Papua New Guinea, Singapore and Europe... We don't do the old "we saved you arses in WWII" shit down here. Everybody sacrificed during that war...
I hope he wins grief for stabbing a national friend and defender in the back. My uncle defended the bastard's birthland in WWII where we lost a passel of ships and men.

And his countrymen and mine fought in Africa, the Pacific and Europe. None of those wars were started by us...

Don't play the patriot card down here....everybody lost enough men and I'll be be buggered if I'm going to get a pissing contest over that issue.

That aside, he stabbed nobody in the back...
It's okay, you can't remember back that far, and thanks to the bloody battle of the Coral Sea (lost USA ships at link, somewhere) in which we lost several ships off your coast, plus you are not speaking bloody Yappynese.

FYI, sweetie and IMHO, there is positively no comparison in the world to Aussie Diggers and Girl Guides. I love 'em, and you can't change that! :)

And what about all the diggers and kiwis lost in Europe during WWI or WWII...you'll never see us using that card in a argument. Poor form and lack of class.

And don't forget we only became involved because Japan bombed Pearl Harbour...once again a war we didn't start, but helped finish. You're welcome
What does he want to do? Get everybody to bomb the USA with his damn information? Or is he using his information against other candidates to get in, while concealing his own rotten life. I hope the Australian people will seriously consider keeping him out of their government. They will pay for it if they don't, and he will make them pay.

Unlike you, we don't play lip service to freedom of speech. We actually mean it..

Evidence against Bradley Manning is not necessarily evidence that Assange had anything to do with Manning leaking the information.
By the same token it does not necessarily exclude Assange from allegedly seeking to discredit America and going about it illegally, wantonly, and surreptitiously, which are his given traits.

Did Julian Assange make America do all those things that WikiLeaks exposed? No. If America is discredited, which I see no evidence of, then it did it to itself.
Evidence against Bradley Manning is not necessarily evidence that Assange had anything to do with Manning leaking the information.
By the same token it does not necessarily exclude Assange from allegedly seeking to discredit America and going about it illegally, wantonly, and surreptitiously, which are his given traits.

Did Julian Assange make America do all those things that WikiLeaks exposed? No. If America is discredited, which I see no evidence of, then it did it to itself.
Sorry, people who are mean to my country get no kudos from me for any reason, good or bad.

Call it a character flaw if you wish.
By the same token it does not necessarily exclude Assange from allegedly seeking to discredit America and going about it illegally, wantonly, and surreptitiously, which are his given traits.

Did Julian Assange make America do all those things that WikiLeaks exposed? No. If America is discredited, which I see no evidence of, then it did it to itself.
Sorry, people who are mean to my country get no kudos from me for any reason, good or bad.

Call it a character flaw if you wish.

Julian Assange wasn't mean to your government, I won't use the term country because that would imply that regular Americans were somehow guilty of the crimes of their government which is not correct, your government was mean, and Assange merely exposed them in their meanness.
I hope he wins.
I hope he wins grief for stabbing a national friend and defender in the back. My uncle defended the bastard's birthland in WWII where we lost a passel of ships and men.

Exposing the ugly truth is backstabbing?

I lost 1 uncle, I great uncle and 3 cousins in the Pacific Theatre.
And this adds absolutely no validity to my opinion.
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I hope he wins.
I hope he wins grief for stabbing a national friend and defender in the back. My uncle defended the bastard's birthland in WWII where we lost a passel of ships and men.
Exposing the ugly truth is backstabbing?

I lost 1 uncle, I great uncle and 3 cousins in the Pacific Theatre.
And this adds absolutely no validity to my opinion.

So him sniffing America's panties in public is ok with you?

As the postmaster said to his charges, "to each his zone."

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What does he want to do? Get everybody to bomb the USA with his damn information? Or is he using his information against other candidates to get in, while concealing his own rotten life. I hope the Australian people will seriously consider keeping him out of their government. They will pay for it if they don't, and he will make them pay.

Unlike you, we don't play lip service to freedom of speech. We actually mean it..
Sounds like freedom of leech to me. Phylum Annelida. :lol::lol::lol:
I picture Assponge wearing an ankle bracelet and staying out of trouble as a purpose for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. :lmao:

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