Vote: Assange STD Laws Fitting name?

Would you like to see STD Laws named The Assange Laws?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Suggested reading: Sweden's case against Julian Paul Assange ~

I suggest referring to the Swedish law that Assange allegedly disrespected be the adopted name for laws passed to prevent the spread of stds, which is basically the teeth of the Swedish laws--an assurance that law-abiding people will not pass STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases around in society by considerately using condoms. Used properly, it reduces the chance of casual sex partners spreading gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, genital herpes, etc. I found a list with scientific names below:
STDs are divided into several groups according to their pathogenic causes:


# Chancroid (Haemophillius ducreyi); # Chlamydia infection (Chlamydia trachomatis); # Donovanosis (Granuloma inguinale or Calymmatobacterium granulomatis); # Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae); # Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (Clamydia trachomatis serotypes L1, L2, L3) # Non gonococcal urethritis (NGU) (Ureaplasma urealyticum or Mycoplasma hominis); # Syphilis (Treponema pallidum); etc.


# Cytomegalovirus; # Hepatitis B; # Herpes /HSV (Herpes simplex virus); # Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS); # Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); # Molluscum (MC); # Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS); etc. PARASITES:

# Pubic Lice or, more popular, "crabs" (Phthirius pubis); # Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei); etc. FUNGAL: # Candidiasis (thrush) (Candida albicans) can be sexually transmitted but not strictly an STD; Links to discussion of each type of STD
If you can think of other reasons than yes or no to "Poll Options," please answer on the thread. Thanks.
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Neisseria gonorrhoeae


Photo at Bacterial Anatomy

Symptoms of gonorrhea:

In females, mild symptoms are usually present that resemble a bladder or vaginal infection; or sometimes they are not even present, making it difficult to treat in an efficient fashion. Symptoms can appear within 2-5 days for males, but may not be present in females for over 30 days. The following include painful urination and bloody or yellow vaginal or penile discharge, which if left untreated can develop into pelvic inflamatory disease (PID) for females, and swollen and painful testicles in males (epididymitis) (WebMD). The presence of gonorrhea can be be diagnosed using a Gram stain test, which will turn red for Gram negative bacteria. Credits: What is Gonorrhea?

End Result of Untreated Gonorrhea:

Untreated gonorrhea can lead to significant complications, such as:

  • Infertility in women. Untreated gonorrhea can spread into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which may result in scarring of the tubes, greater risk of pregnancy complications and infertility. PID is a serious infection that requires immediate treatment.
  • Infertility in men. Men with untreated gonorrhea can experience epididymitis — inflammation of the rear portion of the testicles where the sperm ducts are located (epididymis). Epididymitis is treatable, but if left untreated, it may lead to infertility.
  • Infection that spreads to the joints and other areas of your body. The bacterium that causes gonorrhea can spread through the bloodstream and infect other parts of your body, including your joints. Fever, rash, skin sores, joint pain, swelling and stiffness are possible results.
  • Increased risk of HIV/AIDS. Having gonorrhea makes you more susceptible to infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that leads to AIDS. People who have both gonorrhea and HIV are able to pass both diseases more readily to their partners.
  • Complications in babies. Babies who contract gonorrhea from their mothers during birth can develop blindness, sores on the scalp and infections.
From the Mayo Clinic: Gonorrhea Complications

This is just one problem of using unprotected sex, which is a sex crime in Sweden classified as rape.

Genital Herpes - the most common STD
Electron micrograph

Image location: Herpes Pictures - Herpes Pictures and Cold Sores Pictures

From "Modern Pathology - Identification of Herpes" long article
HSV type 2 and, less commonly, type 1, are the major causes of genital herpes (1, 3). HSV genital infection typically manifests itself as crops of painful, disfiguring lesions that chronically recur. As a result, patients frequently suffer significant psychological and psychosexual stigmatization. Subclinical and completely asymptomatic infection are well recognized and appear to play an important role in neonatal herpes infections (3, 4). Neonatal herpes infection may have devastating consequences, ranging from limited skin or eye infections to disseminated multiorgan and central nervous system involvement (5, 6).
Recently, HSV infection has been implicated as an important cofactor in the acquisition, transmission, and possibly even the progression of the human immunodeficiency virus infection (2, 7, 8). HSV is also a well-known etiologic agent in cases of encephalitis, aseptic meningitis, and atypical pneumonias, as well as in a variety of other infections.

The Effect of Genital Herpes on Infants Womens' Health, the UK

Most newborns get the virus from their mothers at the time of delivery; however, there have been cases of newborns contracting the virus before birth (Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant, Remington, J. And Klein, J.). Some babies contract the virus after birth through an infected adult - perhaps by a kiss from someone with a cold sore.
Some newborns who have been infected have skin or mouth sores or eye infections. If the infection is localized to these areas, the baby can go on to grow and develop normally. There is, however, a real danger that the infections can spread to the brain and internal organs. Symptoms of herpes virus in such cases cause the baby to appear irritable, eat poorly, have seizures or develop infections in the internal organs. Half of the infants with widespread infections involving the internal organs die, as do about 10 percent of those with brain infections as reported in Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant - Remington and Klein. It is also reported in the same document, that many babies who survive widespread internal organ infections and brain infections develop lasting disabilities, such as mental retardations, cerebral palsy, seizures, and vision or hearing loss.
From Updates on Genital herpes beyond the basics:

Individuals with genital herpes are at an increased risk of acquiring HIV. During an outbreak, blisters and ulcers make it easier for a partner's genital fluids to enter the body. Therefore, if a person with herpes is exposed to HIV through sexual contact while herpetic lesions are present, HIV can more easily travel through the skin. Condoms help decrease the spread of HSV and HIV.

Not everyone agrees on the exact numbers of babies that die from genital herpes. The above source says 50%. Others say 60%. I spared the board from reviewing the sickening pictures I viewed of the disease on genital parts. It's a bit over the top as an ick factor.

Over and over, I read about how this disease can be prevented by (1) wearing condoms and (2) not engaging in oral sex of any kind with a person who has a history of Herpes Type 2 or Herpes Simplex, which can also mutate into a STD. The trouble with Herpes is that while the majority of spreads are during its active phase, there are people who spread the disease by using unprotected sex who do not know they have the disease, because their case is mild. The case they pass along to a sex partner can be anything but mild.

I think Sweden's law requiring licensed sex servers to give condoms to their clients and calling it rape if the client does not comply and forces himself on the server is based on caring that humans do not spread the disease.

It is a scourge of today's peple, and millions of people apparently have this one, often through no fault of their own.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to say, one website claimed that 60% of infants who get the disease die near birth, and another 20% can suffer mental retardation.

Not a very good gift to the next generation, I'm here to say.

I started this informational poll because yesterday, I took a beating over saying Assange should face his charges in Sweden. It is not clear to me if this was because someone feels whistle-blowing gives the whistle-blower keys to the kingdom worldwide or not.

This thread is my way of fighting back myths about the lack of severity of the Swedish charges. They're not mild. Obeying the Swedish law to use protection can be deleterious to the future of that country, and the Swedes are good people who don't like to see trouble among their country's men and women caused by the neglect of anyone to abuse a Swedish citizen sexually. I hope there are questions answered and very soon.
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Treponema pallidum


Credits to sciencephotos

  • The Treponema are motile, helically coiled organisms having a corkscrew-like shape. They stain very poorly because their thickness approaches the resolution of the light microscope.
  • Treponema are delicate organisms requiring pH in the range 7.2 to 7.4, temperatures in the range 30°C to 37°C and a microaerophilic environment.
  • The structure of these organisms is somewhat different: the cells have a coating of glycosamino-glycans, which may be host-derived, and the outer membrane covers the three flagella that provide motility.
  • In addition, the cells have a high lipid content (cardiolipin, cholesterol), which is unusual for most bacteria. Cardiolipin elicits "Wassermann" antibodies that are diagnostic for syphilis.
  • Treponema possess a complex antigenic makeup that is difficult to determine because the organisms cannot be grown in vitro.
The information below is from Microbytes Video Library and includes a video showing the spirochetes of syphilis infecting tissues.

Syphilis is spread by mostly by sexual contact, except for congenital syphilis, which is spread from mother to fetus. Transmission by sexual contact requires exposure to moist lesions of skin or mucous membranes. As with many STDs, sexual promiscuity has resulted in an increase in syphilis during the last few decades. The symptoms of syphilis occur in three stages called primary, secondary and late:

  • The first sign of syphilis is a lesion known as a "chancre" (a clean, painless, indurated ulcer) which forms at the site of entry where the organism enters the body through the mucous membranes or breaks in the epithelium. Multiple chancres occur if more than one organism enters. The chancre lesions contain an initially local infection by the Treponeme. Common sites for the lesions include genitalia, rectum, urethra and mouth. The chancre, which may be accompanied by swollen glands, may last from one to five weeks, and may disappear by itself even if no treatment is received.
  • Approximately six weeks after the sore first appears, the second stage of the disease begins. The most common symptom during this stage is a rash, which may appear on any part of the body. Other symptoms may occur such as tiredness, fever, sore throat, headaches, hoarseness, loss of appetite, hair loss and swollen glands. These signs and symptoms will last two to six weeks and generally disappear in the absence of adequate treatment.
  • The third stage, called late syphilis (syphilis of over four years' duration), may involve illness in the skin, bones, central nervous system and heart. Untreated, syphilis can lead to destruction of soft tissue and bone, heart failure, blindness and a variety of other conditions which may be mild to incapacitating. Women with untreated syphilis may transmit the disease to unborn children, which can result in death or deformity of the child.
Syphilis remains infectious for a period of up to two years, possibly longer. Transmission of infection depends on the existence of infectious lesions (sores), which may or may not be visible. No natural immunity to syphilis develops and past infection offers no protection to future exposure. Syphilis is relatively easily treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, usually given as consecutive daily intramuscular injections. Patients who are allergic to penicillin may be treated with tetracycline. Fortunately, unlike other STDs such as gonorrhea, there is little evidence of antibiotic resistance developing in syphilis.
I've been scouring the web for the past three hours. Is anyone seeing why Sweden might be upset when people come in their country to take advantage of their tolerance for sexual prostitution and often a user unlawfully decides he doesn't have to obey their rules about using protection and that not doing so is considered in their unique society as rape?

I wrote a lot of papers on human health during my years studying human health and physical education. I can see from yesterday's debate at another thread, it is virtually impossible to get across the aggressive illness that an STD can be, and why it still exists.

Children who are raped by an adult who has the disease can contract an STD and have his future destroyed and damage future family babies who are at risk for contracting some STDs when they pass through the birth channel of an infected person, if they don't already have the disease contracted during their fetal stage, which is now known to happen due to better scientific tools to detect fetal diseases.

Since the most famous perpetrator of behaviors that result in passage of known or unknown STDs is fighting extradition to Sweden to face accusers, I think it would save human lives to attach his name to the law to give it the teeth that fighting STDs worldwide should have.

Does that make sense to anyone reading here? Please stand up and say so if you can. No confessions, please. I'm assuming others here are scholarly enough to understand what health care advocates have to know in order to function usefully to their fellows in society.

Also, if you haven't, please vote. I'm not requiring anyone to agree with me or even read the complex medical studies I pass along that mean everything to me, but may mean nothing to one who is not acquainted with scientific terminologies. I'm just trying to show my basis for why Mr. Assange should face his charges, and he should cut the crap with his attorneys trying to save him to damage America and other enemies of theirs with damaging information, and just go to Sweden, listen to and learn from his mistakes if he made one or provide absolute proof of his innocence if he didn't do what witnesses said he did to them.
One thing about microbiology its students learn in studying how people become ill is vector routes. Back when I was studying human illnesses in the late 70s and early 80s, when people took microbiology, disease-causing microbes were emphasized in the courses I took, and to learn how the disease infected people, you learn vector routes. I noticed in reading that lately, the infection Hepatitis B is now classified as an STD. I wondered how it could be and suspected it had to be about a vector route thought of in the fuzziest terms. I just can't recollect it being part of my text's major venereal diseases (the term we used before today's terminology STDs became more popular). Well, regardless, indeed, Hepatitis B, once notorious for being transmitted by needles shared by people sharing intravenous illegal drug administration, has also been found to have the vector route of semen and "other bodily fluids."

So if two people are using sterile needles, because one has Hepatitis B, the other is often horrified to learn that having unprotected sex with the other drug user was how he or she got the disease as well.

So Hepatitis B is an STD, and it's a pretty bad one.

Here's what a liver will look like if one is not treated for Hepatitis B he or she has contracted on a timely basis:


Credits at above link.

Hepatitis Transmission Risk to Fetus:

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) is caused in humans by one of 7 viruses (A, B, C, D, E) with the 2 additional F has not been confirmed as a distinct genotype; and G is a newly described flavivirus.
"All of these viruses can cause an acute disease with symptoms lasting several weeks including yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice); dark urine; extreme fatigue; nausea; vomiting and abdominal pain. It can take several months to a year to feel fit again." (CDC text).
Virus particles measure 42nm in overall diameter and contain a 27nm diameter DNA-based core.
Hepatitis Transmission Risk to the Fetus

Hepatitis A

  • Fetal transmission of virus occurs with extreme rarity.
Hepatitis B

  • Can occur as a consequence of intrapartum exposure, transplacental transmission, and breastfeeding.
  • 20%‚Äì30% of HBsAg-positive/HbeAg-negative women will transmit virus to their infants.
  • 90% of HBsAg- and HBeAg-positive women will transmit virus to their infants.
  • Immunoprophylaxis at birth with both HBIG and Hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth decreases the risk of transmission.
  • Passive (HBIG) and active immunization is 85-95% effective in preventing neonatal HBV infection.
Hepatitis C

  • The overall risk of transmission is approximately 2-6% with unknown maternal viral titers.
  • All pregnant women with HCV should have viral titers performed.
  • The placenta appears to act as an immunological organ providing antiviral protection against hepatitis C viral transmission in the majority of cases.[9]
Data Sources[10][11][12]

Fetal problems caused by Hepatitis transmission through an infected mother's blood: Congenital Hepatitis B - Causes, Symptoms, & FAQ


Most babies born with hepatitis B never develop symptoms, but the virus can still be causing internal damage to the liver.
If your child has symptoms, they may include the following:

  • jaundice
  • pain in the abdomen
  • dark urine
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea and vomiting
Long-term outlook

If your baby develops chronic hepatitis B, she may eventually require a course of antiviral medications or even a liver transplant. Children born with hepatitis B are also at greater risk for liver cancer and cirrhosis (scarring) later in life.

Unprotected sex is the greatest vector route of Hepatitis B infections. It's a pretty goddamned shitty thing to give the next generation IMO.

Stupid people who INSIST on having unprotected sex are likely to eventually contract Hepatits B as they criticize and mock people of faith who delay the gratification of sex until after marriage.

That's just what Julian Paul Assange risked on himself and at least two women in Sweden if their testimony means anything. And this genius is the one people bow down and worship when he walks down the street with his computer filled with sensitive information that demeans and destroys the stature of other nations in his hack-filled computer?

He is Australian. Is he working at the behest of the people of Australia to destroy their former ally in WWII? My Uncle Wimberly and Aunt Lorna were Australians. I hope Julian Paul Assange is NOT working for the Australian government and is NOT conspiring to destroy my country in this loose-cannon method.

That's why Assange has to go to Sweden and clear this little misunderstanding up.

Either he is YES or is not NO risking other people's lives and well being with his loose and illegal mores of forcing people he pays for sex to get it unprotected.

I hope he's innocent, but it isn't looking like it right now.

Sweden's case against Julian Paul Assange ~
Hepatitis B microbe is a virus It is bazillions of times smaller than a bacteria usually.

I see a couple of missing photos above, and apologize. I try to use public and royalty-free photos as much as possible when posting, but occasionally, one slips past me. Below are replacements for the ones missing above showing what hepatitis B looks like under the microscope. The first is from Wikipedia and shows what the organism appears in the only way they can see a virus, same as I saw back in microbiology class in the 80s, black and white from Wikipedia, which adds: "Hepatitis B virus is an hepadnavirus—hepa from hepatotropic (attracted to the liver) and dna because it is a DNA virus[12]—and it has a circular genome of partially double-stranded DNA. The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, which practice relates them to retroviruses.[13] Although replication takes place in the liver, the virus spreads to the blood where viral proteins and antibodies against them are found in infected people.[14]":


credits: Hepatitis B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will just give a verbal of the liver, since it showed 4 stages --the bright liver red-brown of a healthy liver, the anemic colored liver, the yellow liver with cirrhosis, and the light gray almost-dead liver full of necrotic cells delivering such an eyeful.
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Chlamydia is our next STD study in the ever-enlarging world of STDs, and 600,000,000 (six hundred million) people in the world are blinded on account of its deleterious effects.

This little lover wasn't worth the night of pleasure that brought it into someone's life. The disgusting details of its pathology are here: Chlamydia trachomatis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will just say when contracted, it hangs out in the genitals, the eyes, and the rectum. It is prevalant in the continent of Africa, but of course is not unknown here.]

It is another gram-negative bacteria, and I'll try to find a royalty-free use photo if I can:

Well, it ain't purty either, but here's some eye-openers to its effect on the human eye:

It is said to do its dirty work interstitially (between the cells), but no matter. It's hell on eyes, and it's sad when those eyes are born that way of ignorance of sex practitioners of STD knowledge.

This and cellular images are available at MicrobeWiki: Chlamydia trachomatis* - MicrobeWiki

Oh, yeah, and it can cause chronic pneumonia and urinary issues in both men and women, just a little difference in location of the plumbing. Arrrgh.

You know, if people obeyed Swedish law, they might not get this human anathema. The failure to use protection during sex with multiple partners would probably spare the world 80% of the STDs there are floating around. That roughly means there would only be 100 million people completely blind from this detritus of an organism waiting to spread itself around on the lust and passions of mankind.

And I hope Julian Paul Assange gets to go face his accusers for failure to comply with Swedish law.
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This little bugger, once thought just to be responsible for the itchies is now known not to be such a little problem. It is a pathogen that opens the door to disease for anyone who has HIV to invite it to becocme full-blown AIDs, and it also invites in other STDs with faster delivery to people who might otherwise be able to fight off a few organisms. That'd be all other STDs listed above, and more.

I was looking up why it causes low birth rates in infants, and from 4 sites, it is not clear to me why that is, except one said it causes early termination of the pregnancy.

The really bad part of "Trich" as it is known popularly is that 50% of the women who contract it have no symptoms, and men contracting the organism may have a light case as well, though any partner with a reaction to this little varmint that may come complete strawberry lesions on genitalia or inside urinary tubes.

Today's portal bacteria or virus could well be tomorrow's doom for some unsuspecting receiver where the nearest physician could be 400 miles away. It is 80% preventable by conventional methods, and 100% preventable by abstinence.

I've seen people with strong religious convictions about sundry sexual issues hammered on this website by near-militant crusaders who claim religion is a dinosaur. What these baby geniuses do not know and may not be willing to face is that religion throughout the ages took a stand for human practices most likely to produce health, and their societies became successful by promoting health practices and believing in something better and greater than disease-riddled lives.

So if you're a charter anti-religion anarchist, I suggest you study a little harder on health issues and decide for yourself on percentages of illness in abstinence before marriage as protection for one's partner and free-love, which practically guarantees future misery of one kind or another, particularly if an antibiotic-resistant strain is contracted from someone who took antibiotics irregularly and caused a handful of organisms to survive, made resistant by improper knowledge of how to avert a microbial infection by taking his prescription according to a good doctor's recommendation and not the victim of a pharmaceutical organization doing sloppy work.

Since there are many factors in health, the only tried-and-true preventative for all these problems caused by STDs is abstention, and that isn't easy when youthful persons go through adolescent with hormones aflame. It also is blocked when a virginal child is raped, touched inappropriately with unsterilized hands, or if played with with dirty or used sex toys by someone who thinks "teaching" a minor about sex is "doing him a favor for the future."

Stupid people do stupid things. *sigh*

Trich is a flagellated protozoan, and it gets around in fluids.

Those so willing to spread around this common cold of an STD have zero idea the torment it is in human society, being that it is a vector's vector.

Oh, yeah, and while I'm editing typos, if I were a Swedish health minister at this time I'd be madder than a hell hatter at STUPID Wikileaker and unprotected studmuffin Julian Paul Assange
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It seems to me the Rubber Room would be a good fit for this thread.
Feel free to go there anytime, kind sir. I was flamed the other day over my opinions, and I am simply stating them more in the scientific terms intelligent people understand better than ad hominem attacks on fellow posters when some types of evidence are spurned by doubting Thomases.


photo credits wordpress

Besides, I haven't even gotten to HIV yet. :rolleyes:
I'm considering a post pregnancy rogues gallery of pathology as well.
I forgot how sickening it is to see an infant that is malformed because of a parent' habits prior to fertilization, during, after, not to mention delivery through mother's milk. STDs are a complex group; they're the foreign diseases of human sexual health, and they're striking too many people these days because they're either ignorant or just plain old nasty mean bastards so full of themselves they think of no one else, including posterity. That has got to go because it is the least civil behavior known to modern man.
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It seems to me the Rubber Room would be a good fit for this thread.
Oh, and one other thing: I'm tired. Would you care to look up Chancroid and spill the beans on its particulars? HIV is going to take a long time because it was only a pandemic problem beginning around 1979. I'll take that one on. Chancroid is a little sickening, but it's a lot shorter.
It seems to me the Rubber Room would be a good fit for this thread.
Oh, and one other thing: I'm tired. Would you care to look up Chancroid and spill the beans on its particulars? HIV is going to take a long time because it was only a pandemic problem beginning around 1979. I'll take that one on. Chancroid is a little sickening, but it's a lot shorter.

Would you care to look up whether Assange actually gave anybody an STD?
It seems to me the Rubber Room would be a good fit for this thread.
Oh, and one other thing: I'm tired. Would you care to look up Chancroid and spill the beans on its particulars? HIV is going to take a long time because it was only a pandemic problem beginning around 1979. I'll take that one on. Chancroid is a little sickening, but it's a lot shorter.

Would you care to look up whether Assange actually gave anybody an STD?
A judge once asked a jury, "Who is more guilty? The man who ran a stop sign when drunk and killed 4 teenagers, or the man who ran the same stop sign when drunk a week later and killed no one but was stopped for his mistake."

Whether Assange actually gave anybody he raped an STD is irrelevant.

The principle of my argument is he behaved in a way in which STDs are passed and he offended Swedish laws passed to protect women and men engaged in a trade that is accepted in their society.

Because men behave recklessly and without thought for others places others at risk.

It's a no-no.

If the behavior is eliminated in society because the law says it's a no-no, millions of lives will be saved per year; millions of people will not be blinded; millions of people will not succumb to pneumonia. You would know this if you read my posts.

I actually admire your principles, it's just that I'm a mean ol' mama lion who can't stand to see a little child born with wide-spaced eyes who is sentenced to a nothing of a life under the constant supervision of others who may not be sympathetic to her inability to remember what was just said to her.

And I'm stickin' here until I am proved that it's quite proper to cause pathogens to prosper in a cold cruel world where childrens' lives are at the behest of some thoughtless man's spastic lifestyle.
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Oh, and one other thing: I'm tired. Would you care to look up Chancroid and spill the beans on its particulars? HIV is going to take a long time because it was only a pandemic problem beginning around 1979. I'll take that one on. Chancroid is a little sickening, but it's a lot shorter.

Would you care to look up whether Assange actually gave anybody an STD?
A judge once asked a jury, "Who is more guilty? The man who ran a stop sign when drunk and killed 4 teenagers, or the man who ran the same stop sign when drunk a week later and killed no one but was stopped for his mistake."

Whether Assange actually gave anybody he raped an STD is irrelevant.

The principle of my argument is he behaved in a way in which STDs are passed and he offended Swedish laws passed to protect women and men engaged in a trade that is accepted in their society.

Because men behave recklessly and without thought for others places others at risk.

It's a no-no.

If the behavior is eliminated in society because the law says it's a no-no, millions of lives will be saved per year; millions of people will not be blinded; millions of people will not succumb to pneumonia. You would know this if you read my posts.

I actually admire your principles, it's just that I'm a mean ol' mama lion who can't stand to see a little child born with wide-spaced eyes who is sentenced to a nothing of a life under the constant supervision of others who may not be sympathetic to her inability to remember what was just said to her.

And I'm stickin' here until I am proved that it's quite proper to cause pathogens to prosper in a cold cruel world where childrens' lives are at the behest of some thoughtless man's spastic lifestyle.

Oh I see, you're just making it up.

Like I said, this belongs in the Rubber Room.
Would you care to look up whether Assange actually gave anybody an STD?
A judge once asked a jury, "Who is more guilty? The man who ran a stop sign when drunk and killed 4 teenagers, or the man who ran the same stop sign when drunk a week later and killed no one but was stopped for his mistake."

Whether Assange actually gave anybody he raped an STD is irrelevant.

The principle of my argument is he behaved in a way in which STDs are passed and he offended Swedish laws passed to protect women and men engaged in a trade that is accepted in their society.

Because men behave recklessly and without thought for others places others at risk.

It's a no-no.

If the behavior is eliminated in society because the law says it's a no-no, millions of lives will be saved per year; millions of people will not be blinded; millions of people will not succumb to pneumonia. You would know this if you read my posts.

I actually admire your principles, it's just that I'm a mean ol' mama lion who can't stand to see a little child born with wide-spaced eyes who is sentenced to a nothing of a life under the constant supervision of others who may not be sympathetic to her inability to remember what was just said to her.

And I'm stickin' here until I am proved that it's quite proper to cause pathogens to prosper in a cold cruel world where childrens' lives are at the behest of some thoughtless man's spastic lifestyle.

Oh I see, you're just making it up.

Like I said, this belongs in the Rubber Room.
You're fishing the whopper waters, fella. You go to the Rubber Room if you like. I'm staying right here and fighting I.D.I.O.T. celebrities who think their notoriety and fame earns them the right to treat the little people bad.

I'm tattling on what Mr. Anti-America Assange is accused of doing when he visited Sweden by at least two women making separate and independent charges for the same Swedish crime. It's a crime to force a woman to engage in unprotected sex in Sweden when authorities know each one services many. Sweden is just protecting their citizens. They're sovereign in their part of the Baltic Sea. I've been there in the last 4 years. They have one of the most beautiful (and dangerous) port systems in the world, and they sent safety boats to bring our ship safely in to Stockholm's fabulous port and city. What nice people they are. Their stories and sea lore are totally fabulous, and we got to go to the Wasa Museum to see a ship that was lost for 400 years and perfectly preserved in a dangerous area we were navigated through by seasoned seamen of Sweden. The ship had carvings that dated back to the 17th century when the ship sunk on her maiden voyage.

The Swedes are very kind clever, and fit people. They put the C in "Classy" What else can I say? I support their intelligent and thought-based laws.

It's too bad Mr. Assange was so aggressive and arrogant in his sick behaviors while there. He will not get a free pass from the microbiology part of me that often shakes her head in disbelief of the public in matters of cleanliness, health, and good living practices.

No passes for the arrogant tyrant Mr. Assange that information made out of him. He has to face the sour little pieces of music he played that put women at risk for no reason. Unprotected sex accounts for 95% of the passing of bloodcurdling STDs between partners. Civilized people just don't do that because their education in caring won't let them.
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A judge once asked a jury, "Who is more guilty? The man who ran a stop sign when drunk and killed 4 teenagers, or the man who ran the same stop sign when drunk a week later and killed no one but was stopped for his mistake."

Whether Assange actually gave anybody he raped an STD is irrelevant.

The principle of my argument is he behaved in a way in which STDs are passed and he offended Swedish laws passed to protect women and men engaged in a trade that is accepted in their society.

Because men behave recklessly and without thought for others places others at risk.

It's a no-no.

If the behavior is eliminated in society because the law says it's a no-no, millions of lives will be saved per year; millions of people will not be blinded; millions of people will not succumb to pneumonia. You would know this if you read my posts.

I actually admire your principles, it's just that I'm a mean ol' mama lion who can't stand to see a little child born with wide-spaced eyes who is sentenced to a nothing of a life under the constant supervision of others who may not be sympathetic to her inability to remember what was just said to her.

And I'm stickin' here until I am proved that it's quite proper to cause pathogens to prosper in a cold cruel world where childrens' lives are at the behest of some thoughtless man's spastic lifestyle.

Oh I see, you're just making it up.

Like I said, this belongs in the Rubber Room.
You're fishing the whopper waters, fella. You go to the Rubber Room if you like. I'm staying right here and fighting I.D.I.O.T. celebrities who think their notoriety and fame earns them the right to treat the little people bad.

I'm tattling on what Mr. Anti-America Assange is accused of doing when he visited Sweden by at least two women making separate and independent charges for the same Swedish crime. It's a crime to force a woman to engage in unprotected sex in Sweden when authorities know each one services many. Sweden is just protecting their citizens. They're sovereign in their part of the Baltic Sea. I've been there in the last 4 years. They have one of the most beautiful (and dangerous) port systems in the world, and they sent safety boats to bring our ship safely in to Stockholm's fabulous port and city. What nice people they are. Their stories and sea lore are totally fabulous, and we got to go to the Wasa Museum to see a ship that was lost for 400 years and perfectly preserved in a dangerous area we were navigated through by seasoned seamen of Sweden. The ship had carvings that dated back to the 17th century when the ship sunk on her maiden voyage.

The Swedes are very kind clever, and fit people. They put the C in "Classy" What else can I say? I support their intelligent and thought-based laws.

It's too bad Mr. Assange was so aggressive and arrogant in his sick behaviors while there. He will not get a free pass from the microbiology part of me that often shakes her head in disbelief of the public in matters of cleanliness, health, and good living practices.

No passes for the arrogant tyrant Mr. Assange that information made out of him. He has to face the sour little pieces of music he played that put women at risk for no reason. Unprotected sex accounts for 95% of the passing of bloodcurdling STDs between partners. Civilized people just don't do that because their education in caring won't let them.

You make up some nonsense about std's, and refuse to acknowledge that Assange has not been charged with any crime, and I'm fishing the whopper waters?
You make up some nonsense about std's, and refuse to acknowledge that Assange has not been charged with any crime, and I'm fishing the whopper waters?
You're the one who said I was the second grader, requerda usted? (IOW, "Don't you remember?") Since good human health and related issues of a caring nature for other people is the light under my fire, I'm not surprised it is the ball and chain of your little dungeon in which celebrities believing their behaviors are law over boring national ones, I thought I'd delve into the meat behind the Swedish Law and why observing it is so salient to this case of Mr. Assange's detention in the UK until the court makes its decision. You can better believe that Europe, having seen plagues, invasions, train bombings by religious takeover fanatics, and mores explosions of one type or another are honing in on why Swedes, with their gentle society of egalitarianism and nonjudgmental ways are requiring men to use condoms when engaging in exploiting the world's oldest profession for youthful pleasure and stimulation.

There are parameters to worry-free sex, and all of them have to do with preserving human health for the most people. Otherwise, the future of the kind of people who live in and run Sweden will be limited to prodigy protected by men placing their daughters into chastity belts until they marry at a very early age to keep venereal disease out of royal lines to keep the rates of mental illness and deformities away from their families who need all of their faculties to rule other people.

Since they wish to minimize this risk in Sweden, they just passed a law protecting vulnerable women exploited by infected foreigners engaging in one-night stands who feel freedom means taking women they pay by brutal force rather than protecting Sweden's future posterity by healthful practice in this situational mode of living.

From what I've seen, men around these parts are now using atheism as their excuse for dissing religious people whose practice is monogamy for religions grounded in just plain good sense about the deformities, blindness, illnesses, and death that result as the consequence of unprotected barbarism in sexually deviant practices.

That will bring upon them and their prodigy (willing or not) deformities, madness, and other diseases civilized people would not want foisted on their own young.

So freedom has its consequences, whether we like it or not. The freedom to live in a licentious way is the demanded choice of atheists who just want to get laid every night with a different lady who is brainwashed into thinking this is the ticket to social acceptance by men. If 10% of the population has Trichomoniasis vaginalis, 365 lays with different women who agree to have unprotected sex with one of these studs, he is 100% likely (rounding off the .0001% chance he will not contract the invasive specie aka Trich), and let's say he contracts it on December 31 with another year of 365 lays ahead of him, he will be spreading the disease around to another 365 women. If all of them are paid prostitutes with an average of 20 services per week, it doesn't take much math to conclude that with everyone doing it, there will not be enough money leftover to raise families, there will be a propensity to alter books to reduce taxes from a more-and-more needful government determined to protect its people.

The health costs will be the only dominant influence in such a country.

So for pragmatic purposes, governments tolerating everybody's mores and beliefs that sex should be exploited pleasurably on an animal basis, the only prodigy of that society will have a mathematical propensity of 100% to be born with the disease organism that tells other disease organisms "come hither, you're welcome inside here."

A few more diseases thrown into the broth means a high percentile of live births will be experienced by blind infants and mothers too sick to care for them. It goes on and on exponentially from there.

Somebody has to set their foot down and say "enough." Primitive human beings didn't have microscopes, but they knew screwing around in certain circles brought illnesses home, and they developed smarter mechanisms to cope with this problem. That's how morality evolved.

With improved medicine, a huge sector of human beings have developed a strategy to escape the moral code with the backup of modern medicine.

When a disease popped up in a significant population in 1979, half its victims initially died within 3 years after long drawn out battles with formerly diseases that had a small death rate since they were so rare. Aids brought several cancers into a virulence that frightened medical researchers doing autopsies on the disease-riddled people. It was HIV. Now, they can even extend the life using medicines developed in all sorts of ways ignored by Peta who have become an organization revitalized by getting rid of morally religious people on account of their omnivorous eating habits, but ignore their immoral killing of little animals bred to warehouse cures for the venereal diseases their brother atheists demand to stay well.

All this costs a lot more money than abstinence, and those who engage in illicit sexual practices want somebody else to pay for their pleasure, because they actually cannot afford it on a mundane work-a-day salary or even a generous inheritance, which their allies in takeover governments also prey on in order to raise money for free medical services including abortions and freebie sex toys as part of their psychological well-being. Moral people are footing the bill for people who don't work to have every convenience once only had by the super-rich, and politicians aren't telling the truth as to why they must demand other people to foot the bill for what was once called heathen behaviors, but threats from populous states demand euphemistic names to encourage their intrusion into people's paychecks for everything on earth that they have through obnoxious taxes.

That quite effectively eliminates "the American dream," "every man his own castle," private enterprise, the passage of a family business from one family to its next generation, and other very American staple practices for 250 years, now being nixed by the atheists with hellfire and damnation against any semblance of Christianity or its defense. The hatred is profuse, far-reaching, adapted by schools as teaching mechanisms for eliminating family ties that remind them of what my generation thought was the right and moral thing to do.

"Can a man freely spread egregious diseases onto working women for his payment?" That's what this Assange hearing is all about. It's about the focus of the modern world with its new super drugs and medicine now credited with saving a specie that didn't need saving when it merely practiced limiting sexual pleasure to the parameters of a one-man, one-woman union also once known as holy matrimony.

The outcome of the Assange hearing has a lot more to do with whether a man can tear off a woman's panties and have his way with her right there on the spot, exposing her to his sexual exploits possibly over years where he has contracted antigens to many diseases, or was it just an untimely fluke where a man got carried away with only two beautiful women he thought he could screw without wearing a condom?

I really don't know where this will go, Mr. Kennedy. I've tried not to incorporate my old-fashioned girl mores and simply look at the issue from a health standpoint. Governments looking to save everybody in the country from a life of harm need to look on invasive diseases if they are planning their own ruin ahead of time. Just read my above posts! Millions of lives are damaged every year by a pandemic of sexual behaviors solicited by the atheists who are now arming themselves against "backward" Christian people, and they're using sundry tolerant political entities to have their way with freebie government pie that OTHER people pay for. They're too busy screwing around to even have a job, so they solicit physicians who will sign a paper saying that they are ill and need public assistance.

All in the name of "free love."

Do you see why I am pursuing what is to me an unwise turn of events in humanity's behaviors?

Yet you accused me of being a second-grader because I stand by my beliefs backed by scientific study into the microcosms of human pathologies, you just didn't realize it because I try to keep my speech colloquial when I can so I can be part of human social groups I like, my church being one of them, and my hobby sisters being another.

Now, come, be a good sport. You do chancroid as I requested above. That will leave me time to do the heavy hitting on the big boy diseases like HIV and still do my disciplined quota of quilt tops for the abuse shelter children who arrive damaged by their parent's broken relationships when one of them prefers drugs or group sex to a boring marriage-and-children scenario all his friends are rejecting in order to live a different lifestyle that will free them from having to wipe snotty noses, poopy butts, listening to whining about other children, and the other crazy-makers of young life that all children go through and have no one but parents to help them out.

Alternative lifestyles aren't kind to already-existing children before or after they are born.

Just sayin'. :eusa_whistle:

Not too pretty.

It comes from having unprotected sex with a carrier of the disease who may not be showing full-term Granuloma inguinale.

It's common in regions north of Australia, namely New guinea and other areas in the vicinity.

Oddly, that's not far from Julian Paul Assange's old stomping grounds. :eek:

See why the Swedes are concerned, anyone?

More info and photo credits for Grauloma inguinale: MoonDragon's ObGyn Womens Health Information: Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis)

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