Judy Emerson: "This Time the Majority Lost Needlessly!" (and my response)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
From Judy Emerson longtime workers rights and public radio activist, among other key roles in the progressive peace and justice community:

& i'm Not talkin' about HRC's majority of votes vs. the Electoral College total!!!!!
Hillary, the Super Delegates, & the DNC were so insistent in stopping #Bernie -- #ATrueChampionOfThePeople!!!!! -- in the primaries that they/we Lost a Golden Opportunity
to Grow Dem Support via All the Disillusioned Americans who eventually voted for Trump.

Actually, the Majority Always Loses - The 99% Always Gets Screwed by the 1%!!!!!
& THIS TIME i'm sure we coulda Evened Up the Odds a Bunch!!!!!
But the political party that's Supposed to Be On The Side of We-The-People Turned the Screws.
Yeah, now even us white folk are beginning to realize just how
Blacks & Latinos & Undocumented Workers have felt ... FOREVER!!!!!


MY RESPONSE to JUDY UU and Progressive Peace and Justice/Public Radio Community:

Dear Judy:

Because so many people and parties KNOW we are not represented in the top branches of govt,

We NOW have a golden opportunity to knit our parties together and form a coalition that
WILL represent us proportionally by party.

Before, as long as Democrats were in office, everyone leaned on them
and nobody organized resources to work independently.

Now we have no choice.

I say we organize the Greens, progressive Dems and other Peace and Justice
Socialist/communist workers and independents, then go through KPFT
and organize with similar networks in CA around KPFA and KPFK (Oakland/LA).

Also WBAI in NY.

That's enough, I have friends with Libertarian, Tea Party, and both
Christian and Constitutionalist groups who want to check govt against abuses.

We may not agree on solutions yet, but if we stand together and say NO
to unconstitutional overreaches of govt, people will listen when ALL our
party reps are signing on to the NO to Congress Courts or Executive Orders
that don't carry our consent as we the people.

As for dealing with where parties disagree,

I can see TX and CA leading the way with SEPARATING funding/taxes
by party. Set up the Fed in Dallas for REP taxes to go pay for vets and VA reform out of the military budget; and use the Fed bank in Houston for DEM taxes to go for education, health care and social services we'd rather pay for than waste billions killing people in prisons and wars leaving no resources for life and health.

We can cover all the costs by delegating our taxes,*
such as checking an option on our tax forms.

We can propose for TX to be the test model for the nation.

I think we can do this.

The DEMS want right to health care, prochoice, and no death penalty.
the GOP wants right to life, no abortion, and paying for vets not welfare.

We can lobby both parties to revise laws to give us a choice,
and divide social spending by party so we can organize democratically
within our own ranks per state, how we want to prioritize and manage programs and benefits.

If we don't agree, we can split off proportionally again,
and let Greens and Libertarians manage a % share of taxes for their members and leaders.

This can be done by state.

It's about time, don't you think?

Proportional representation by party
and proportional taxation.

YOUR feedback please: any links, contacts, groups ready to roll.
please post or start a group to organize per party, per state, per issue.
let's do this.

* delegating taxes proportionally per party per state, so CA can fund their nationalized
programs along with DEMS in red states who agree to pool their taxes there,
and not require splitting off states from the union by forcing one plan for all.

let taxpayers and party members organize as much as possible locally, then statewide
and nationally, and let Congress address what is agreed to delegate to federal govt.

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