Julian Assange Tells Hannity DNC Email "DID NOT COME FROM A STATE ACTOR"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
Just heard on Hannity, in an interview with Julian Assange recorded during his radio show today. Assage said he was breaking with his usual silence on sources because of the misinformation being put out. When Hannity tried to narrow down a possible source Assange refused further comment.

So when are the regressives going to give up on the FAKE Russia angle?
there's no reason to believe the alt-left will ever let it go. they're still disgruntled about the soviets leaving them hanging after the cold war ended. they're bitter commies who never got the revolution they've always dreamed of.
Just heard on Hannity, in an interview with Julian Assange recorded during his radio show today. Assage said he was breaking with his usual silence on sources because of the misinformation being put out. When Hannity tried to narrow down a possible source Assange refused further comment.

So when are the regressives going to give up on the FAKE Russia angle?

It will be played until something else comes along. ;)
Just heard on Hannity, in an interview with Julian Assange recorded during his radio show today. Assage said he was breaking with his usual silence on sources because of the misinformation being put out. When Hannity tried to narrow down a possible source Assange refused further comment.

So when are the regressives going to give up on the FAKE Russia angle?

It will be played until something else comes along. ;)

Yep, they just can't admit they nominated a loser.
He was very careful to not name names. He stated previously that Russia had nothing to do with the Podesta emails in his unique, subtle style. He made the exception with Hannity because of the significance of the MSM/democrat campaign of lies.

Now that everyone who has a brain knows "Russia did not hack the election" in any shape of form despite the MSM (the fake news networks like CNN and MSNBC) effort to conflate that vague idea with the actual issue as to who provided the Podesta emails to Wikileaks. Since Russia did not provide Wikileaks with the emails, this phase of the MSM campaign to undermine the election of The Donald will fizzle out like the recount ridiculousness. Is the MSM/democrat establishment done? Absolutely not. As suggested, they have to have other things "come along" to try to sabotage the Presidency of The Donald and will activity make shit up to do so. The retarded Kenyan douchebag threatening Russia on false info might lead to another Iraq with featured another retard, George Bush 43, who used false info as a basis for military action.

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